If you like these notes, please visit "The Adventurers' Club".

Friday, December 30, 2011

10... 9... 8... 7... 6...

Dearest Laurel, I was about to wish that your every dream come true. That you find yourself surrounded by friends, laughter, and good times. I almost wished that your every cup runneth over financially, romantically, spiritually, and creatively. That good health be your faithful companion, peace your guarded ally, and love your perpetual guide. When suddenly, it dawned on me that as an infinite, powerful, fun-loving gladiator of the Universe, with eternity before you and the power of your thoughts to help shape it... it's you Laurel Stone, who will be granting wishes this year.

10... 9... 8... 7... 6...
    The Universe

Oh, Laurel, HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY NEW YEAR anyway!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Share some eggnog

 Sometimes, Laurel, instead of running from something scary in your life, it's easier to learn not to be scared of it.

Let it stay. Pull up a chair. Share some eggnog.

    The Universe

Besides, Laurel, you're bigger... and you have wings.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Laugh long and hard

Whatever your problem or challenge may be, Laurel, laugh at it. Laugh long and hard.

Because you are forever and it is temporary.

Love you,
    The Universe

Ain't no pain or vice, Laurel, that you won't prevail over and be more for. And knowing this will hasten its retreat and blessings.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Give thanks

Give thanks, Laurel, whenever you want more.

Of anything,
    The Universe

And happy dance, Laurel, whenever you want LOTS more.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Do it your way

Do it your way, Laurel.

That's what you're there for.

    The Universe

And actually, Laurel, that's what everyone in your life was counting on, no matter how much they deny it.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Bowing before Greatness

If it's not yet obvious to you, the real reason for this, and all seasons, is you, Laurel. A more perfect child of the Universe has never lived. Until now, only celebrations cloaked in myth and mystery could hint at your divine heritage and sacred destiny. You are life's prayer of becoming and its answer. The first light at the dawn of eternity, drawn from the ether, so that I might know my own depth, discover new heights, and revel in seas of blessed emotion.

A pioneer into illusion, an adventurer into the unknown, and a lifter of veils. Courageous, heroic, and exalted by legions in the unseen.

To give beyond reason, to care beyond hope, to love without limit; to reach, stretch, and dream, in spite of your fears. These are the hallmarks of divinity - traits of the immortal - your badges of honor. May you wear them with a pride as great as the immeasurable pride we feel for you.

Your light has illuminated darkened paths, your gaze has lifted broken spirits, and already your life has changed the course of history.

This is the time of year we celebrate Laurel Stone.

Bowing before Greatness,
    The Universe

Laurel, 2012 has your name all over it, Tiger.

Thursday, December 22, 2011


 Baby souls learn the most immediately following a disagreement.

Young souls learn the most immediately following a disagreement.

And, Laurel, old souls learn the most immediately following a disagreement, although they usually only disagree with themselves, very politely.

    The Universe

There's always something new to learn, Laurel

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


 What do blaring trumpets, cartwheeling angels, harping harpsichordists, and celestial hoedowns bring to mind?

The Pearly Gates? Welcome "Home" parties? Heaven gone wild?

Actually, Laurel, they play for every earthly sunrise and all of the moments of each day and night that follow.

    The Universe

Phew... you were nearly accidentally side-kicked by an exuberant admirer returning from a hoedown, Laurel, who simply adores you.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

In their own words

The top 10 things dead people want to tell living people, Laurel, are:

1. They're not dead.
2. They're sorry for any pain they caused.
3. There's no such thing as a devil or hell.
4. They were ready to go when they went.
5. You're not ready.
6. They finally understand what they were missing.
7. Nothing can prepare you for the beauty of the moment you arrive.
8. Don't try to understand this now, but life is exceedingly fair.
9. Your pets are as crazy, brilliant and loving, here, as they were there.
10. Life really is all about love, but not just loving those who love you...

In their own words,
    The Universe

They also wanted you to know that they really do show up as orbs in some of your photos, Laurel, but so does water. Quite a talkative bunch.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Everything makes you more

For every physical adventure, Laurel, there's the possibility of loss. That's what makes it an adventure.

For every spiritual adventure, there's only gain. Which totally spoils the adventure, and is why you choose to forget that all physical adventures are really spiritual adventures.

Everything makes you more,
    The Universe

Just like reality TV, Laurel, is anything but. By the way... your ratings here are ASTRONOMICAL!

Friday, December 16, 2011

You're getting warmer

There's not one person on Earth who's there for the same reason as you...

Finding and celebrating Laurel Stone.

    The Universe

You're getting warmer, Laurel... warmer... HOT! You're really, really HOT!!!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Putting the "U" in Unforgettable

Most people quickly forget car types, brand names, and whether or not you could throw a Frisbee, Laurel, but forever remember the broadly smiling, animal talking, tree hugging eccentrics they befriended.

Go for the latter.

Putting the "U" in Unforgettable,
    The Universe

Good thing about the Frisbee, huh, Laurel?

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

S'mores over a campfire

Lilac pandas, dancing flowers, sugar mountains, and rainbow houses, Laurel, don't even hint at the splendor of where you came from. But then, your friends back "home" can't imagine crimson sunrises, falling snow in moonlight, twirling dolphins, wagging tails, purring hearts, ocean mists, or bare feet in grass.

You've so impressed the Joneses.

Another day in paradise,
    The Universe

Not to mention s'mores over a campfire, in the woods, surrounded by spying deer, squirrels, and beavers, Laurel, listening to harp music... or whatever.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Enquiring minds want to know...

 Let's slide forward in time a bit, Laurel. Far enough to where we find your greatest dreams of the present have come true long ago. Seems like you've had a new, faster, fancier, lighter laptop forever, and that ages ago it was common knowledge among the angels that you would inevitably have more money than I need and begin saving. And oh, yes, there were countless happy surprises along the way, that, well, I'm not at liberty to write about here, but use your imagination!

OK, now that you've achieved so much, moved on, and your life is rocking, pray tell: How much did being on "Piers Morgan Tonight" change things for you? What are your new life priorities these days? Any regrets over refurbishing that castle in Scotland? Are most of your friends famous, or do you shun the "in" crowd? What advice would you give yourself if you could go back in time to, say, the end of 2011? Does Angelina really care about the underprivileged, or is she just co-chairing the Laurel Stone Greener Planet event to curry favor with the rich and powerful? What is it that you now dream of with all your heart and soul? And finally, do you think it was your powers of persuasion, or your progressive rap lyrics, that convinced the North Koreans to go non-nuclear?

Enquiring minds want to know...
    The Universe

Eek, Laurel! I meant to warn you in advance not to drive or operate heavy machinery while reading this one. You OK?

Monday, December 12, 2011

Awesome normal

 If you only knew, Laurel, how normal you were when you thought you were weird.

How strong you were when you thought you were weak.

And how ready you were when you thought you weren't.

You'd think again, oh Great One Revered by All in the Unseen -
    The Universe

Not normal normal, Laurel, awesome normal. And ready ready.

Friday, December 9, 2011


Young souls use pain to learn how things are.

Mature souls use pain to learn how else things might be.

And old souls, Laurel, use pain to learn how else they might be.

    The Universe

Of course, Laurel, pain is only a choice, among many, for such learning. It just happens to be very popular.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Just sayin'

The light is getting brighter, Laurel.

The path is getting clearer.

And you are getting closer.

That's all I'm saying,
    The Universe

Actually, Laurel, this has been true every day of your life, but sometimes it helps to be reminded of it. Whoohooo, you!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Oh what fun we will have in 2012

 There's only a little bit of time left, Laurel.

Soon, everyone will know of your greatness, magnanimous nature, giving spirit, and manifesting prowess.

Would you mind terribly if we began shooting the documentary of your life-so-far? We want some before and after shots to catch the looks on their faces when they first hear that you'll be on an Oprah special, with the Queen, talking to dolphins.

    The Universe

Oh what fun we will have in 2012, Laurel! Oh, and when shall we deliver your new, faster, fancier, lighter laptop? Sure you don't want two of them? Maybe you could give one to Oprah... or the Queen?

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Nothing is random.

Not the pain, Laurel, or the relief. Not the answer or the question. Not the challenge or the victory. The song or the sparrow... Nothing is random.

 I'm like that, The Universe

Not the email, Laurel, not even this one.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Get it?

Whether you see it, feel it, or know it, Laurel, right now you're being provided for.

 And you always will be.

 Get it?

 The Universe

 Nice to know people in high places, huh, Laurel?

Friday, December 2, 2011

Can you hear me now??

What if, Laurel, you're already doing everything right, even though you're not sure?

And the surprises along the way have only sped things up, even though it felt like they slowed you down?

And all that you want is now barreling towards you, even though you can't see it?

And when it arrives it'll exceed your every expectation, even though your dreams were huge? Wouldn't you be making some really weird noises about now?

Whoohoo'ing, howling... maybe even whoohoo-howl-barking?

 Well? The Universe

 I'm just glad you can't hear me right now, Laurel....

Thursday, December 1, 2011

That's okay

If you only gave yourself credit, Laurel, for all the things you do that you do not give yourself credit for, you'd be astonished to learn how much you really do accomplish in a single day. Every single day.

That's okay though, because I'm still "counting" all of it.

 The Universe

 Some of the angels here think you're pure magician, Laurel. The rest know it.