If you like these notes, please visit "The Adventurers' Club".

Monday, December 31, 2012

don't you think

If you were able to look back at your most brilliant successes, stunning comebacks, amazing catches, and smokin' ideas, Laurel, and you were to find that virtually all of them seemed to materialize out of thin air, when you least expected them, and that they had exceeded even your greatest expectations at the time, how excited would you be about the new year and whatever else I've got up my sleeve?
Hubba, hubba -
    The Universe

If I've ever helped you before, Laurel, don't you think I can do it again... and again... and again... ad infinitum? Actually, it ought to be even easier next time, with your new saunter.

Friday, December 28, 2012

You don't have to understand

You don't have to understand all that happens, figure out every twist in the plot, or even know why the winds sometimes blow as they do, Laurel, to grasp that I do, I have, and that ultimately each and every story has a fairytale ending.
I wasn't born under a truck, you know.
    The Universe

Meanwhile, Laurel, long, long ago, you were entrusted with an editor's pen, of sorts, so if you'd like to write in the margins, take center stage, or just doodle, I'll guarantee you there'll be readers.

Thursday, December 27, 2012


Actually, Laurel, while I don't mean to burst your bubble, it's pretty much just you who thinks you're awake right now. You see, we're all still sitting on that little patch of grass, in utter paradise, under the ancient oak in your favorite meadow by the sea. And at the moment, you're practicing your new in-body-experience technique as you doze in and out of trance on your silky, swaying, hummingbird-powered hammock.
You're so cute,
    The Universe

I didn't want to be the one to tell you, Laurel, honest, but you were starting to sing that "choo, choo..." song again, between giggling and snort-laughing.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Behind the eyes of every child

Laurel, no matter what your faith is, or is not, no matter where in the world you are, I want you to know, even as you read these words, I'm with you. Behind the eyes of every child, and in the melody of every song. I'm the glimmer in the ice crystals, the rays in the sun, and the stars at night. And with each smile you see, every hug you receive and every laugh you hear, I'll be there, reaching out through another, with blessing and good wishes...... And all of this because I love you, because I've always loved you, and because I always will. And because this has been true, and will be true, every day of your life, holidays or not.
Tally-ho, ho, ho -
    The Universe

Happy everything to you Laurel, to your family, and to every single wonderful, radiant Being in your shimmering, enlightened sphere.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the 'hood,
not a creature was stirring, it was as quiet as wood.

When all of a sudden as I was counting some sheep,
the dogs went ballistic and kept me from sleep.

Now Baxter, now Khan, I said in a rage,
if you don't keep it down you'll be sent to your cage!

But the barking continued, then they scratched at the floor,
and I began to wonder what could make them so sore.

So I gathered my courage, and spied through the doors,
and you'll never believe what gave chase on all fours....

HAPPY, HAPPY HOLIDAYS, Dearest Laurel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Laurel, you're the GREATEST!

Monday, December 24, 2012

This is the time of year

If it's not yet obvious to you, the real reason for this, and all seasons, is you, Laurel. A more perfect child of the Universe has never lived. Until now, only celebrations cloaked in myth and mystery could hint at your divine heritage and sacred destiny. You are life's prayer of becoming and its answer. The first light at the dawn of eternity, drawn from the ether, so that I might know my own depth, discover new heights, and revel in seas of blessed emotion.
A pioneer into illusion, an adventurer into the unknown, and a lifter of veils. Courageous, heroic, and exalted by legions in the unseen.

To give beyond reason, to care beyond hope, to love without limit; to reach, stretch, and dream, in spite of your fears. These are the hallmarks of divinity - traits of the immortal - your badges of honor. May you wear them with a pride as great as what we feel for you.
Your light has illuminated darkened paths, your gaze has lifted broken spirits, and already your life has changed the course of history.

This is the time of year we celebrate Laurel Stone.
Bowing before Greatness,
    The Universe

Laurel, 2013 is going to be remember as your "Break Out" year... Mine too!

Friday, December 21, 2012

In all things

In all things, Laurel, always and forever, simply wish the best for all involved, without stating what you think that is.
And then, whatever does happen, no matter what happens, know that it was.
All the best,
    The Universe

Because you're always heard, Laurel, and because the best for everyone is my only speed.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Happy Hallelujah

Haven't all the years you've spent being Santa Claus, Laurel, been more fun than all the years you spent waiting for Santa Claus?

And not just for the joy you've helped place on your favorite faces, but for your ability to act instead of wait. Acting makes the suspense bearable. It gives you a starring role. Time passes more quickly. And best of all, it makes possible your dance with life as you network and mingle with other dancers.

And so it is in all things, Laurel, especially those dreams that have placed their trust in you... act, don't wait.
Happy Hallelujah, Santa Claus!
    The Universe

Just caring about one of my favorite faces, Laurel.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Oh yeah

In poll after poll, Laurel, we've discovered that perhaps the very best thing about being truly enlightened is possessing that rapturous feeling of wanting to explode out of your skin with absolute joy, letting rip a couple of those "Oh yeah, Momma, Hallelujah!"s, yet being able to effortlessly contain yourself, without expressing so much as a hint of your ecstasy around those who just wouldn't understand.
Just thought you'd like to know.

Oh yeah, Momma, Hallelujah!
    The Universe

Oh, the secrets of illumination... what a trip, huh, Laurel?

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

You will live forever.

You   will   live   forever.
You   will   live   forever.
Laurel, you   will   live   forever.
Kind of puts everything else into perspective, huh?
    The Universe

Laurel, do you have any idea of how many more, "Ah-ha!!"s, "Eureka!!"s, and "Whatever did I do to deserve so much?!"s you have to look forward to?

Monday, December 17, 2012

your life's purpose...

Here's a hint on figuring out your life's purpose...
Laurel, it almost never lies behind the doors marked, "Be Practical," "Get Real," or "Nothing to Fear"!
    The Universe

Laurel, just busy yourself doing what you most want, among the choices now before you, and before long your life's purpose will find you.

Friday, December 14, 2012

"That's all?"

A "Holiday Shopping" tip from your friend, the Universe:
During the merriment of your retail adventures, Laurel, should you ever have to ask the clerk, "How much?" always follow their reply with raised eyebrows, a slight gasp, and a disbelieving, "That's all?"
Santa's watching,
    The Universe

And when leaving, Laurel, whether or not you make a purchase, don't forget to saunter.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Here's a fun game

Here's a fun game to play, Laurel, whenever you want to be even more amazing:
Let the shortcomings of others inspire you to work on your own.
Love, love -
    The Universe

Ok, lovely day, huh, Laurel?

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Give more hugs

Finally, Laurel, the Official Top Ten Spiritual Ways to Defeat Boredom, Make Friends, Find Love, Trim Down, Shape Up, Discover Your Purpose, Make a Fortune, and Shine Your Light, are...

1. Take action.
2. Show up.
3. Lean into it.
4. Start anywhere.
5. Keep busy.
6. Get out more.
7. Ask for help.
8. Shake more hands.
9. Give more hugs.
10. Don't stop.

You were already visualizing, right?
    The Universe

Especially, Laurel, give more hugs.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

…BIG dividends!

Thoughtfulness, Laurel, pays big dividends.
In more ways than one,
    The Universe

It's actually the name of your game, Laurel. Not, as some have speculated, the Hokey-Pokey.

Monday, December 10, 2012


Laurel, no one ever said you have to always be reasonable.
I'm not,
    The Universe

Nor practical, prudent, or perfect, Laurel. Yeehaa!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Operative words

If you frequently give yourself permission to doodle, wander, and be totally unproductive, Laurel, and you actually relish such interludes, I can guarantee that your genius, creativity, and productivity will increase exponentially.
I've seen it happen a billion times.
Through the roof,
    The Universe

Operative words, Laurel, were "frequently," "permission," and "relish"; does not work with "stingily," "regret," and "guilt."

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Ask with love

Ask with love, Laurel, and their answer may surprise you.
"Hi, it's Love and I..."
    The Universe

Yet whatever their answer, Laurel, be happy, and this may surprise them.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Have you noticed

Have you noticed, Laurel, how people always outgrow their problems?
Well, at least you have.
And they will, eventually.
    The Universe

Which kind of means, Laurel, they weren't really problems to begin with... nor are they.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Don't worry. Be happy.

Just because learning never ends, Laurel, doesn't mean there are any such things as "mistakes."
Because no matter how things appear, you live in a world where everything that happens makes everyone more, forever and ever.
    The Universe

You haven't made any mistakes, Laurel, nor will you. Don't worry. Be happy. Laugh often.

Monday, December 3, 2012


To perpetually receive, Laurel, perpetually give.
Whatever you want,
    The Universe

To perpetually give, Laurel, perpetually receive. Really.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Be happy now

Peculiarly, Laurel, did you know that the single most effective piece of advice ever given to anyone who wanted a life partner, is the exact same single most effective piece of advice ever given to anyone who wanted to live in prosperity?!

Which also happens to be the single most effective piece of advice ever given to anyone who wished to discover their purpose, foster peace on earth, improve their health, or dance Gangnam Style?!

"Be happy now." Whoop! Whoop!
    The Universe

Assume the riding position, Laurel...

Thursday, November 29, 2012


There is no problem, conflict, challenge, grievance, symptom, twitch, spasm, ache or pain, dear Laurel - not even those you attribute to external causes - that cannot be spontaneously solved, relieved, or overcome by seeing what you have not yet allowed yourself to see.
That's why you have them, after all.
    The Universe

It really will set you free, Laurel, the truth. Dancing sometimes helps too...

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Dream really BIG

You were built to believe, designed to receive, and born to go where no one ever has.
Dream. Dream really BIG now, Laurel.
Behold, a light...
    The Universe

Your entire life is choreographed for joy, Laurel. Good thing you have my rhythm.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Tests, Laurel, are what you passed to get into time and space.
There are no tests once you arrive.
    The Universe

Yeah, sorry, Laurel, meant to tell you that eons ago.

Monday, November 26, 2012


Basically, Laurel, change comes from thinking thoughts you've never thought before and showing up to meet them down streets you've never walked before.
You ready for some firsts? Are you?
    The Universe

Didn't you know I yodeled, Laurel?

Friday, November 23, 2012

no such thing….

Laurel, there's no such thing as too much gratitude. Because the more of it you express, the more reasons you'll be given to express it.
Sure beats Twister,
    The Universe

And as the "game" progresses, Laurel, you can rest assured that I will always "win," always outdoing you with even more new reasons...

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thank you

Two of the most powerful words in the English language for bringing about change, Laurel, are "thank you." Especially when offered before the change even occurs and everything still looks pretty much like it did yesterday.
You'll have to think of something to say afterwards on your own.
Hubba, hubba -
    The Universe

Thank you, Laurel.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Do not think of red

Laurel, for 10 seconds please do not think of the color red... not even quickly. Do not think of red. Laurel!
OK, so, happily red is cool and we weren't talking about anything you don't want, don't need, or don't like.
World peace rocks and so does being rich -
    The Universe

Attention brought to a certain something, Laurel, will tend to manifest that certain something, even if you didn't want it, need it, or like it.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Of all people

So very much can happen, Laurel, in a lifetime, or even on a single day of any lifetime. Yet I can assure you that whatever has or will happen in yours, no matter what chasms you cross, heights you scale, or how many people you love and are loved by, when all is said and done and you take that final look over your shoulder, what will humble you the very most, will be that you got to be Laurel Stone.
Of all people,
    The Universe

Just think, I got to be me, Laurel, and you! And I so loved the part when I, as you, got to have more money than I need and begin saving....

Monday, November 19, 2012

Love yourself

Your mere presence has always been enough, dear Laurel, for the birds to sing, the waves to roll, and the sun to shine... so why do you ever feel you should be more?
Love yourself as we love you,
    The Universe

Do you really think they sing, roll, and shine for everyone, Laurel, the way they do for you? Really?

Sunday, November 18, 2012

10,000 workarounds

Anger is always a signal from your higher self, Laurel, that it's time for a reality check.
    The Universe

Because, Laurel, there are at least 10,000 workarounds, beginning with new perspectives or new friends... and probably ending somewhere near bowling or chess.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

No messy rope burns!

Laurel, letting go is always easier than holding on.
And it's how the new stuff will find you.
You new stuff magnet,
    The Universe

Plus, Laurel, no messy rope burns.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

To the winner's circle

Many come close, Laurel, yet few dare, so boldly, to live without judgment, to give without expecting, and to love for no reason.
We call it a spiritual trifecta.
To the winner's circle,
    The Universe

If gambling were done here, Laurel... I'd bet even more on you. Shhhhhh..

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

palms up!

Oh my goodness, Laurel, your life is so much fun to watch when you're on the verge of a really big, huge dream coming true...!
You did not hear that from me... Shhhhhh!
    The Universe

There's actually light emanating from around your head, Laurel, sparks shooting from your fingertips, and I do believe you're vibrating sufficiently to actually see the angels now dancing on the palm of your hand... palms up!

Monday, November 12, 2012

The truth shall set you free

The Top 10 things about time and space, Laurel, that most people seem to forget...

10. You chose to be here and you knew what you were doing.
9. There are no "tests" and you're not being judged.
8. Everyone's doing their best, with what they know.
7. You already have whatever you're looking for.
6. You are of the Divine, pure God, and so is everyone else.
5. Religion needs spirituality; spirituality does not need religion.
4. You're naturally inclined to succeed - at everything you do.
3. You happen to life, life does not happen to you.
2. Order, healing, and love belie every moment of chaos, pain, and fear.
1. Following your heart is the best way to help others.

The truth shall set you free,
    The Universe

And, Laurel... coffee, tea, and chocolate are proof enough that you're adored from the unseen.

Friday, November 9, 2012

7 billion people

Several upsides to having 7 billion people share the planet with you, Laurel, are that you get 7 billion more teachers, 7 billion more ways to fall in love, and 7 billion more versions of yourself.
Aren't they all amazing?
    The Universe

Yeah, at first I thought 7 billion Laurel Stones would be just too much cool at once, but you're all actually quite hot...

Thursday, November 8, 2012

hey, nice dinghy

Do you know why happy tears taste the same as sad tears, Laurel?
Because all tears come from the ocean of love.
Your nautical wheeler,
    The Universe

Ahoy, Laurel, love ahead... and hey, nice dinghy.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Live as if

Live as if, Laurel.
    The Universe

As if, Laurel, life was easy, people were awesome, and you just haven't yet decided which of your favorite charities should receive your surprise $1 million gift.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

It’s not that difficult

Laurel, it's not difficult. It's easy. Everything is easy.
Time and space aren't supposed to be your Harvard, they're your playground.
The life you long for already exists. You're supernatural. I'm your partner. Together we'll get there and you can have it all.
    The Universe

Like kindergarten, done up as paradise, at recess, Laurel, and I'll meet you on the jungle gym...

Monday, November 5, 2012

love your life

A Dream-Manifestation-Workaround for those tired of visualizing, giving thanks, and acting "as if," Laurel, is to love your life so greatly, exactly as it is, that you become a total magnet for more, more, more of all you could ever love.
You love magnet,
    The Universe

I miss Billy Idol, Laurel. You?

Friday, November 2, 2012

The odds

Laurel, you chose to be who you now are, you came here to thrive, the odds always seem steep, the game is rigged in your favor, you knew what you were doing, your demons aren't real, fear was part of the deal, love is all you need, you're never alone, thoughts become things... and you still look absolutely amazing in jeans.
    The Universe

The odds always seem steep, Laurel, but the game is rigged and you knew what you were doing.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

cluck a few times

Here are a few techniques learned from children, Laurel, that will help anyone take their game, or their life, to a whole new level:
1. Once a day playfully imagine that you're already there.
2. Frequently speak in gratitude as if you've already arrived.
3. And, every now and then, physically do something you never would have done at the old level... like praise yourself, reward yourself, or cluck a few times with thumbs under your arms.
I'll never tell a soul,
    The Universe

Cute, Laurel. I saw that.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Get it on

Are you hearing a lot more "I love yous" lately, Laurel, or is it just me?
Actually, I wouldn't have asked if the answer wasn't so obvious, but it is fun to point out.
Get it on,
    The Universe

Every year since the beginning of time, Laurel, your precious planet and I have overheard more "I love yous" than the year before it.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

One of the things

One of the things that will "get" you the most about people, Laurel, once you have time and space fully in your rear-view mirror, is how much they all hope, care, and love, sometimes without even knowing it.
I was "gotten" so long ago,
    The Universe

And you, Laurel, just might be one of the most hopeful, caring, lovers... ever.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Keep calm and saunter on

Fast takes longer when you hurry, Laurel.
Keep calm and saunter on,
    The Universe

And slow, Laurel, gets faster when you're happy.

Friday, October 26, 2012

The difference

The difference between being moments away from a big, HUGE dream coming true, Laurel, rather than light-years, lies in physically behaving, day by day, as if the dream were real, and all else was a dream.
    The Universe

Really, really, Laurel.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Whe-e-e-e-e-e . . .

Who will you re-fall in love with today, Laurel?
Whe-e-e-e-e-e . . .
    The Universe

Or you could start from scratch, Laurel, and pretend it's for the first time.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Everyone In Your Life

Whether obvious or not, Laurel, and usually it's not, everyone in your life is there to help you, AND, they're actually doing so right now.
We call this the Everyone In Your Life Is There To Help You Rule.
    The Universe

Which, incidentally, Laurel, doesn't mean you have to keep them there. In fact, their offering may simply be to teach you to say "adios."

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Being your best self

You can only be your best self, Laurel, not someone else's.
My best self,
    The Universe

And however to the contrary it may seem, Laurel, therein lies your happiness, being your best self while letting others find theirs.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Love up

Turning up the love, Laurel.
Turns on everything else.
Love up,
    The Universe

Everything, Laurel, as in whatever your heart desires, including the processes that will bring it to you.

Friday, October 19, 2012


Shake the burden that comes from seeing your baby steps, Laurel, as a necessary discipline.
See them, instead, as optional dance moves, in life's conga line, that spark miracles, open floodgates, and lead to the near effortless manifestations of new, faster, fancier, lighter laptops.
    The Universe

You are so living up to your Swivel-Hips nickname, Laurel... HEY!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Passport ready?

Generally speaking, Laurel, the busier someone is the faster time flies, the less they worry, the more friends they have, the farther they travel, the quicker they rebound, the richer they become, and the happier they are.
Passport ready?
    The Universe

And they usually walk bouncier, Laurel.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

They're all you have

There are only 3 things that can make your dreams come true, Laurel: your thoughts, your words, and your actions.
Be the spark,
    The Universe

They're all you have, Laurel, and they're all you need.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

If you knew

If you knew for absolute certain, Laurel, that every little thing you did today would later be scrutinized, literally moment by moment, by a future you, and future friends, as well as anyone else interested, and you'd all be looking for a number of qualities, especially patience, kindness, and love, during this game of games and test of tests called life, how might you treat the very next person you see after reading this Note?
    The Universe

Popcorn, anyone? Twizzlers, Laurel? Ouh, watch..........! Ahhhhh....

Monday, October 15, 2012

Nothing ensures happiness

Neither a promotion, losing weight, finding a soul mate, writing a book, nor becoming a billionaire, Laurel, will ensure happiness.

Nothing ensures happiness. No destination is great enough. No dream come true will do.
Because happiness, dear Laurel, that's not present at the start of a journey will not be present at its end.
Après vous,
    The Universe

Nice shoes, Laurel.

Saturday, October 13, 2012


There's nothing unpleasant, unkind, or unjust that has ever happened within all of time and space, Laurel, that I won't eventually undo, reverse, and make right, one billion times over.
    The Universe

In the meantime, Laurel, you're now free to love your life.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

4,900 times

The way you know you'll receive 7 times what you give, Laurel, or in some cases 4,900 times what you give, is that the giving gives you true joy without any thought of even receiving 1 times back.
Nice R.O.I.,
    The Universe

Oh, the 4,900 multiple, Laurel? Yes, this was overlooked by your parables because it was never quite understood. To quote, "Verily, he or she who gives, without any thought of receiving, will receive 7 times recompense for their offering, while those who do so with a glad heart, happy dance, or whoohooo, will receive thy 7 times recompense 700 more times." Hubba, hubba.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

What makes you richer

What makes you richer, Laurel, is the picture, that you hold in your mind.
You have the power,
    The Universe

It's how anyone, Laurel, has ever gotten anything.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

You buy that?

What you pay for in life, you get. What you don't pay for, you don't get.
The currency, Laurel, is a concerted, persistent effort in thought, word, and deed. Each designed to raise expectations, instill optimism, and imply your inevitable success. And to make "things" happen even faster, understand to the absolute core of your being that this is how you created everything now in your life.
You buy that?
    The Universe

What you pay for in life, Laurel, you get.

Friday, October 5, 2012


Pretending is the fastest way to believing, Laurel, and believing is the fastest way to receiving.
    The Universe

Oh, hello world, my name is Laurel Stone, perhaps best known for my cool, my saunter, and that I have more money than I need and begin saving, all of which has enabled me to have multiple friends, multiple incomes, and multiple new, faster, fancier, lighter laptops.

Fear not

You have noticed, Laurel, that people usually do see past appearances?
Which basically means that on any given day you can wear any old thing and they'll still get your goodness, feel your love, and know you rock.
Fear not, they really see you -
    The Universe

It also means, Laurel, you're even hotter than HOT.

Thursday, October 4, 2012


If I could pick only one superpower, Laurel, it would be to have your insights.
    The Universe

Trust what you're feeling and seeing, Laurel, you have a gift.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

At any point

At any point in one's life, Laurel, the greater the uncertainties they face, the greater their chances of hitting a major, life-changing "home run."
Rock the Casbah,
    The Universe

Oh, Laurel, it's like you keep playing all the right cards, huh

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Talk about lucky

According to recently released reports, Laurel, in terms of secret admirers, piercing insights, emotional resilience, compassionate integrity, and for pretty much always doing things your way, you are, indeed, a billionaire.
Talk about lucky nieces and nephews -
    The Universe

And you told everyone you were just going to chill this time... Huh, Laurel?

Monday, October 1, 2012

If you only knew

There hasn't been one single day of your life, Laurel, when the world hasn't been made a better place by your presence in it.
    The Universe

Laurel, if you only knew.

Friday, September 28, 2012


You're not supposed to be able to see it with your eyes first, Laurel. It wouldn't be called "manifesting" if you could.
Laurel, see it with your mind first.
That's what it's there for, sort of -
    The Universe

Laurel, feel it, whatever it is you want, feel it now, as if you already have it.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

The happy part

The sad part, Laurel, is that they told you it's wrong to be selfish, tacky to be vain, vulgar to be sexy, and wasteful to be rich.
The happy part is that they were just making all that up.
Probably just jealous of all you might do, be, and have. And afraid of all they might not.
Uh-oh... one of them is in trouble now, gotta bolt!
    The Universe

Laurel, follow your heart and get your groove on because, no matter what anyone said, it's never too late to have it all.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Laurel, if anyone should ever ask if you're enlightened...
Same goes for being healthy, wealthy, and loved beyond imagination.
Got it?
    The Universe

Laurel, your word is your wand.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The "luckiest" person alive

Laurel, without a doubt, right here and now, as you read these very words with eyes that sparkle, this golden day, amid your dancing manifestations in a perfect world on an emerald planet while your heart beats, your blood flows, and angels peer over your shoulder, I think you just might be the "luckiest" person alive.
    The Universe

Oh, Laurel, where would we be without email?

Monday, September 24, 2012

Work Experience:

Work Experience:
Created the sun, the moon, and the stars.
Special Talents:
Knows all things.
Exists everywhere, always, at once.
Capable of rallying legions.
Big time matter manipulator.
Spontaneous healer.
Unique Characteristics:
Worshipped, feared, and misunderstood by many.
Boundless lover of life.
Blazing insights.
Great sense of humor.
Cute, cute, cute.
Gosh, you're right, Laurel, we do have tons in common. This could have been mine.
I'd hire you -
    The Universe

Laurel, I'd be careful sharing this with most of your prospects, if you know what I mean. They might think you're bragging with the "cute, cute, cute."

Friday, September 21, 2012


"Reality," Laurel, is not that you are weak, and dream of becoming strong. Poor, and dream of becoming rich. Alone, and dream of having friends. But that you're already strong, rich, and among friends. Yet, at times, dream that you're not.
    The Universe

How would you like it if I saw lack, while surrounded in abundance? I know, I know, Laurel... you'd still love me blindly.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Tickled pink

Until everyone believes in their own ability to say exactly the right thing, at exactly the right time, to exactly the right person, then allow me:
Laurel, everyone wants to be your friend. Everyone.
You're just cool.
    The Universe

Laurel, and those who are your friends... are tickled pink.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Vroom, vroom -

Laurel, if it was just about surviving, getting by, and keeping things the way they are, then how would you explain imagination?

If it was just about sacrifice, selflessness, and altruism, then how would you explain desire?

And if it was just about thinking, reflection, and spiritual stuff, then how would you explain the physical world?

Get the picture, Laurel? Want it all. That's what it's there for.

Vroom, vroom -
    The Universe

And if it was just about working, Laurel, how would you explain weekends?

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Perspectives change everything

If you knew of a spectacular mountain that was very, very tall, yet climbable. And if it was well established that from its peak, you could literally see all the love that bathes the world, dance with the angels, and party with the gods. Would you curse or celebrate each step you took as you ascended it?
Laurel, life is that mountain and each day a step.
Perspectives change everything,
    The Universe

Fear not. Last time I checked, Laurel, you were so close to the top they were taking your toga measurements.

Monday, September 17, 2012

One day at a time

"Grasshopper," you may not always know what your invisible, limiting beliefs are. But you do always know the kinds of empowering beliefs you'd like to possess. And so, Laurel, one decision at a time, one day at a time, you can choose to behave accordingly. And thereby effectively kick some wicked, limiting-belief-butt.
    The Universe

Laurel, for every decision, crossroads, or act of faith, choose with the mind of the highest within you. Until that's all there is.

Friday, September 14, 2012

what a hoot!

Time and space, Laurel, what a hoot. Look to them for answers, direction, and meaning, and they'll rock your world in every which way.
Yet discover that they look to you for answers, direction, and meaning, and you will rock the world.
Take my word for it, the latter is your "ticket."
Tallyho, maestro -
    The Universe

Laurel, what an adventure, if I do say so myself.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Matter is pure spirit

Enjoy your thoughts, take time to visualize, and meditate to soothe your soul. But, Laurel, whatever you do, please don't forget to spend a little energy, every single day, physically doing stuff and loving every second of it.
Because you can,
    The Universe

After all, Laurel, matter is pure spirit, only more so.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

In time and space

Laurel, I hope you're loving your life. And I do mean really, really loving your life.
Because right now there are so many others who are (loving your life). In time and space, and in the unseen.
No, not all of them will admit it, but I know these things, and one day they'll know them, too.
Big hug,
    The Universe

Laurel, especially me.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Seeds of opportunity

Laurel, there are no challenges, issues, or crises that do not contain within them seeds of opportunity that could not have otherwise existed.
    The Universe

Laurel, bet you didn't know how lucky you were!

Monday, September 10, 2012

A reminder

Well, Laurel, by this point in the day, if my calculations are correct, I expect you've already begun thinking of yourself as "mere mortal." Somewhat alone, a little bit confused, and responsible for figuring out how to make your life take off.

So... just thought I'd send you a reminder that at this very moment, there are a million eyes upon you, grateful for your courage; that you already know all you need to know; and that whether or not you can see it, you're already soaring.
"Houston to Laurel," nice blast-off -
    The Universe

Laurel, bravo Master.

Friday, September 7, 2012


Laurel, of all the joys on earth, few compare to the crowning glory of achieving against the odds, succeeding in the face of peril, or triumphing over adversity.

Wouldn't you say?
Yet in every such case, without exception, the poor odds, the peril, and the adversity must come first.
The Universe

Laurel, feeling blessed?

Thursday, September 6, 2012

When you…

Laurel, when you move, I move. When you reach, I reach. And when you go the extra mile, I clear the way. But not a moment sooner.
Which is why before you move, reach, and go, things sometimes look so scary.
Just like that,
    The Universe

Laurel, "I do" if "you do." Settled? I now pronounce us unstoppable.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Laurel, do you know what it's going to feel like when the day comes and everything you now want has come to pass? When you're living in total abundance, in perfect health, looking fabulous, with friends and laughter wherever you go?
It's going to feel like, "Yeah... of course."
That's how well I know you,
    The Universe

Laurel, why not feel it right now? Visualize

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Surprise, surprise, surprise

So I was thinking, Laurel... I know you know that there's the "you" that you know you are - adventurous, good-looking, and fun to be around.

And I know you know that there's another part of "you" in the unseen who you've kind of temporarily forgotten - who completes you, loves you, and knows what's really going on.
Well, how'd you like it if I removed the veils? Just for a second? Gave you a glimpse of who that special, divine, otherworldly essence is, so that you might at last begin to comprehend how extraordinary, sublime, and divine you really are?
It's me,
    The entire Universe

Surprise, surprise, surprise. What, Laurel? You were expecting some little Tinker Bell?

Monday, September 3, 2012

Way better!

Laurel, want to know what's better than having it all? Way, way better?
Not having it all, but knowing of its inevitability, in a never-ending adventure that's just barely begun.
    The Universe

Laurel, kind of like Friday just before the weekend.

Friday, August 31, 2012

High Five!

You're thanking me?!
No, Laurel. Sorry. I'm afraid you were misinformed.
You see, it's me who thanks you, every moment of every day, for all that you are.
You have no idea.
High Five,
    The Universe

Thank you, thank you, thank you, Laurel.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Very little indeed.

Laurel, do you think gravity has to work harder to hold an elephant to the ground than an acorn?
It's the same for "thoughts becoming things."
Size, really and truly, does not matter.
Tallyho, ho, ho -
    The Universe

The size of your dreams, Laurel, has little to do with the likelihood of them coming to pass. Very little indeed.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

It might change!

If you can make just one person smile today, if only by giving them one of yours, Laurel, it just might change their entire week... which just might change their entire life.
I know these things,
    The Universe

Truly, Laurel, your smile could launch 1,000 ships, warm 10,000 hearts, or power a small kitchen appliance.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

All is well

Rarely, Laurel, does one find the quick fix, the big win, or a home run looking forward on the horizon of time.

Yet when they do their best, one day at a time, while thinking of their dreams and not the "hows," looking back they find that the quick fixes, big wins, and home runs found them.
All is supremely well,
    The Universe

Oh, Laurel, the places you will go, not even I truly know.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Understanding not changing

For as long as you wish to keep them in your life, Laurel, whoever they may be, understanding them, as opposed to changing them, will wildly improve the chances that they'll wish to keep you in their life.
Oh wow, how I love you -
    The Universe

On the other hand, Laurel, you're pretty much stuck with me.

Friday, August 24, 2012

You've got the power

A heartfelt compliment, Laurel, given for no other reason than because it's meant, is never, ever forgotten.
You've got the power,
    The Universe

And, Laurel, that's not just because I move in the lips that speak them, but also in the ears that hear.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Learn to be happy

Go ahead, Laurel, want it all. Just learn to be happy before it arrives, or you may not notice when it does.
    The Universe

Hurry, Laurel, it won't be long!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

No pressure

Do you know what's already happened this month, Laurel? A million Beethovens were born. A million Oprahs. A million Einsteins. A million Florence Nightingales. A million Martin Luther Kings. And a million Madame Curies, to name just a few. Each as capable of moving mountains, touching lives, and leaving the world far better than they found it.

And so you can just imagine how all of us "here" watch in anticipation to see which ones will have the courage to do whatever little they can each day, with what little they've got, from where they are, before their baby steps turn into giant leaps for the legions who will follow them.
It's so in you,
    The Universe

No pressure, Laurel, just pretend we aren't watching.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Hitting a home run!

At any point in one's life, Laurel, the greater the uncertainties they face, the greater their chances of "hitting a home run."
Rock the Casbah,
    The Universe

Oh, Laurel, it's like you keep playing all the right cards, huh?

Friday, August 17, 2012

It’s never too late!

It's never, never, never too late, Laurel, to give thanks in advance for the help you stand in need of, as if you've already received it. Because you just wouldn't believe how much I can accomplish in no time at all, literally.
Thanks for listening,
    The Universe

See, Laurel? It works.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

It’s all that matters

Whatever you're going to do today, Laurel, please, do it to the best of your ability. As if it was all that mattered; as if it was all you had; and as if your very happiness depended upon it. Because these are among the very truths you came here to learn.
You rock,
    The Universe

What's before you today, Laurel, truly is all there is.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Are you ready?

What if everything that's happened so far, Laurel, was just practice for when things get really, really good?
Really, really soon -
    The Universe

Laurel, are you ready for an even happier high, deeper love, louder laugh, and funkier chicken than you've ever known before?

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

See you on easy street

Usually the folks who think life is hard, Laurel, are just plain messin' with the cursed hows.
Heck, I'd think it was hard, too, if I forgot there was magic, didn't believe in miracles, and thought I evolved from the ocean as an amoeba.
See you on easy street,
    The Universe

Don't get me wrong, Laurel, I love amoebas.

Monday, August 13, 2012

You can't control other people

Of course, you can't control other people, Laurel. Not even a little; not a smidge. Every man and woman is their own sailing vessel powered by their own thoughts, emotions, and imagination. You can't improve their smile, nor even add to their woes, unless, at some level, they let you.
So, does that pretty much clear up the effect others can have on you?
You rule,
    The Universe

Just don't let them know you're ticklish, Laurel.

Friday, August 10, 2012


Sometimes, Laurel, if the direction you're about to move feels "right" in your head and heart, yet the first few steps look pretty daunting, not fun, and maybe even scary, you should take those first few steps anyway and get 'em over with.
And I'm not just saying that because watching you in action gives me goose bumps.
Oh... behave,
The Universe

Honest. Laurel, I get goose bumps watching you breathe.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

You can always change

You can always change how you feel, Laurel, and you can always feel whatever you like.
Don't you remember? You bought the upgraded "Superior-Deluxe, Double-Plus-Good Time-Space Package," and a side order of "chocolate mousse," if I recall.
Smooth -
The Universe

You can always change how you feel, Laurel, and you can always feel whatever you like.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Just kidding

Me? Concerned, Laurel? Let's see, at the moment, you're exactly where you're supposed to be. Whenever the going has gotten tough, you've always bounced back even higher than you were before. And, somehow, you keep getting even better looking.
But you are a dear for thinking of me.
Mmmmmwaw -
The Universe

Just kidding about "somehow," Laurel. I know exactly how: you've got my "genes."

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

You'll know

You'll know when you need to know, Laurel, and not a moment earlier.
That's how it works when the answer you're looking for depends on other events that must first settle, new players that need to be gathered, and serendipities that are still being calculated.
Laurel, sometimes, not even I know, until I know.
But you will,
    The Universe

In the meantime, Laurel, keep dreaming, keep busy, and if you're feelin' it, do a little happy dance.

Monday, August 6, 2012


Have you ever considered, Laurel, that having aced time and space again and again and again, with more "gold medals" than you know who, you're here this time simply for the love of the game? Just to smell the dirt? To lend a hand? Give comfort? And maybe for old times' sake, to manifest a new, faster, fancier, lighter laptop like it was a morning cup of coffee, even though you're way past having to prove anything?
I do,
    The Universe

For so many, Laurel, your joy and presence are their opening ceremony - and that is more than enough.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Loosen up

Options multiply, Laurel, when insistence lessens.
And when the time is right, I'll help you choose.
Be fruitful,
    The Universe

Loosen up, Laurel, algebra on, team can do.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

It's an adventure!

Laurel, you wanted me to remind you that life is just an adventure, chosen for the sheer fun of it, if you ever started thinking that it was actually some sort of test with right and wrong answers.
It's an adventure!
Always there for you,
    The Universe

Actually, Laurel, had it been a test, you'd have gotten an A++ long ago. Pity...

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Naps help too

Here's a tip, Laurel, on how to bring absolute joy into your life faster than it may have otherwise arrived: every day, in some small way, even secretly if you like, look for a chance to help someone else.
Did that help?
So happy,
    The Universe

Naps help too, Laurel.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Stranger than fiction

You can usually know you're nearing the end of your incarnation cycles, Laurel, when you feel you could happily go another 10,000 rounds.
Stranger than fiction,
    The Universe

Boredom and impatience, Laurel, usually just mean you aren't busy enough.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Hi God, it's me

If you can get that there was once a "time" before "space," Laurel, when all that existed was "Divine Intelligence."

Then you can also get that there could never, later, be anything that wasn't "Divine Intelligence" - because what would it be made of; where would it have come from?
Then you'd get that you must therefore be pure "Divine Intelligence" yourself and that there's only one explanation for you being you, here and now:

From the pinnacle of your royal magnificence, the zenith of your heavenly godhood, as pure "Divine Intelligence," you, exactly as you now are, with every freckle and blemish, are exactly who you, God, most wanted to be. And you knew exactly what you were doing.
Thy kingdom come,
    The Universe

Hi God, it's me, God. Oh look, we're everywhere, Laurel. And all is supremely well.

Friday, July 27, 2012


When you dream at night, Laurel, can't anything happen next? Are you limited by what you dreamt the night before? Aren't you the creator-manifestor-genius behind every bell, whistle and sparrow?
Same for the dream of here and now.
    The Universe

"Creator-manifestor-genius" so suits you, Laurel. BTW - "manifestor" is a new word because of you.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Life rocks

Love always wins, Laurel.
Kindness always prevails.
And smiles always disarm.
    The Universe

And there can be as many winners as players, Laurel. Life rocks.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The top 10 signs

Laurel, the top 10 signs a really huge dream of yours is about to come true, are:
10. You regularly visualize the end result, the after-party, or beyond.
9. Every day you "show up," doing something about it.
8. You're not attached to how it will come true.
7. It really matters to you; you really care.
6. You know who the first 3 people are that you'll call with the news.
5. You're smiling and winking way more than normal.
4. Sometimes you speak and behave as if it already has.
3. It probably doesn't depend upon specific people.
2. You already know what your next goal is.
1. You keep whispering, "Sweet! Thank you! Yes!" with clutched fist.
Sweet! Thank you! Yes!
    The Universe

Did you just smile and wink, Laurel? Good, keep on it.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Go with it. Roll, Laurel. Swerve.
The "unexpected" is just my way of preparing you for more than you knew to ask for.
Bounce back, serpentine, 2-step -
    The Universe

It may have surprised you, Laurel, but I saw it coming and it got me all excited.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Do the math

When you move toward a dream, Laurel, it moves toward you.
When you move every day, it moves every day.
Someone pass me a calculator,
    The Universe

Do the math, Laurel, this could be your week!!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Either way

If, Laurel, when you lay your head upon your pillow tonight, you could choose to slip into a dream dimension where time would literally expand, so much so that you could live out an entire other lifetime within it as a person "designed" by you from head to toe, even choosing your name and who your parents would be. Where every single day you'd be pushed on to greatness, every single challenge would invite you to become more, and all of your dreams could come true. Where, no matter how things may ever seem, you'd be bathed in love, surrounded by friends, safe and sound in your very own bed. And where, upon waking, all that you loved and learned in that lifetime would remain with you, and all that scared and threatened you would only have prepared you for even more love and learning in the near future.
Would you choose to go there, Laurel, just for one night, on the condition that during the dream itself you mustn't have any recollection of how you got there, its purpose, or what might happen next?
Of course you would, you're a supercoolhappylovething!
Which begs the question, "How do you know, then, this isn't that dream?"
Howling at the moon,
    The Universe

Either way, you did choose to be called Laurel, Laurel. Did, did.

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Whoever said that you can't have it all, Laurel, must have been a young soul.
Among other things, time and space actually exist to teach you that you can.
Rock it,
    The Universe

A swift and expectant, "Really??" Laurel, should slow 'em down a bit.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

"Da roof, da roof..."

Blazing desire, Laurel, even when it's all you've got, is all you've ever needed.
But mind you, if your blazing desire has not effortlessly thrown you into action - preparing the way, taking baby steps, and doing all you can - then it's just a smoldering desire, and you're thinking other conflicting stuff as well.
Always hot for you,
    The Universe

"Da roof, da roof..." Okay, sorry, not quite Sugar Hill. Love you, Laurel.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


While a child attending kindergarten Laurel, cannot fully comprehend all the priceless reasons they are there - to socialize, make friends, grow, and prepare for ever higher realms of awareness - by that age they can, nevertheless, sense and grasp that their wise and doting parents have kept their very best interests in mind, and that is enough. Because with this awareness, they can at least stop trying to figure everything out and simply start enjoying their hand painting, alphabet lessons, and cat-naps. Knowing that even if they break a crayon or some lad pulls a chair out from under them, they're still exactly where they should be, everything is going to turn out just grand, and everyone back home is as proud as can be.
And oh my goodness, Laurel, we are so proud of you.
Do I "over-dote"?
    The Universe

Your "paintings," Laurel, are plastered all over our refrigerators.

Monday, July 16, 2012


You know how the wind, no matter how blustery, remains as silent as it is invisible, until it meets with leaves, and kites, and flags, and such?
Well, Laurel, it's exactly the same with the manifesting forces that make dreams come true, until they meet with expectation.
And right this second, they're whirling all around you, my little chiquita.
Happy everything -
    The Universe

NEWS FLASH 1 WEATHER ADVISORY: This week's forecast will be marked with buoyant optimism scattered throughout the land (especially over Larsen) with intermittent bursts of hope, faith, and euphoria that are expected to create numerous high pressure cells ideal for dreams coming true. So get on out there, Laurel, and soak up those manifesting rays; it's going to be gorgeous.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Prepare to be amazed

If you knew I answered whenever you spoke to me, Laurel, would you be still enough to hear me?
Prepare to be amazed,
    The Universe

And if you knew I was listening, Laurel, to everything you thought or said, might we talk again like old times?

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Learning Game

When there is ease and simplicity in your life, Laurel, it's because earlier you learned a lot.
When there is resistance and obstacles in your life, it's because there's even more to learn.
And learning even more, Laurel, is pretty much the main reason everyone is still there.
Classy dismissed,
    The Universe

You see, Laurel, the "goal" is not ease and simplicity, though they will surely follow, but learning even more.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Redefining the possible

Performing miracles, Laurel, isn't a matter of doing the impossible, it's a matter of redefining the possible.
    The Universe

People once thought double chocolate was impossible, Laurel. Yum.

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Do you know why, Laurel, it's so easy for us in the unseen to quickly pinpoint your whereabouts?
You leave behind footprints of love.
    The Universe

"The expedition's last confirmed sighting was in Larsen, the legend of BIGFOOT continues."

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Befriend, not friend

Want to move a mountain, Laurel?
Befriend it.
Call me,
    The Universe

No, don't "Friend" it, Laurel, befriend it. Same goes for altering circumstances, influencing the weather, or getting a new, faster, fancier, lighter laptop.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Do you think…

Do you think it would be cheating, Laurel, knowing all that I know, if I placed a bet on your inevitable happiness, success, and saunter?
Good. Because I have. It was called the "Big Bang," and every moment of every day I walk in your shoes.
Laurel, I knew what I was doing.
    The Universe

Wishing you a BANGING 4TH OF JULY, Laurel!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Bling, bling ….

It's not how much one gets paid, Laurel, but how much they give, that makes them rich.
Bling, bling -
    The Universe

And when I say "give," Laurel, I mean "offer," "provide," "perform," "donate," "sell," or otherwise be of service to others. And when I say "rich," I'm not just talking about the warm fuzzies, but ultimately possessing whatever you dream of... from confidence to cupcakes to bullion.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

To be happy or not

Laurel, please help spread the word. Here are the top 10 ways people give away their power:
1. Asking others what they should do.
2. Thinking God decides who gets what.
3. Worrying about how their dream will come true.
4. Thinking they have dues to pay.
5. Attaching to unimportant details and outcomes.
6. Believing in soul mates.
7. Thinking karma or spiritual contracts are absolute.
8. Fear of anything, especially falling in love.
9. Waiting for their ducks to line up before acting.
10. Choosing to be unhappy.
Understand the truth, little bird, and you will soar.
    The Universe

To be happy or not, Laurel, is always a choice.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

The older the soul

The older the soul, Laurel, the softer the glance, the quicker the smile and the sooner to say "I love you."
Utterly fearless,
    The Universe

They also skip and wink more than normal, Laurel, and hold hands with those they walk beside.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Have an amazing day

For all things and non-things that you may ever want, Laurel, understand that sometimes the fastest way to get them is to forget them, and to focus instead on just being the most amazing human being you can be. At which point all of your heart's desires, spoken or unspoken, will be drawn to you more powerfully than a magnet is drawn to steel.
Have an amazing day,
    The Universe

I trust you know, Laurel, that when I refer to you as a "human being," I actually mean "ancient intergalactic spiritual tidal wave of love and energy having a human experience." Yes?

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


And while on the subject of "Whoohooos!" Laurel, they always return louder than when they were first sent out.

Matter manipulation secrets of ye old happy dancers,
    The Universe

You know, Laurel, when sent out in anticipation of great and fun things happening, it's the law that they must return on your plane of manifestation, typically prompted by the sudden appearance of new friends, fabulous circumstances, or the odd new, faster, fancier, lighter laptop, in the flesh. Yeah, "Whooooohooooooooo!!"

Monday, June 25, 2012

Feeling peculiar

One of life's most elusive lessons, Laurel, saved for only the wise and peculiar, is that there's nothing, ever, to be unhappy about.

Unless, of course, you lose sight of the big picture, think the illusions are real, or forget there's no such place as far away.
    The Universe

Feeling peculiar, Laurel?

Friday, June 22, 2012

Are you practicing

Are you practicing your "Whooohooooo!" Laurel?
Are you practicing as if it were to be heard by millions upon millions?
I think you might consider it,
    The Universe

There's really nothing worse than a poorly projected, inappropriately short, raccoon-sounding rebel yell, huh Laurel?

Thursday, June 21, 2012

All is well

It's not the steps that matter, Laurel, but the path.
All is well,
    The Universe

And the path will take care of itself, Laurel, when you keep focused on your destination.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

No one

No one, Laurel, can see into your heart.
Which is why you sometimes have to show them how you feel.
Happy Valentine's Day, 8 months early -
    The Universe

No one can see into your mind either, Laurel, but then, your thoughts eventually become things.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The best way to forgive

The best way to forgive, Laurel, is not to blame.
Lovin' you,
    The Universe

Besides, Laurel, we have forever and ever to look forward to.

Monday, June 18, 2012

No pressure….

Rainbows and butterflies, cattails and dandelions, waterfalls and rainforests, puppy dogs and dragonflies, sea foam and orcas, sunshine and comets, snowflakes and icicles, wildflowers and Laurel Stone...
Did I think of everything, or what?
Crazy, sexy, cool,
    The Universe

And now, Laurel, you get to think of whatever you like... no pressure.

Friday, June 15, 2012


Always, Laurel, the strong carry the weak, the rich carry the poor, the healthy carry the sick, and the happy carry the sad.
And whether or not they remember it, this was once their promise, to thank those who carried them.
I'm totally goose bumped,
    The Universe

Everyone gets carried a little bit, Laurel.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Do you know

Do you know what I'd really, really like, Laurel?
For you to know that I think about you every moment of every day.
    The Universe

And that your happiness is the point of this all, Laurel. And that chocolate was not an accidental discovery.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Hang ten

I think you already feel it, Laurel, but a really HUGE wave of LOVE is coming your way.
Once-in-a-lifetime HUGE.
Hang ten,
    The Universe

Sort of "once-in-a-lifetime," Laurel, but it will stay with you just as I stay with you, forever.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Caaaa, caaaaaaa...

One of the coolest things about time and space, Laurel, besides cattails, polka dots, and a good beat, is that everything is free.
Premium quality,
    The Universe

I mean, no one has to invent a Universe, Laurel, for an apple pie, read Sagan for enlightenment, or have wings to fly. Caaaa, caaaaaaa...

Monday, June 11, 2012

Everything has a reason

For every setback, disappointment and heartbreak, Laurel, ask yourself, "What does this create the opportunity for?"
And therein you will find its gift.
Everything has a reason,
    The Universe

And if you look close enough, Laurel, that reason will always be love, healing, or happy dancing, if not all three.

Friday, June 8, 2012


Do you have any idea, Laurel, of how fast angels fly? How brilliant they are? How silently they work? How deeply they love? How creative they can be? How cleverly they blend in?
Oh, hey, Laurel, nice orchestra. Do they follow you everywhere?
    The Universe

Do you have any idea, Laurel, of how fast things can change for the better? "Oh, hey, Laurel, nice new, faster, fancier, lighter laptop! . . . Must be nice."

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Knock, knock?

Birds only know their "is-ness," Laurel, trees only know their "is-ness," and planets only know their "is-ness."
That's their only "business."
Let it be yours.
Knock, knock?
    The Universe

Is-me, Laurel.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Life's magic

Life's magic is a lot like a swift flowing river, Laurel. No matter how long you've overlooked it or unwittingly swam against it, the instant you stop struggling you're back in the flow, hat down low, coolest cat on the block.
In other words, Laurel, your so-called "baggage," ain't no thang.
Coolio -
    The Universe

A lot like a river, Laurel, except, of course, it laughs even more.

A masterpiece

You need not set out to create a masterpiece, Laurel.
You are one.
    The Universe

Your mere presence in the world, Laurel, has changed everything... while having very little to do with the whole warming business.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The more challenges

Funny, huh, Laurel, how some folks think that avoiding challenges will bring them peace?
As if the peace they now know didn't come from earlier challenges that were faced, and mastered.
OK - not really that funny,
    The Universe

The more challenges one faces today, Laurel, the more "Whoohooo's!" "Yeehaaa's!" and "Holy Batman's!" tomorrow.

Monday, June 4, 2012


There are only two types of dreams, Laurel.
Those that have come true. And those that are coming true.
    The Universe

Yeah, Laurel, better start narrowing down the trim choices for your new, faster, fancier, lighter laptop, and getting really clear on how many friends you want to take into space.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Time and Space

I have to admit, Laurel, when we thought of adding the dimension of "time" to space, it was not wildly popular.

True, it would make possible evolution, reunions, and cute before-and-after photos. But it would add to the illusion of separation... "horror of horrors!" Spontaneous manifestations would spontaneously cease... "eee-gad!" And the only way anyone could get anything done, would be if they held onto and moved with their vision in thought, word, and deed, even when present circumstances appeared ABSOLUTELY unchanged for their efforts... yeah, "SIGN ME UP!!!!"

Thinking of you beaming with childlike joy -
    The Universe

Time and Space, Laurel, still the ultimate adventure.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Surprise me,

In a slightly different world, if dogs believed in "soul mates" when it came to choosing their owners... can you imagine how lonesome most would be?
Oh, there's definitely room for "picky," Laurel, but there's also room for "surprise me."
Surprise me,
    The Universe

"Cute Dachshund ISO cool human (like Laurel Stone) with nice house near Larsen. Must be mind-reader, watch Animal Planet, and listen to Dr. Dre. No pic, no reply."

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Angels are people too

One of the most stringent conditions all angels must meet, Laurel, other than double-advanced harp playing and skydiving abilities (not necessarily at the same time), is that they must not allow themselves to feel hurt or rejected by the choices made by others, no matter how much they've done for them nor how great their love.
Yeah, WOW.
    The Universe

Angels are people, too Laurel.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Quite the paradox

Generally, typically, and most of the time, Laurel, it's those who consider themselves to be the least spiritually mature who are the most, and vice versa.
Holy cow,
    The Universe

Quite the paradox, huh, Laurel?

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Big things seen as little things

When you realize that by changing your perspective, big things can be seen as little things, Laurel, it becomes much harder to worry about anything.
Funky cold medina,
    The Universe

Actually, it becomes impossible, Laurel.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

There are no accidents

There are no accidents, Laurel.

If it's appeared on your life radar, this is why: to teach you that dreams come true; to reveal that you have the power to fix what's broken and heal what hurts; to catapult you beyond seeing with just your physical senses; and to lift the veils that have kept you from seeing that you're already the person you dreamed you'd become.

And believe me, that was one heck of a dream.

    The Universe

There are no accidents, Laurel.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Shall we?

Do you think the most stunning, celebrated, and adept dancer in the entire world, Laurel, could become so by only ever dancing to the most brilliant, illuminating, and clever music in the world?

Or would they freak, hip-hop, and tango to every riff, beat, and la-bamba within earshot?
Shall we?
    The Universe

Yeah, Laurel, the latter, even early on when no one paid them any attention and their little steps seemed so paltry compared to the glamorous waltz that moved in their heart.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Get your love on

To clarify, Laurel, the primary roles of LOVE are not to heal, fix, or mend. Not to soothe, cure, or ease. Not even to refresh, rejuvenate, or restore. Hardly.
The primary roles of LOVE, Laurel, are to "Yahoo!" "Yeehaa!" and "Whoohooo!"
Get your love on,
    The Universe

You were born to love, Laurel, no matter the cost, no matter what someone else said, and no matter how the past once played out.

Monday, May 21, 2012

The very best moment

The very best moment in any long journey that makes your dreams come true, Laurel, comes not on the day you realize they have, but on the day you realize how little they matter compared to loving the adventure they've inspired.
Don't ask me why, I just know what I know -
The Universe

Laurel, you've always been part of my journey... Xoxoxoxo.

Friday, May 18, 2012


Remember you once told me, Laurel, that if ever all of the circumstances in your life were aligned just so, your soon-to-be friends were in all the right places at all the right times, and the financial markets, social climate, and global energies had all reached optimal points... you'd want to be gently nudged as a subtle sign that it was time to start doing new things, saying new things, and visualizing so that you might catch these gargantuan waves of change and surf to dazzling new heights?


Hang ten,
    The Universe

Oh, Laurel, you also wanted me to remind you something about a new, faster, fancier, lighter laptop and Cadbury Fruit and Nut Bars... go figure.

Thursday, May 17, 2012


You know that dreamy look of deep, soulful love you've sometimes seen in the eyes of another as they gazed into your own, Laurel?
Expect a lot more of it.

  The Universe

You are so deserving, Laurel.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

It pays more dividends

Some of the coolest dreams that ever came true, Laurel, weren't dreams at all, but standards that simply weren't compromised.

Oh yeah, we takin' over...
    The Universe

Laurel, always being your best, shining your brightest, and standing as tall as you can, pays far more dividends than one might ever imagine.

Every nut needs a cracker

Sometimes, lifetimes are chosen to be with friends. And sometimes, Laurel, one friend agrees to be off balance and the other balanced. One teaches stability, the other teaches spontaneity. Win-win, cool-cool.

Gets kind of wonky though, if either starts thinking they're more important to the other, than the other is to them.

You know?
    The Universe

Every nut needs a cracker, Laurel, and every cracker needs a nut, metaphorically.


No matter how things seem, Laurel, hope is near and love is present.
In the house,
    The Universe

Always, Laurel.

The farmer in me

Take it from the farmer in me, Laurel...
The more seeds you sow, the more plants we'll grow.
I love wearing overalls,
The Universe

Bet you're glad I wasn't wearing my dentist's hat today, huh, Laurel?

Friday, May 11, 2012

Payback, baby -

As good as you've been, Laurel, as on as you were, as high as you got, and as easy as it was, things will still be better.

Payback, baby -
    The Universe

Payback for your courage, imagination, and kindness to otters, Laurel. Or at least your propensity for kindness towards others, should the chance arise, which counts.

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Actually, Laurel, if you understood the extraordinary gifts every single challenge in your life makes possible, even inevitable, you'd celebrate your challenges, new and old alike, as the omens that they are of new beginnings, spectacular change, and enhanced superpowers.

Perfect for where you are, huh?
    The Universe

Laurel, any kind of "superpowers" you can imagine....

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The storm before the calm

Very often, Laurel, when tides start turning, great gears start shifting, and gusting winds start blowing at the onset of a really wonderful dream's alignment with your present life, there is commotion, unpredictability, even turmoil.

So, hey, let's always assume that's the case whenever you experience commotion, unpredictability, even turmoil. K?

    The Universe

Let not your senses deceive, for even as the tempest may howl, just beyond it lies a serenity that could not otherwise find you. The storm before the calm, Laurel, if you will.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Did you scrunch it,

Remember, you will always have friends, guides, and love, Laurel, but no one is coming to "save you."

That's the adventure package you signed up for.

The one that comes with all the superpowers, guaranteed rebounding abilities, and the all-powerful scrunched-nose-when-you-smile.

Your 5 Star Time-Space Adventure Tour Agency Manager,
    The Universe

Did you scrunch it, Laurel? I know you just scrunched it.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Take some time off

Plan the celebration now, Laurel. Sweep the floor. Clean the slate. Pick a date.

Window shop, buy a few things, go out on a limb.

Rearrange the furniture, pick some flowers, take some time off.

No, no, Laurel. Not necessarily because the tipping point has been reached... but because this is how you reach it.

How's today looking?
    The Universe

Especially take some time off, Laurel.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

It's never too late

You know, Laurel, I once had a dream that didn't come true. I know how that is. Ouch!! Painful!! Humiliating!!

Until I realized, it wasn't too late to dream something better.

It's never too late, Laurel -
    The Universe

Actually, Laurel, I'm sure it would have come true eventually, but better is better, and who should have to wait?

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Spiritually speaking.

In virtually all person-to-person relationships, Laurel, disappointments can be lessened, setbacks can be regained, and little annoyances can be brushed off, when one stops and realizes that such relationships are always temporary
Physically speaking

    The Universe

Of course, Laurel, nothing can change the fact that you will be together, forever, spiritually speaking.

Monday, April 30, 2012

One little known secret

One little known secret to making precisely the right move, at precisely the right time in your life, Laurel, is knowing that in all cases, there is more than one right move and more than one right time. Lots and lots more.

In other words, no matter what you do next, or when, so long as you do something, I'll meet you there, smooth the edges, polish the grill, and connect the dots.

    The Universe

Don't ask me "what grill," Laurel, I thought you'd know....

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Like pruning a tree

Asking someone to change, Laurel, is like pruning a tree: neither will ever be the same again.

Scarier still, is that you can't quite know in what new directions they'll grow.

But hey, it's still your call.

    The Universe

I wouldn't change a leaf on you, Laurel.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

"Criterion of Consciousness"

A main "Criterion of Consciousness" for the human experience, Laurel, is never having all you want. For as one dream comes true, another swiftly takes its place. Not having all you want is one of life's constants.

And learning to be happy while not yet having all you want is the first "Criterion of Joy." Nail it, and for the rest of your life people will be asking what it is about you.

Desire, Laurel, is a beautiful thing.

    The Universe

Yeah, Laurel, as if they weren't already asking.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The real reason

The real reason your brain is so large, Laurel, compared to most of the other blessed creatures dwelling in time and space, is so that you can vividly imagine all the exquisite, exciting, and enthralling details of your heart's desires; not so that you can figure out who you need to meet, when you need to meet them, where you need to be, or how you're going to pull it all together.

Your brain's not nearly that big.

But mine is,
    The Universe

Actually, that's just one of the reasons, Laurel. Some of the other reasons are so that you can take notice of the miracles in your life, feel the joy when you visualize, and, of course, so that you can laugh at yourself whenever you temporarily forget these things. Ha ha.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Way ahead of schedule

Do you ever wonder where all those glorious seconds, minutes, and hours go that recently poured through your fingers on an idle weekend or a cool evening, when suddenly you feel like you're racing the clock on some crazed, hurried weekday?

Nowhere. They're still there, Laurel, lazing around. They just look different when you focus upon what you haven't done, instead of what you have done.

Your output is legendary,
    The Universe

You're way ahead of schedule, Laurel.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Little else you say

Little else you say, Laurel, can change so much in the life of another as words of praise, compliments, or encouragement.

Way to go, beautiful -
    The Universe

And remember that some of the best pats on the back, Laurel, are the ones you give yourself.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Go way out

Go way out, Laurel.

Think beyond your present dreams, to the dreams you will have once they've already come true.

And when you can clearly see that life and those dreams in your mind's eye - how confident you will walk and how proud you will feel - start walking and feeling like that today.

Far out,
    The Universe

Laurel, people are going to start talking about you in whispers. "Shhhh... just look... whis-whis-whis... Midas touch... whis-whis-whis-whis... cool shoes...."

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A work of ART

Your entire life, Laurel, is a work of art. And as is true of all masterpieces, everything has meaning and is important, which includes your me-time, shopping, day dreaming, dessert selections, idle chats, and walkabouts.

One day people will study you,
    The Universe

Let's just keep our ears on, OK, Laurel?

Monday, April 16, 2012

What if today

What if today, Laurel, was your day? The most amazing day of your life, so far? A day that would change everything for the better? What's already good would become great. What's already great would become amazing. And what's already amazing would become the stuff of legends.

And all you had to do to take advantage of the good and wonderful things about to happen for you, was treat folks with a true and eager kindness, think mostly of those things that please you, and go out in the world, just a bit, where you could meet, and mingle, and fall in love?

How much would you be clucking right now? Thumbs under your armpits, getting funky? Bobbing your head?

Start clucking baby! Beam, gush, preen! You got it...
    The Universe

Today's your day, Laurel, yet if by its end nothing seems to have happened, it may just mean that tomorrow, for sure, will be the most amazing day of your life. Brock...

Friday, April 13, 2012

Free them

Honor them, love them, help them, heal them, but above all else, Laurel, free them.

Everyone, of course -
    The Universe

They'll return, Laurel, one day, somewhere, over the rainbow or in times without space. And then they'll show you all the "pictures" they took, play some weird music, and finally... they'll thank you. Crazy love.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Everything is optional

Everything is optional, Laurel, and every option holds a promise, and in every promise there's a plan for the "best of your life."

So, whatever you chose, or may yet choose, celebrate it.

To the conga line, "HEY!" -
    The Universe

Even not choosing, Laurel, is choosing, and this too deserves celebrating... "HEY!"

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

So much air, so little time

As you know, Laurel, for those already within time and space, their lives are usually all about finding love and making money.

Yet not so long ago, while awaiting their first turn, Laurel, breathing would have been enough.

So much air, so little time -
    The Universe

Hey, Laurel, I vote for breathing, finding love, and making money, in that order.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Do you know

 Do you know what the former-living celebrate the most, Laurel, when they consider their earlier times in space?

Not homes bought, cars driven, mountains climbed, or islands hopped, but fears faced, hearts mended, faith restored, and love bared.

A hearty crew (nyuk, nyuk, nyuk) -
    The Universe

Not that you can't also have a cool home on a nice island, Laurel, or even a new, faster, fancier, lighter laptop while you're at it.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Go do something radical

Never has there been a moment in your life, Laurel, that wasn't also a moment in mine.

Never have you laughed without me, cried alone, or loved in vain.

And never have you dreamed a dream, that destiny had not ordained.

    The Universe

Now let's go do something radical about our new, faster, fancier, lighter laptop, Laurel.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Be the wave

You only ever have to ride the wave of life, Laurel, not create it, to be taken anywhere you dream of being.

Hang ten,
    The Universe

Be the wave, Laurel.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Born to run

Some of the things that hurt us here the most, Laurel, are your regrets over the past, insecurities over downtime, and self-doubts over decisions to be made.

Heck, the past was only warm-up practice, downtime gives us a chance to set a new stage, and it's you we call "the boss."

Born to run,
    The Universe

Love yourself, Laurel, we do.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Spread the word

Wild, huh, Laurel, how the entirety of living deliberately can be summed up in just three words?

Thoughts become things.

Of course, beliefs are important too, but your thoughts can change what you believe.

And words are important, they're your thoughts that will become things the soonest.

And taking action is absolutely critical, because more than anything else, it creates expectation.

Spread the word,
    The Universe

You were thinking chocolate, vanilla, Laurel, and strawberry?

Monday, April 2, 2012

Playing both ends to the middle

Your generosity, Laurel, is making a name for you here in the unseen, while at the same time rattling the floodgates there on the plane of manifestation.

I bet you're good at chess...

    The Universe

Playing both ends to the middle, Laurel, will get you everywhere.

Friday, March 30, 2012


Fear, Laurel, like joy, usually means that you're exactly where you should be, learning what you're ready to learn, about to become more than who you were.

    The Universe

Actually, Laurel, you're always where you should be. Point being, just because you fear something doesn't mean you should avoid it... usually.

Thursday, March 29, 2012


 It's been so long, Laurel, I'm quite sure you've forgotten our secret handshake, haven't you?


How about our code for saying, "I love you"?


Then I doubt you'll recall my solemn promise to let you know once you began approaching exactly the right time and exactly the right place, with enough life lessons under your belt to enable you to finally stop struggling, start soaring, and begin living the life of your wildest dreams?

Well, if not, the following might not make much sense:

"You're getting hot! Steaming hot! Really HOT!! Ouch, you're so hot! Smoking, red-hot-chili-pepper, volcano, extremely, DOUBLE-HOT! HOT! HOT! NOW, Laurel, NOW-W-W-W-W-W-W!"

I $l%o^v1e you,
    The Universe

You didn't think I'd forget, did you, Laurel?

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Kindness prevails

 Always, Laurel, kindness prevails. No matter how things appear, nor how humbling a task, nor how unkind they've been.

    The Universe

Pretty simple strategy, huh, Laurel?

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Happiness always returns

 Laurel, happiness always returns.

You know, in case you should ever sense its absence.

    The Universe

Partly, because while it's away, Laurel, it misses you even more than you miss it.

Tears of Joy

Would it be enough to know, Laurel (and you can know this through deductive reasoning), that long ago, when the two of us carefully mapped out your pending adventure into the jungles of time and space: the hills and valleys you would traverse; the setbacks and advances you would encounter; the good, the bad, and the ugly, and all of the lives you would touch; when our planning was done and the "big picture" was revealed...

You burst into tears of joy, overwhelmed with its perfection and who you'd become.

Yeah, like a baby -
    The Universe

Yeah, Laurel, I'll never forget it, because I cried too.

Friday, March 23, 2012

The real reason

 The real reason animals don't talk, Laurel, is because they understand so much.

    The Universe

Verily, Laurel, the more understanding one possesses, the less there is to say, and the more there is to do.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Show me

Show me someone, Laurel, who keeps getting in your way, and I'll show you someone who keeps making excuses.

Tricky, tricky, tricky,
    The Universe

Oh, Laurel, you slay me.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Just give thanks

It's wise never to ask another for what you want, Laurel.

No, don't ask me.

No, not even yourself.

Just give thanks, in advance. As if you already had whatever it is the "old-you" would have asked for.

Oh, and by the way, thanks for loving every fiber of your supernatural self, as much as I do.

    The Universe

"Old-you," that's funny, Laurel. Here, anyone under 21,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 still gets carded.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


 I ask you, Laurel, as humbly as I can, to consider taking the path less traveled, going within, and getting quiet. Being yourself, shining your light, and reaching out to others.

No, no, heavens no! Not what you're thinking!! I ask these things not that they might be an alternative to living high on the hog, in the fast lane, loaded down with embarrassing wealth... but as a means to attaining these things.

Just striving to preserve our options -
    The Universe

Sheeze, Laurel, are you kidding? I pray mightily, on my hands and knees, giving thanks in advance to... myself... that you might sooner live a life with every imaginable option, toys and all.

Monday, March 19, 2012

A peek into the future

How'd you like a little peek into the future, Laurel? Oh, I really shouldn't, but, well, you so rock, I figure this indulgence, just once, will be all right.

You're sitting around a warm and cozy fireplace surrounded by friends and boisterous laughter. Early-morning snow gently falling across the countryside is visible from the enormous, ceiling-high windows beside you. Everyone is sipping hot chocolate, and reminiscing about the fabulous circumstances that have brought you together, brimming with excitement for times ahead. And then you chime in, "If only we'd seen it, we never would have been so hard on ourselves. If only we'd had just the slightest inkling that the challenges, lacks, and issues we faced back then were of our own exacting design, and that they'd soon make possible the whirlwind of events that so swiftly followed, we'd have been, well, as proud then as we are now... and every bit as photogenic."

And then everyone starts clapping, smiling, and taking lots of pictures.

Not a word to anyone,
    The Universe

You're also wearing the most outrageous sparkly tights I've ever seen, Laurel. But then, you always could wear anything.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Thought so.

Ever notice, Laurel, how those who give 100% just to "get by" in life, usually do? How those who are willing to do just about anything to work on their relationships, usually do? And how those who seem to make it their life's mission to add more years to theirs, often succeed?

Thought so.

Then you must wonder, too, why they don't just give 100% to living in abundance, do just about anything to celebrate their relationships, and make it their mission to add more life to their years... huh?

Just another one of life's amazing mysteries, I guess -
    The Universe

Laurel, let's see them surrounded in gold light this year!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Kindness always returns.

Laurel, sometimes, in hindsight, it may seem that your prior kindnesses were for naught, and that in the end, they were too high a price to pay for the pains you've endured.

That is, of course, until you get a little further into the future, when the pendulum has been allowed its full swing, and all the seeds you've sown have begun blooming in more gardens than you ever knew existed.

    The Universe

Laurel, kindness always returns.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Always trust your dreams

 Always trust your dreams, Laurel.

They've chosen you, as much as you've chosen them.

    The Universe

And it really ticked-off all the other dreams, too, Laurel.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

What if?

 Laurel, if you could take a daily pill that would profoundly speed-up the manifestation of all your dreams, would you take it without fail?

I thought so.

What if it was a big, ugly pill that took 5 minutes to dissolve on your tongue, and it tasted like medicine. Would you still do it?

Yes, all of your dreams...

Thought so.

But what if during those 5 minutes each day you couldn't watch TV, or talk with friends, or distract yourself in any way from your chore?

Wow, you must really want a fabulous new, faster, fancier, lighter laptop, and all those other awesome life changes!

OK, what if you could skip the pill bit entirely, but instead you had to set aside 5 minutes a day to visualize, in a dark and quiet room, seeing your life unfold as if all your dreams were coming true, and for good measure you had to say or do something, each day, that implied the same?

No, you can't go back to the pill idea.

    The Universe

It works for me, Laurel.

Monday, March 12, 2012

The greatest of all illusions

Perhaps the greatest of all illusions, Laurel, is that life could somehow be better than it already is.

You've got it made -
    The Universe

Precisely, Laurel, your life.

Friday, March 9, 2012


It's not as if one could be bored enough, feel frustrated enough, or complain enough that their life would suddenly turn around. Doesn't work that way.

Whatever anyone "is," Laurel, they become more of. And anyone's is'ness is whatever they say it is.

    The Universe

You will help me reach them, won't you, Laurel? By example.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Laurel, the need to criticize simply belies a longing for recognition, appreciation, and validation. None of which, however, can be obtained through criticism.

I'm sure it's just a phase they're going through.

    The Universe

Hmmmmm, Laurel, you're actually glowing today.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

You so fly

Laurel, do you know what's really, really, really easy?

Whatever you say is really, really, really easy.

Same goes for the hard stuff.

You so fly,
    The Universe

Laurel, "fly" is good.

You so fly

Laurel, do you know what's really, really, really easy?

Whatever you say is really, really, really easy.

Same goes for the hard stuff.

You so fly,
    The Universe

Laurel, "fly" is good.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Your only "job"

Actually, Laurel, your only "job" in this intergalactic affair called life is thinking. That's it. That's all there is. And should you learn to focus your thinking, to dwell upon what you want instead of what you don't want, and to live as if your thoughts are more real than the prior manifestations that surround you, your life will become easy, floodgates will burst open, and if you want, everyone shall know your name. Somebody must have been loving you, BIG TIME, when this old world began spinning. Your secret admirer - The Universe Actually, I tried to make it even easier, Laurel, but would you believe that some things really are impossible? Believe it.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Something, perhaps, to remember.

 When you feel happy, Laurel, really happy, it somehow seems that you've always been happy and that you'll always be happy.

The same is often true when you feel sad, or lonely, or depressed, or broke, or sick, or scared.

Something, perhaps, to remember.

    The Universe

Laurel, don't let appearances keep you from seeing the obvious: your nature is joy, you were built for success, and money, honey, grows on trees.

Friday, March 2, 2012

When you finally get that call

When you finally get that call, meet that person, walk that walk, and live that dream, Laurel, do you think you'll even care that there were a few dark and scary moments in a journey that made them all possible?

Trust me, you won't even remember.

    The Universe

And, Laurel, won't you be glad you never settled for less?

Thursday, March 1, 2012

No sane reasons

There are no sane reasons to limit a dream, Laurel.

After all, you don't have to deliver it. I do.

    The Universe

That's right. Go ahead. Raise the bar. Higher. Higher, still. Laurel, as if it was me who had to jump it.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Dream Fairies are real sticklers

The presumption, Laurel, at all times and under all circumstances, should always be that you are good enough, worthy enough, and lovable enough. And that you are exactly the right kind of person, in the right place, at the right time. Otherwise, you wouldn't have been instilled with such dreams in the first place.

Love you,
    The Universe

Trust me, Laurel, the Dream Fairies are real sticklers.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Oh, we're busy all right

Oh, we're busy all right. We're absolutely slammed; everywhere, always. Aligning planets, churning waterfalls, guiding sparrows, and raising more suns for more planets in more galaxies than a rocket scientist on caffeine could ever count.

Yet still, Laurel, never a moment goes by when there aren't angels here, working their little hearts out for you.

Of this you can be sure.

    The Universe

You rank, Laurel. Big time.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Good on you

However safe you might think you are right now, Laurel, you are even safer.

However much you might think you are loved and guided right now, you are loved and guided even more.

And however likely you feel your future happiness is to blossom, let me assure you, it is, in fact, inevitable. Eternally.

It's simply that from within the jungles of time and space none of what I just shared is obvious, even as I hold you in the palm of my hand, because you've accepted what is unquestionably the single most daunting challenge I've ever imagined: to forget that we are one.

Good on you,
    The Universe

Yeah, Laurel, how are we going to top time and space? You're doing so well.

Friday, February 24, 2012

On the other hand

Laurel, you don't even have to ask.

I know, I'm there, and I'm already busy.

    The Universe

On the other hand, Laurel, a little wink, "the chicken" when no one's watching, or a soft "hubba, hubba..." wouldn't hurt, either.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

When just starting out

When just starting out on a new journey, Laurel, it's only natural to feel vulnerable. After all, it may seem that you have much to lose. But may I remind you that never again, at any other point in your journey, will you have so much to gain as you will if you start today?

I'll take that as a "Yes."

    The Universe

And, Laurel, that barely hints at how profoundly "the game of life" is rigged in your favor. Go for it and keep going for it! (I'm "wanted" in Vegas.)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

It's probably a no-brainer

It may seem a bit backwards for some, Laurel, but the first step one might take towards rearranging the present circumstances of their life is to stop dwelling upon the present circumstances of their life.

But for you it's probably a no-brainer.

    The Universe

Second, Laurel, they might start visualizing the circumstances they want, as if they already existed. Right. Duh-h-h-h-h-h....

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Just because...

Just because someone may find fault, cast stones, or disagree with you, Laurel, doesn't mean they don't adore you.

Actually, Laurel, it's these same folks who usually do.

    The Universe

But then, I see you as faultless, Laurel, and I still adore you. Call me crazy.

Monday, February 20, 2012

It's not from the known, but the unknown

It's not from the known, but the unknown, Laurel, that creativity and inventiveness are born.

Turn away from the predictable, cliché, and reliable. Brave the void where the darkness is greatest. Trust the quiet, find the stillness, feel the calm. Then steadily think, speak, and move as if you were led. Behave as if your vision were clear. Anticipate the emotional rush that will come with your triumph. And as if by magic, as you raise your pen to write, you'll find the words have already been summoned, flooded in light that was there all along, in a world that has just as anxiously anticipated your arrival.

Just don't let them worship you, Laurel.
    The Universe

Metaphorically, Laurel. You don't have to write a thing. Really.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Isn't it fun

Guidance, attention, help, maybe. Love, always. Criticism, never. What to give others, Laurel. Love always, The Universe Isn't it fun being you, Laurel!

Friday, February 17, 2012

What if

What if every wrinkle, scar, or gray hair only made you more beautiful? What if every tear you've shed, mistake you've made, and challenge you've faced, only drew you closer to the light? And what if, Laurel, for every breath you've taken, every sentence you've spoken, and every path you've chosen, your fans in the unseen multiplied?

Well, I'd say it's about time you found out.

Be proud, we are -
    The Universe

Laurel! Not multiplied that way!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

An end result

An end result, imagined clearly and acted upon with expectation, Laurel, will always force the circumstances necessary to bring about its own manifestation, no matter how unpredictable, unlikely, or even impossible those circumstances may have previously seemed.

Like clockwork,
    The Universe

At which point the one who did the imagining and expecting, Laurel, will be said to have "lucked out royally" by all those who don't yet know how life really works. Consider it flattery.

Monday, February 13, 2012

One cool cookie

With the vista of a new year still dawning, is it my imagination, Laurel, or is someone out there forgetting that the "hows" are my domain? That when it comes to manifesting change, their real job is to focus upon the end result. And that simply doing what they can, with what they've got, from where they are, will always be enough to move heaven and earth?

I didn't think so.

    The Universe

You are one cool cookie, Laurel.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Don't be fooled

Don't be fooled by the "players," Laurel, and don't be fooled by yourself. Because there's no one more lovable than you.

And I know everyone.

    The Universe

Laurel, there's also no one more loved.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

...no more empowering belief...

There is perhaps no more empowering belief, Laurel, than understanding you're always in control of how you feel.

Similarly, understanding that just because you're not always skipping through tulips with joy doesn't mean that something's wrong with you.

You rock,
    The Universe

Because, Laurel, nothing has ever, ever, ever been wrong with you. Lots of grown-ups still like animal crackers.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Choose "frivolous" at least once a day.

Some think life is not so much a place to seek personal happiness and fulfillment, Laurel, but rather a place to learn lessons and pay dues.

And so it is for them.

    The Universe

Personally, Laurel, I choose "frivolous" at least once a day.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Not bad, huh?

When you focus upon anything at all, Laurel, it's like a call goes out to every corner of the Universe, summoning ideas, strength, courage, insight, resources, and whatever else is needed to complete the laser beam of your concentration. If it's an answer you need, it will be forthcoming. If it's a choice you have to make, your options are calculated and recalculated under each scenario. If circumstances need to be arranged then every soul on the planet is consulted. And if it's help you need... we're already there.

When you focus upon anything at all.

Not bad, huh?

    The Universe

Every corner of the Universe, Laurel.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Get out

Get out, get out, get out even more, Laurel! Because there are people you've yet to meet, laughs you've yet to share, stories you've yet to live, and riches you've yet to tap into, that will not find you under any other circumstances.

Besides, how else can I shower you with surprises?

    The Universe

By the way, Laurel, how many new, faster, fancier, lighter laptop's have you been imagining?

Friday, February 3, 2012

"Super, very"

The trick to blending work and play, Laurel, lies not in what you do, but in how you view what you do. See work as play and see play as important - super, very. Super, very important - The Universe "Super, very," Laurel, is like "way, a lot," "extremely, especially," or "chocolater, chocolaty." Adjective-phrases made up on-the-fly that would never fly with ample consideration.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Patience sweetie

I have a favor to ask, Laurel. Could you please wait until after you take your baby steps, experience wild serendipities, and manifest eyebrow raising miracles, before you start telling people you're an intergalactic tidal wave of wanton love and magic for whom all the elements bow?

Patience sweetie,
    The Universe

Otherwise they're very likely to start making stuff up about you... "Have you heard about, Laurel Stone? YES! Me too!! Using crystals, burning incense, and playing a tambourine... in the wee morning hours, wearing strange slippers with long ears!!" Some of which just may not be true.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

You've got it made

Did you know, Laurel, that you are entitled to as many miracles in a day, as breaths you take? And that those you don't use, carry over? And that presently, in dog years, it's impossible to use all yours up? And that, in human years, if new ones stopped accruing, which they won't, you'd be hard-pressed to use yours before your swinging 600's?

And that all you have to do to cash one in, is expect it?

You've got it made,
    The Universe

And did you know, Laurel, that there are as many angels following you on Twangle (not yet accessible by earthly internets), as there are angels?

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Advanced Metaphysics 101

Actually, Laurel, nobody "needs" to be corrected. They know when they're acting up, or will soon find out.

Poor behavior within your proximity, however, is always a tip-off that someone else might correct what they're thinking, saying, and doing.

Advanced Metaphysics 101,
    The Universe

Just as good behavior within your proximity, Laurel, is just one more cause to celebrate your savoir faire.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Just say "No" -

It's like you're a fabulously complicated jigsaw puzzle piece, Laurel, with stunning colors, wildly serrated edges, oceans of emotion, mountains of possibilities, worlds of talent, and complex energies, but for as long as you see yourself as just human, you'll never quite know where you fit in.

Just say "No" -
    The Universe

You're just another part of me, Laurel, and knowing this, all else starts to make sense.