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Friday, April 30, 2010

It's al-l-l-l-l-l-l good,

"It's al-l-l-l-l-l-l good," Laurel.

Especially the "good" part.

Happy Friday,
The Universe

Always, everything, forever and ever, Laurel.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

You can make anything happen...

You can make anything happen, Laurel.

After all, who do you think put the stars in the sky?

Who do you think teaches each bird to fly?

And who do you think I mean when I say, "Me, myself, and I"?

Life, good -
The Universe

You can make anything happen, Laurel.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


If everyone really knew how much they were loved, Laurel, not only from "above," but by everyone now in their life, there'd be little hearts drawn on everything from wheelbarrows to skyscrapers to jumbo jets.

And I so look forward to that day.

Big heart,
The Universe

Laurel, everyone loves you.

Appreciate what you have!

Appreciating what you already have, Laurel, is how to get more of what you don't.

The Universe

Just a little something to remember, Laurel, on a cold night, an idle day, or when stuck behind a slowpoke in the passing lane on a highway driving across town to run some weekend errands, or something.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Wake up! Do what you know!

Wake up, Laurel! Remember what excites you. Think of these things, those friends, and the adventures that can be yours. Focus. Care. Fantasize. Imagine. It's all so near. Speak as if you're ready. Paste new pictures in your scrapbook, on your vision board, and around your home and office. Physically prepare for the changes that you wish to experience in your life. You've done this before. You know it works. You're due for an encore. It's time to amaze. That's why you're there.

And it's why I'm here,
The Universe

Wake up, Laurel! Remember! Do what you know to do! It's all so near.

Friday, April 23, 2010

How it works..

Everyone in your life, Laurel, was specially summoned to help you think and feel things you have never thought or felt before.

It's working, huh?

Crazy rascals,
The Universe

Which, of course, Laurel, is why you summoned them....

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Dare not wish to change even the slightest thing about a loved one, Laurel, without first understanding how it might change the rest of them.

Keep your eye on the ball,
The Universe

Besides, if the big picture is rocking you, Laurel, why make a fuss over a few splots? Splots is now a word. Literally, as in now now.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The more "yous" the better!

Can do... will do... should do... Laurel... all I care about is that you are you you.

You you, intentional.

Me, me,
The Universe

Laurel, in my book, the more yous, the better. Shhh....

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Better kinds of wild....

Those who are needy of attention, Laurel, hide from themselves their greatness.

Those who are needy of opportunity, Laurel, hide from themselves their power to create.

And those who are needy of love, Laurel, hide from themselves what's already there.

But boy, oh boy, are they in for a wild ride.

Love you like crazy,
The Universe

Laurel, there are better kinds of wild. Trust me.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Little is more inpressive....

Little is more impressive, inspirational, or sexy, Laurel, than watching someone in the throes of action, driven by purpose, oblivious to all but their aim.

Today has your name all over it -
The Universe

This one was inspired from watching you, Laurel.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

....they're clapping...

They surround you even now, Laurel. They see, hear, and feel what you see, hear, and feel. They trade vantage points, study possibilities, and learn to think bigger. They brag about you, compliment you, and laugh at your jokes. They only ever squabble over who loves you most.

And of course, I'm talking about the teachers who prepared you for time and space, who've now become your students.

Shhhh... they're reading this...
The Universe

Now they're clapping, Laurel!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

To the Office....

The thing is, Laurel, life's magic isn't a substitute for networking, socializing, and "working." To the contrary, these are some of its greatest incubators.

To the office -
The Universe

Stoke it, stir it, wave your wand, Laurel, and smile like you know a great secret

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Dream it! Show up!

Dream it, Laurel.

Show up.


The Universe

If boom delayed, Laurel, repeat steps one and two as necessary.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Be what you wish to see...

Be the love, Laurel, you wish to see in the world.

Turn it up,
The Universe

El amor, Laurel.

Monday, April 12, 2010

The recession is now over!

The recession is now over, Laurel.

Good one.

You can take the rest of the week off.

Wow -
The Universe

Who else do you think decides this stuff, Laurel?

Friday, April 9, 2010

What IS the reason??

Okay. If people at the movies are there to see movies; and people on tennis courts are there to play tennis; and people at work, even, are there to work; then, Laurel, what do you suppose people are up to in time and space, where thoughts become things, dreams come true, and all things remain forever possible?


You're amazing,
The Universe

Laurel, you are indeed here for a reason. Go for it!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Talk About Blessed!

One day, Laurel, you're going to wake up and feel so much joy for your life, exactly as it is, that you wouldn't trade anything for anything.

And right now, you get to live that bit that you one day won't trade anything for!

Talk about blessed,
The Universe

You already knew that, huh, Laurel?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Invariably means always.

Invariably, when big dreams come true, and I mean BIG, Laurel, there is a total metamorphosis of one's life. Their thoughts change, their words change, decisions are made differently, gratitude is tossed about like rice at a wedding, priorities are rearranged, and optimism soars.... Yeah, they're almost annoying.

You could have guessed all that, huh?

Would you have guessed that these changes, invariably, come before, not after, their dream's manifestation?

The Universe

Laurel, invariably means always.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Visualize.... 5 min./day

Laurel, what part of "visualize" do you think most people misunderstand?

Or don't they do it, just once a day, for five minutes a day, because they've yet to realize that whatever it is they most want lies only a little thinking away?

"Can you hear me now?"
The Universe

Laurel, just once a day, for five minutes a day, followed by a little "preparing the way," and you, too, could sing like Mariah, serve like Roger, and waltz like Matilda.

Monday, April 5, 2010

So much to look forward to...

Can you imagine an astral plane somewhere "out there," Laurel, where very old souls rendezvous to practice and perfect their most highly developed manifestation techniques? A members-only kind of place, where whatever they think about comes to life in the most vivid colors and sounds, and as the most intricate plots and circumstances? Where the only limits that exist lie in their ability to imagine what they've never before imagined, and to move with it in anticipation of its "physical" expression?

And best of all, being astral, no harm can come to them; they're completely untouchable. Nothing is real, yet everything matters. And there can be infinite gains in terms of insight and fun, yet no losses since everything is illusory. Actually, the worst thing that can happen is that they temporarily become so entranced by their creations that they completely forget who they are, where they are, and how powerful they really are....

Yep, it's exactly like this astral plane.

The Universe

Laurel, you have so much to look forward to!

Friday, April 2, 2010

"Blame Game"

Of course, Laurel, the biggest problem with the "Blame Game" is that everyone loses.

The Univers

Laurel, Twister?

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Give thanks....

For simply giving thanks, Laurel, when you lay down to sleep each night, or, from time to time, for no reason or rhyme, you'll begin to move with life instead of against it.

You'll be shown that life could not possibly be more beautiful than it is now. You'll see that you are the fountainhead of your experience. You'll remember that you transcend all things time and space, and thus are their very master. And you'll find that you live in a paradise where the only thing that truly seems impossible is how powerful you really are and how much you are loved.

What else would you think about, anyway?

The Universe

Laurel, your life is not like anyone else's who has lived, or will ever live, in time and space... or anywhere else.