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Saturday, June 30, 2012

To be happy or not

Laurel, please help spread the word. Here are the top 10 ways people give away their power:
1. Asking others what they should do.
2. Thinking God decides who gets what.
3. Worrying about how their dream will come true.
4. Thinking they have dues to pay.
5. Attaching to unimportant details and outcomes.
6. Believing in soul mates.
7. Thinking karma or spiritual contracts are absolute.
8. Fear of anything, especially falling in love.
9. Waiting for their ducks to line up before acting.
10. Choosing to be unhappy.
Understand the truth, little bird, and you will soar.
    The Universe

To be happy or not, Laurel, is always a choice.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

The older the soul

The older the soul, Laurel, the softer the glance, the quicker the smile and the sooner to say "I love you."
Utterly fearless,
    The Universe

They also skip and wink more than normal, Laurel, and hold hands with those they walk beside.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Have an amazing day

For all things and non-things that you may ever want, Laurel, understand that sometimes the fastest way to get them is to forget them, and to focus instead on just being the most amazing human being you can be. At which point all of your heart's desires, spoken or unspoken, will be drawn to you more powerfully than a magnet is drawn to steel.
Have an amazing day,
    The Universe

I trust you know, Laurel, that when I refer to you as a "human being," I actually mean "ancient intergalactic spiritual tidal wave of love and energy having a human experience." Yes?

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


And while on the subject of "Whoohooos!" Laurel, they always return louder than when they were first sent out.

Matter manipulation secrets of ye old happy dancers,
    The Universe

You know, Laurel, when sent out in anticipation of great and fun things happening, it's the law that they must return on your plane of manifestation, typically prompted by the sudden appearance of new friends, fabulous circumstances, or the odd new, faster, fancier, lighter laptop, in the flesh. Yeah, "Whooooohooooooooo!!"

Monday, June 25, 2012

Feeling peculiar

One of life's most elusive lessons, Laurel, saved for only the wise and peculiar, is that there's nothing, ever, to be unhappy about.

Unless, of course, you lose sight of the big picture, think the illusions are real, or forget there's no such place as far away.
    The Universe

Feeling peculiar, Laurel?

Friday, June 22, 2012

Are you practicing

Are you practicing your "Whooohooooo!" Laurel?
Are you practicing as if it were to be heard by millions upon millions?
I think you might consider it,
    The Universe

There's really nothing worse than a poorly projected, inappropriately short, raccoon-sounding rebel yell, huh Laurel?

Thursday, June 21, 2012

All is well

It's not the steps that matter, Laurel, but the path.
All is well,
    The Universe

And the path will take care of itself, Laurel, when you keep focused on your destination.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

No one

No one, Laurel, can see into your heart.
Which is why you sometimes have to show them how you feel.
Happy Valentine's Day, 8 months early -
    The Universe

No one can see into your mind either, Laurel, but then, your thoughts eventually become things.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The best way to forgive

The best way to forgive, Laurel, is not to blame.
Lovin' you,
    The Universe

Besides, Laurel, we have forever and ever to look forward to.

Monday, June 18, 2012

No pressure….

Rainbows and butterflies, cattails and dandelions, waterfalls and rainforests, puppy dogs and dragonflies, sea foam and orcas, sunshine and comets, snowflakes and icicles, wildflowers and Laurel Stone...
Did I think of everything, or what?
Crazy, sexy, cool,
    The Universe

And now, Laurel, you get to think of whatever you like... no pressure.

Friday, June 15, 2012


Always, Laurel, the strong carry the weak, the rich carry the poor, the healthy carry the sick, and the happy carry the sad.
And whether or not they remember it, this was once their promise, to thank those who carried them.
I'm totally goose bumped,
    The Universe

Everyone gets carried a little bit, Laurel.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Do you know

Do you know what I'd really, really like, Laurel?
For you to know that I think about you every moment of every day.
    The Universe

And that your happiness is the point of this all, Laurel. And that chocolate was not an accidental discovery.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Hang ten

I think you already feel it, Laurel, but a really HUGE wave of LOVE is coming your way.
Once-in-a-lifetime HUGE.
Hang ten,
    The Universe

Sort of "once-in-a-lifetime," Laurel, but it will stay with you just as I stay with you, forever.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Caaaa, caaaaaaa...

One of the coolest things about time and space, Laurel, besides cattails, polka dots, and a good beat, is that everything is free.
Premium quality,
    The Universe

I mean, no one has to invent a Universe, Laurel, for an apple pie, read Sagan for enlightenment, or have wings to fly. Caaaa, caaaaaaa...

Monday, June 11, 2012

Everything has a reason

For every setback, disappointment and heartbreak, Laurel, ask yourself, "What does this create the opportunity for?"
And therein you will find its gift.
Everything has a reason,
    The Universe

And if you look close enough, Laurel, that reason will always be love, healing, or happy dancing, if not all three.

Friday, June 8, 2012


Do you have any idea, Laurel, of how fast angels fly? How brilliant they are? How silently they work? How deeply they love? How creative they can be? How cleverly they blend in?
Oh, hey, Laurel, nice orchestra. Do they follow you everywhere?
    The Universe

Do you have any idea, Laurel, of how fast things can change for the better? "Oh, hey, Laurel, nice new, faster, fancier, lighter laptop! . . . Must be nice."

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Knock, knock?

Birds only know their "is-ness," Laurel, trees only know their "is-ness," and planets only know their "is-ness."
That's their only "business."
Let it be yours.
Knock, knock?
    The Universe

Is-me, Laurel.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Life's magic

Life's magic is a lot like a swift flowing river, Laurel. No matter how long you've overlooked it or unwittingly swam against it, the instant you stop struggling you're back in the flow, hat down low, coolest cat on the block.
In other words, Laurel, your so-called "baggage," ain't no thang.
Coolio -
    The Universe

A lot like a river, Laurel, except, of course, it laughs even more.

A masterpiece

You need not set out to create a masterpiece, Laurel.
You are one.
    The Universe

Your mere presence in the world, Laurel, has changed everything... while having very little to do with the whole warming business.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The more challenges

Funny, huh, Laurel, how some folks think that avoiding challenges will bring them peace?
As if the peace they now know didn't come from earlier challenges that were faced, and mastered.
OK - not really that funny,
    The Universe

The more challenges one faces today, Laurel, the more "Whoohooo's!" "Yeehaaa's!" and "Holy Batman's!" tomorrow.

Monday, June 4, 2012


There are only two types of dreams, Laurel.
Those that have come true. And those that are coming true.
    The Universe

Yeah, Laurel, better start narrowing down the trim choices for your new, faster, fancier, lighter laptop, and getting really clear on how many friends you want to take into space.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Time and Space

I have to admit, Laurel, when we thought of adding the dimension of "time" to space, it was not wildly popular.

True, it would make possible evolution, reunions, and cute before-and-after photos. But it would add to the illusion of separation... "horror of horrors!" Spontaneous manifestations would spontaneously cease... "eee-gad!" And the only way anyone could get anything done, would be if they held onto and moved with their vision in thought, word, and deed, even when present circumstances appeared ABSOLUTELY unchanged for their efforts... yeah, "SIGN ME UP!!!!"

Thinking of you beaming with childlike joy -
    The Universe

Time and Space, Laurel, still the ultimate adventure.