If you like these notes, please visit "The Adventurers' Club".

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Life is a Dream....

Have you ever noticed how folks instinctively know that creating wealth is much more fun than spending it, yet they dream more about spending it than they do about creating it?
Could it be, Laurel, they've momentarily forgotten that they're supernatural, that they can have whatever they want, and that life is but a dream?

2010 is all yours, baby -
The Universe

...that they have wings, that they can fly, Laurel, and that they have me?

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Bring on 2010!

I've got a feeling, Laurel, that 2010 is going to be your kind of year. That you'll be happier than you've ever been, laughing harder, smiling wider, standing taller, walking lighter, dancing crazier, hugging longer, living grander, loving louder, and if you want, selling the pictures to a tabloid to raise money for your new charity.
Can you feel it, too?
The Universe

And, Laurel, you're going to remember this email when Ellen's interviewing you, right after you both dance like spring chickens, sitting on her couch, in front of 14 million viewers, and you're going to tell her, "First, I got this Note from the Universe about hugging longer and loving louder... That's RIGHT!!!! T U T dot C O M! You got the same one?"

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Welcome the Unexpected!

When suddenly the unexpected happens, Laurel, it's always me... just getting everything ready for the time of your life.
Love you, mean it -
The Universe

Either that, Laurel, or I lost my balance doing cartwheels behind the curtains of time and space.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Truth or not??

Sometimes, Laurel, when there's absolutely no other evidence, you can still know whether someone's telling the truth or not, from all else they've said.
That's what I say,
The Universe
Also, Laurel, it doesn't hurt to consider your own motivations for wanting to hear what they say, which are not always what they appear to be. Yeah, different subject, same donut.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Real Reason

If it's not yet obvious to you, the real reason for this, and all seasons, is you, Laurel. A more perfect child of the Universe has never lived. Until now, only celebrations cloaked in myth and mystery could hint at your divine heritage and sacred destiny. You are life's prayer of becoming and its answer. The first light at the dawn of eternity, drawn from the ether, so that I might know my own depth, discover new heights, and revel in seas of blessed emotion.
A pioneer into illusion, an adventurer into the unknown, and a lifter of veils. Courageous, heroic, and exalted by legions in the unseen.

To give beyond reason, to care beyond hope, to love without limit; to reach, stretch, and dream, in spite of your fears. These are the hallmarks of divinity - traits of the immortal - your badges of honor. May you wear them with a pride as great as the immeasurable pride we feel for you.

Your light has illuminated darkened paths, your gaze has lifted broken spirits, and already your life has changed the course of history.

This is the time of year we celebrate Laurel Stone.

Bowing before Greatness,
The Universe

Supercoolhappylovething, you are, Laurel

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Each person is for a reason..

Each person in your life is there for a reason, Laurel, and that reason always has something to do with love.
Like me,
The Universe

Which is pretty much all you ever need to know, huh, Laurel?

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Giving continues giving..

What people rarely give themselves credit for, Laurel, is that their giving continues giving, even after they've forgotten giving, and even when they didn't know they were giving, forever and ever and ever.
At least I'm keeping score,
The Universe

"With Laurel": 7 QUANTUM GIGATRILLIONS Versus "Without Laurel": 0... You're ahead!

Friday, December 18, 2009


In case they look at you funny, Laurel, when you tell them of your loftiest dreams, goals, and new, faster, fancier, lighter laptop., all you have to do is turn your head sideways, raise an eyebrow, and slowly say, "I... have... connections...."

Because you do.
The Universe

And I got you, Laurel.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Nothing worth being unhappy about!

Most people will find the following very hard to believe, Laurel, but, there is nothing, ever, worth being unhappy about.

Because no matter what happens, it will add to you, you'll still live forever, and our love affair will remain tabloid fodder in realms far, far away.

Thank you.
Earth rocks,
The Universe

But then, Laurel, "most people" don't believe in a Universe that conspires, dotes, and sends emails.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

How to measure success..

Just wanted to remind you, Laurel, that sometimes success is better measured in smiles received, giggles heard, and hands held, than in dollars earned, deadlines met, and kilos shed.

And I must say, you've done well for yourself.
Yeah us!
The Universe

By the way, Laurel, you're on my vision board this very moment, with your new new, faster, fancier, lighter laptop.... giggling.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

...the ones you love the most....

Sometimes, Laurel, it's the ones you love the most who are the best at pushing your buttons.

The Universe

You love-thing, Laurel.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Ask, yet expect....

Surrender to the magic, Laurel. That's why it's there. That's why you're there -- to learn that there really are miracles and that they abound, as if on command, once you understand the truth about your reality and heritage.

Surrender, yet prepare.

Ask, yet expect.
You can do this. You've been doing it your entire life. Be swift and awaken to the truth, because for the new souls now watching, your successes will also be theirs.

It's good to be you,
The Universe

It's also good to be the Universe, huh, Laurel?

Friday, December 11, 2009

Smile and be Happy

Did you know, Laurel, that every time you cry there, harps go quiet here, angels stop dancing, and the stars look down in stunned silence?

Which is why we often say, "If Laurel ain't happy, ain't no one happy."
You are loved,
The Universe

And did you know, Laurel, that every time you smile there, it's like sunshine here?

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Take risks!

You see, Laurel, life isn't supposed to be all "cakewalk" and no "baking."

Especially not for those who like to experiment, take risks, and be surprised.
Please pass the sparklers,
The Universe

Sound like anyone you know, Laurel?

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Road to Paradise

What one little thing could you do today, Laurel, within your means and your comfort zone, that would make you feel like a supercoolhappylovething?
Get down on it,
The Universe

The road to paradise, Laurel, is made up of little steps, on a mostly dirt path, with earwigs and moss scattered about, guarded by a few armadillos and the occasional lonely pine, beautified mostly with wild dandelion flowers and dusty moths, within earshot of crickets that have no concept of when they should actually be singing. But hey, we're talking about the road to paradise.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Be happy!

Truth be told, Laurel, it takes so very, very little to be happy.

But you knew that.
Whew -
The Universe

Laurel, just ask the caged bird, the tethered dog, or the solitary oak.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Accept FULL Responsibility

Accepting full responsibility for every little thing in your life, Laurel, is what opens the floodgates to joy and power.

Or to what we here call "joypower."
Every little thing,
The Universe

We 'r' words, Laurel... 'cause words create worlds.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Was it destiny?

Should you choose to go, do, and be, Laurel, at the end of your life, shocked and dismayed, you'll likely exclaim that because of all the uncanny events, wild timing, weird coincidences, and sheer chance encounters, all of your life's good fortune must have been your destiny.

Or, should you choose to wait, wish, and hope, at the end of your life, shocked and dismayed, you'll likely exclaim that because of all the uncanny events, wild timing, weird coincidences, and sheer chance encounters, all of your life's bad luck must have been your destiny.

Laurel, do you see what the difference is?
It ain't me,
The Universe

Laurel, destinies are a dime a dozen.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


The peachy thing about uncertainty, Laurel, is that when everything else is equal, the cards are still heavily stacked in your favor.

In other words, when all things are considered, including uncertainty, they are not equal, and vigilantly remembering this can make all the difference.
Got it?
The Universe

Laurel, that one's worth getting: All things are not equal.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Happy is more than just a dance..

Usually, Laurel, the wiser you are, the easier life gets.

But then, the happier you are, the less you need easy, the faster you can run, and the higher you can jump.
Go for happy,
The Universe

Happy, Laurel, it's more than just a dance. It's like a whole other country. It's even where new, faster, fancier, lighter laptops come from.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Actually, Laurel, it's not just that you have countless angels, inner guides, conspiring elements, and a radiant soul.

But, that everything in time and space is make-believe!
I see you -
The Universe

Oh, Laurel Stone... You're gonna have so much fun. You're gonna have more money than I need and begin saving., and we're all gonna say, "Remember when Laurel thought it was all so real? What a cutie-pie."

Monday, November 30, 2009

You're being drawn closer....

It's so cool, huh, Laurel?

I mean, no matter where you are, no matter what has ever happened, no matter how things may appear, every single moment of every single day, you're being drawn closer than you've ever been before, to getting everything you've ever wanted.

Really out did myself with time and space.
Chick-a-boom, chick-a-boom...
The Universe

Laurel... don't you just love it?

Sunday, November 29, 2009

What you put in you get back!

It works like compound interest, Laurel.

For whatever you put in, more comes back to you.
Let's make a deposit,
The Universe

Every little thing, Laurel, like smiling, baby stepping, or sauntering, is pounced upon, celebrated, and made into a sort of breakfast cereal here, for champions....

Thursday, November 26, 2009

How much do you want it?

Laurel, I love this job! You know, writing you every day. Do you know how I got it? No, besides being the Universe and getting whatever I want.

Yes! I just started doing it.   And that's all anything takes.

The Universe

Of course it'll feel funny at first, Laurel, might even look funny, but how badly do you want what you want?

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Looking Back will be Good!

One day it will all be a distant memory, Laurel, yet I can tell you now, with the supreme confidence of someone who's gone ahead in time to know, that you'll look back on this life and be so flush with love and admiration for yourself, your journey, and who it made you, that you'll wonder, as I do now, how it could possibly have escaped you then.

Maybe this will help.

Your greater-self,
The Universe

You rock, "Mini-Me-Laurel," you so rock. And it's never too early to see it.

One Awareness

Laurel, there is an almighty awareness.

One almighty awareness.

A thinking, compassionate awareness, of which you are a part.

Infinitely kind. All-knowing. All-loving. Distant as the furthest mote of dust in space, yet as near as the beating of your heart. Here and there, before and after, always and forever.

And whensoever you should call unto it, it answers you by name. Or "Dude...."

Just like that,
The Universe

Laurel, you couldn't be more important. Not even with a new, faster, fancier, lighter laptop.. Not with ten.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Miracles in the Making

You see, the thing about Miracles-in-the-Making, or M&M's as they're affectionately called here, Laurel, is that they must be disguised amongst the plain and ordinary events of each day. Until, of course, they come to pass, at which point the dreamer they had swirled around can comfortably be labeled lucky or blessed. Otherwise you'd be slammed with worshippers and devotees. Believe me, not pretty.

This isn't by divine law, it's just in keeping with the times you're in. Most folks aren't quite ready to have their belief systems blown to pieces with overtly obvious miracles, but this is changing.

Glad you're different,
The Universe

No, Laurel, they don't come in green... unless you ask.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Think Back to a Happy Time...

Think back to a happy time, Laurel. A really, really happy time in your life. Go back as far as it takes, to a time when you felt so light you thought you might float.

Do you remember it? The carefree feeling? The acceptance of the moment, of yourself, of life? Feeling unfettered by thoughts of the future and oblivious to the past?

Feel it a little longer... There. Very nice.


The Universe

Laurel, the only difference between joyful moments and others... is you.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Dream Big

Laurel, if you don't dream big, I can't scheme big.
Does that pretty much settle things?

The Universe

Laurel, dare. It's always worth it.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

On the way.....

Wow!! Your closest 10,000 angels, Laurel, have been writing up a storm on your WALL lately...
"Nice job on the baby steps toward your new, faster, fancier, lighter laptop.!!! You should have asked for two!"

"Glad you're finally visualizing! Thoughts become things!"
"Remember me? We took flying lessons together!"

Poke - The Universe

"Is that really you on Og's page, Laurel? Typically fearless!! Eyes closed, full gallop, whooohooo'ing in and out of the stars!"

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Repeated frustrations and disappointments, Laurel, are always a reflection of repeated misunderstandings and presumptions.

Oh, darn -
The Universe
Not that you'd ever need this one, Laurel, but maybe one day you'll know someone who does.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Focus on the Right Things

It's not unreturned love, from a certain someone, that hurts, Laurel. It's just that sometimes the "thing" you're focusing on, keeps you from feeling all the love that others are sending you.

Especially me, me, me -
The Universe

In other words, Laurel, the more it seems that "love" hurts, the more you can be sure it's something else.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Celebrate Everyone

Really and truly, Laurel, there is only you, and more of you.
A lot more of you.

Celebrate everyone,
The Universe

I celebrate everyone, Laurel, but then, I've always known they were you.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Think New Thoughts!

Thinking brand new thoughts that you've never thought before, Laurel, is wildly more conducive to creating big life changes than just thinking different varieties of the same old thoughts.

Think about it -
The Universe

Like, where will you be at this time next year, Laurel? Who will you be playing elephant polo with? And what will you be dreaming of after you get your new, faster, fancier, lighter laptop.?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

What's happening?

Laurel, everyone keeps asking me what's happening on earth....

Do you think they mean besides all the breathtaking, nonstop, everyday and everywhere miracles?

Probably not. Glad you see 'em,
The Universe

Besides the miracles, Laurel, what's happening... is that everything's getting better.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Victim.... no, Hero....yes

What if the word victim could be redefined into something closer to hero, Laurel, recognizing that the path some have tread will spare others from the same?
Laurel Stone saves the day, again -
The Universe

From where each goes, Laurel, others learn

Monday, November 9, 2009

Love what you do...

The greatest trick and most subtle secret to doing anything really, really well, Laurel, is loving that you get to do it at all.
And I'm pleased to say, you get to -
The Universe

Love, Laurel, is in the air.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Take the High Road

Did you know, Laurel, there have been a lot of decisions you've made and followed through on, under the most trying and difficult of circumstances, that have actually become textbook examples of taking the "high road" for wannabe rock stars here in the unseen?
And we've sold tons of "your book,"
The Universe

Our rock stars are different, Laurel.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Be Spontaneous!

The thing that's totally different between children and adults, Laurel, is that children have the ability to spontaneously use their imagination to forget what's bothering them and be inspired by every pony, feather, or bug that crosses their path.

Oh, yeah... you're like that.

It's easy,
The Universe

I'm so proud of the grown-up you turned out to be, Laurel.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Don't blame

Without "blame," Laurel, at least 50% of all grounded relationships would have continued sailing.

And I'm all for sailing.

Your first mate,
The Universe

Not that "fault" doesn't exist, Laurel, but blame throws the whole thing out of context.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

You'll just know...

Laurel, if you think on it long enough, you'll know.

You just will.
Works for me,
The Universe

In fact, Laurel, you already do.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Thank you....

Laurel, in your dealings with others, if you haven't already noticed: hoping for, expecting, or even asking for a simple "Thank You" is often way out of the question. And quite frankly, bad form.

But that's all right because, in a manner of speaking, "Thank You's" are my turf. And I never miss one.
Your faithful servant,
The Universe

Oh, and though this isn't really what I meant, thank you, Laurel, for everything.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Look at the big picture..

Any attempt to measure one's progress in life with an assessment of their present physical surroundings, or even a panoramic glance at their life and times to date, is just plain "whacked." The reason being, Laurel, is that each journey, kind of like a haircut, should never be fully appraised until it's complete. Otherwise, one might mistaken a miracle-in-the-making for a setback, loss, or the "wet-look."
Your cosmic barber and de-whacker,
The Universe

Hey, Laurel, was "whacked" too strong?

Thursday, October 29, 2009

It's not what you see...

Life, Laurel, is not what you see, but what you've projected. It's not what you've felt, but what you've decided. It's not what you've experienced, but how you've remembered it. It's not what you've forged, but what you've allowed. And it's not who's appeared, but who you've summoned.

And this should serve you well, beloved, until you find, what you already have.
The Universe
Laurel, can you believe it's almost November? I can.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Maybe be have what we want...

Now let me get this straight, Laurel: You want things that you don't yet have, people in your life who you don't yet know, and events to take place that haven't yet occurred, so that once these "things" come to pass you'll feel happy, confident, and fulfilled; accomplished, desired, and appreciated; treasured, adored, and like one bad mamma jama, a beautiful sight to see?

But... wasn't that your rationale for all the other stuff you wanted, that you now have?
The Universe

Whatever, Laurel, more of everything is on the way...

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Enjoy life...

People who live only for dessert, Laurel, very rarely enjoy the main course.

And sometimes a meal is like life.
Bon appétit,
The Universe

Coffee, tea, or me, Laurel?

Monday, October 26, 2009

IN love with LIFE

Shall I remind you, dearest Laurel, that the reason you care so much, sometimes even worry so much, is because there still exists between you and life, a passionate love affair.

And because of this, everything's going to be just fine.
The Universe

Laurel, isn't it so romantic?

Friday, October 23, 2009

Rock On!

It's got nothing to do with being a perfect, goody-goody, selfless, sacrificing, spiritual saint, Laurel. Blah! That whole characterization was meant for a different audience at a different time, and they really had issues.

It's got everything to do with being yourself, trusting the magic, following your heart, dreaming big, and having fun.Hosanna in the highest,
The Universe

"Hosanna," Laurel, as in "Rock On."

Thursday, October 22, 2009

We get what we speak!

I do believe, Laurel, that if people would just start by saying "it's fun," when it seems hard; "I'm happy," when they seem sad; and "I know," when it seems as if they don't, they'd finally discover that it really is, they really are, and they always have.

Works for me,
The Universe

And yes, of course, Laurel, "I rock," every single day.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


When it comes to setting aside a little time each day to visualize, Laurel, look at it like this:

No matter how distracted you become or how confused you are about the process, the simple fact that you gave your dream this time and attention means you did it correctly, you did it long enough, and that by the time you open your eyes, already in the unseen, huge wheels have begun turning.

HUGE. You think I'd make it hard?

Your humble servant,
The Universe

Laurel, always, you are so much more prone to success, fulfillment, and happiness, than to anything you might be afraid of.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

We can Choose our Feelings...

What if, Laurel, you first got to decide how you'd like to feel - happy or sad, hurt or mad, approving or jealous - and then I had to go out and rearrange all the people and circumstances of your life to make it so?

You'd like that, huh? You'd choose happy, eh?

Done.Yeah, 'mon,
The Universe

Laurel, your feelings are your choice, what manifests thereafter may not be - if you know what I mean.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Dreams Come True

The agent, the producer, the investors; consultants, lenders, stockholders; customers, clients, fans; friends, lovers, support systems... Laurel, they have nothing to do with dreams coming true.

They're simply summoned after someone's "made up their mind" to the degree that it's followed by unending action.

Same with accidents and coincidences. You see, Laurel, dreams actually come true (or not), long before they can be seen in time and space.

Yeah, 'mon,
The Universe

Gotcha, huh Laurel?

Friday, October 16, 2009

Think back to a happy time...

Think back to a happy time, Laurel, a really, really happy time in your life. Go back as far as it takes, to a time when you felt so light you thought you might float.

Do you remember it? The carefree feeling? The acceptance of the moment, of yourself, of life? Feeling unfettered by thoughts of the future, and oblivious to the past?

Feel it a little longer...

There. Very nice.


The Universe

Laurel, the only difference between joyful moments, and others, is you.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Do You Have Regrets?

What if today was your "last" day, Laurel, or this week was your "last" week, and heaven had 10,000 angels waiting to serenade you, dancers waiting to dance with you, and reporters waiting to interview you?

Is there a grudge you'd still hold? Something you'd still regret? An unhappy memory that would matter more than forever and ever?

Nada, baby - The Universe

You've got forever and ever, Laurel, beginning right here and now. Angels and crew, wings and sparkles, will wait.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Thinking is the voodoo, Laurel, that you do, on all things material.

Made in the shade, The Universe

Grass skirt optional, Laurel... but could be cute.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Give Credit for Good

If you don't give yourself credit for all that's good in your life, Laurel, how can you expect yourself to create more?

Because you are flippin' amazing.
The Universe

And, Laurel, you always will be.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Should we turn it over....

Yeah, I know it sounds like a good idea to the new-agers, god squads, and holy rollers to turn all things over to "the Universe." But I'm a little concerned that something important has been lost in translation.

Laurel, how 'bout you just turn over the "hows" to me, and have yourself a little field day with the "all things" part?
Hope I got to you before they did -
The Universe

I mean, here I am thinking I've turned over all things to them, Laurel, and there they are thinking they've turned over all things to me... No wonder they think I move in mysterious ways....

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Live, Love, Laugh

Have you noticed, that the more you hurry, the slower you go?

The more you wait, the longer it takes?

The more you worry, the less you dream?

But the more you live, love, and laugh, Laurel, the more you live, love, and laugh.
The Universe

Loving you like bees love honey, Laurel. Bears, too....

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

What do you give someone....

What do you give someone, Laurel, who already has it all, forever and ever?

Did you just say, "How about the fleeting illusion they don't have it all, to create a sense of adventure, to fill their days with drama, and to impose upon them the almost unbearable lightness of being that all angels feel when dancing in time and space... dude"?

Or was the "dude," "duh"?
Don't believe in the fleeting illusions, dude -
The Universe

For all the hoopla, Laurel, heaven can get pretty boring without sometimes believing in have and have not, here and there, now and then, shaken not stirred.

Monday, October 5, 2009

We ALL hold the key..

The reason others think they need you, Laurel, is because they don't yet fully believe that they already have all that it takes to have all that they want. So they pretend you hold the key.

And vice versa.
    The Universe
But, Laurel, that doesn't mean I can't need you. Consider it a "diplomatic privilege."

Saturday, October 3, 2009

My dues are paid

You know, Laurel, it's only after umpteen lifetimes, a dramatic ascension into peak vibrational levels of light and awareness, and only after "the way" has been meticulously prepared and tests have been passed, that a soul can even hope for the kind of life that you're now living.
You "hot dog."

The Universe

You're ready, Laurel, to take this show wherever your heart desires.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Big Ideas can start with a Little Idea!

The big ideas almost never seem like big ideas, at first.

So, Laurel, be on the lookout for little ideas that seem kind of ho-hum, ain't no 'thang,' let me floss first, kind of ideas.

Really.... The Universe

Oh, I don't really care if you floss, Laurel. I don't.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


True, you can't see what you can't see, Laurel, you can't hear what you can't hear, and you can't feel what you can't feel. But still, you can know that you're not alone, that you're adored, and that absolutely everything will continue to work out for your very best, as it always has.

It's built into your DNA - The Universe

Along with a little Angel ID code, Laurel... so I never get you mixed up with anyone else.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Nothing can stop me!

No matter how things appear, Laurel; no matter what you've overheard; and no matter how many people think otherwise... nothing can stop you, no one can hurt you, and you and I still have forever and ever.
The Universe

Oh what a scheme, Laurel, I done did dream.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Be proud of your magnificence.

If they hide their power, feign their innocence, and generally fret that their confidence will rub some folks the wrong way, it's no wonder misguided young souls will try to walk all over them. Huh, Laurel?

Be proud of your magnificence.
Loving you till the cows come home -
The Universe

At which point, I suppose, Laurel, the cows will come first

Friday, September 25, 2009

We Are Born Deserving....

I can assure you, Laurel, that the time will come when you, too, will ask, "In what fields did I sow seeds to deserve so very, very much?"

Then I'll remind you that the whole sowing-seeds-cause-and-effect concept was just a myth, because you were born deserving.

Hosanna in the Highest,
    The Universe

Yeah, should've told you a long time ago, Laurel. My bad.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Time and Space

You know, I never could have parted with you, Laurel, if time and space were real. Or even, for me, if they seemed real.  Sometimes I don't know how you do it.

Guess I just wanted you to know how I feel, and to remind you that they're not real.

    The Universe

Happily for me, Laurel, you are still here, and it's as if you're still gently swinging in that big, tree swing you're so fond of. Barefoot toes reaching for the sky through dappled shade one moment, then tucked beneath you the next, as I stand ever-ready to give you the occasional push, whenever you holler out, "higher."

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Moving Mountains

When you don't know what to do next, Laurel, sometimes it's because you've already done more than you give yourself credit for.

Hey, you don't want to make that mistake again, huh?

You rock -

The Universe

Every single day of your life, Laurel, you've moved mountains. And somehow I don't see this ever changing.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Love Yourself

I do believe that the single most important thing I could ever, ever share with you, Laurel, with regard to maximizing the health, harmony, and happiness in your life, not to mention expediting the manifestation of your heart's fondest desires, can be summed up in just one word:

Love yourself.

Okay, two words. Love yourself, Laurel.
I do -
    The Universe

Think of how easy you have it, Laurel.

Monday, September 21, 2009

We have the Whole World in our Hands

I dreamed of us again last night, Laurel. You were wearing your rabbit PJ's again.

And we were wondering about the consequences of a role reversal. You know, me as you and you as me, for a day or so. But you were right. I keep forgetting to hop... and you keep forgetting that the entire world is spinning in the palm of your hand.

Hop, hop - The Universe

Laurel, you could've told me you left chocolate in the pockets.

It's in the Eyes

Ever wondered why so many people, sometimes virtual strangers, tell you their deepest secrets, Laurel?

It's because when they look into your eyes, they see me.

And sharing their secrets with me, as you, reminds them that no matter what they have to say, my love is so much bigger.

We're quite the team -

The Universe

Go ahead, Laurel, ask me "H-o-w-w much bigger?"

Friday, September 18, 2009

Adventure Brings Challenges

Without challenge, Laurel, adventure is impossible.
The Universe

And you weren't having any of that, Laurel.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Masters Among Us

Indeed, Laurel, there are Masters among you. Scattered amongst the continents to shine their lights as brightly as possible, simply by being themselves, living mostly "ordinary" lives. Until, with enough of them walking the earth, at the deepest psychological levels, a tipping point will be reached so that all others will be raised ever higher into the light, simply for being in their midst, as if through osmosis.
Of course... there's always been the risk that these Masters, once immersed into a sea of limited thinkers, might mistaken their "ordinary" lives as simply ordinary lives, think they're simply one of the herd, and therefore not appreciate their unique perspectives, grasp their mission, or love themselves as they are no matter what others think, and the whole osmosis thing won't work.
Laurel, how you holding up? Loving yourself?
Just checking,
    The Universe
Laurel, I'm counting on you, to be you.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Old Souls Know....

The difference between an old soul and a young soul, Laurel, is known only by the old soul.
Whatever the heck that means,
    The Universe
Just kidding. I know. You do, too, right, Laurel? Whew....

Monday, September 14, 2009

A Super Star

From really far out in space, Laurel, do you know what you look like?
A star. A super star.
Love you like crazy glue,
The Universe
Sometimes you make these things so easy to write, Laurel.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Things are about to get Good!

It's exactly at times like these, Laurel, when the going gets tough, rumors are rampant, and people begin resisting change, that you know things are about to get really, really good.
You always could pick the right time, the right place, and the best jeans.
All eyes are upon you,
    The Universe
Better than even you have ever imagined, Laurel.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Step by Step

You don't take "baby steps" for the distance they cover, Laurel, but to put yourself within reach of life's magic.

Just like you don't hoist your sails to move the boat, but to put yourself within reach of the wind.
Hoist, baby, hoist, baby, 1, 2, 3, 4 -
The Universe

Just like you don't sing in the car to be heard, Laurel... Why do you do that?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Would you mind if we filmed you for our latest documentary, Laurel, called "Life Rocks"? It's a piece we're doing for the Angel Network here.

You are by far the most logical choice. Not just because your life already rocks, but because you came from behind to be who you are today, and because everyone here has long been whispering about the hotly anticipated arrival of your new new, faster, fancier, lighter laptop.....
The Universe

Last time you were so discussed in the unseen, Laurel, was when you landed your spaceship on top of Stonehenge, thinking it was a crop circle.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

It always works out!

Did you know, Laurel, that in your gorgeous little planet's entire history, there's never been a drought that didn't end? A storm that didn't clear? Lightning that didn't retreat? An earthquake that didn't still? A flood that didn't recede? Or a plague that wasn't, eventually, overwhelmed by the healthy?
Now, as a rule, I'm not into odds, statistics, or gambling, Laurel, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that something's going on down there; that the deck is clearly stacked; and that you've got friends in some very, very, very high places.
    The Universe
And, Laurel, that there's never been a dream bigger than its dreamer.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Move On

Young souls get angry at others. Old souls get angry at themselves.
But really wise souls, Laurel, have already turned the page.
Got forever and ever?
The Universe
No trifling of the past, Laurel, no matter how great, can tarnish the brilliance of eternity.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Life's Gifts

Resentment, anger, and impatience, Laurel, all have their place. Actually, they're absolutely priceless, revealing to those who feel them that there are still a few pieces of life's puzzle they've overlooked.


The Universe

Laurel, they're gifts, like everything else.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

We DO make a difference!

Laurel, do you know why dogs are so quick to wag their tails and cats are so quick to purr? Even the ones that have been lonely, abused, and betrayed?

Because, as is true of all animals, they were instilled with the distant awareness that no matter what the world shows them, they're still deeply loved and needed, that their presence alone has made a difference, and that in just the shake of a leg, seemingly without reason or rhyme, everything can FANTASTICALLY change for the better.

As is true of all people, except sometimes they tend to forget.


The Universe

Oh yeah, Laurel, they also instinctively believe in miracles.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

You get what you speak!

Sometimes, Laurel, even for me, predictions are tricky business. Really tricky.

But I have discovered that one of the very best ways of forecasting the future comes from listening to what people tell themselves, and their closest friends, in casual, conversational tones.

Shhhhhh.... Not that I eavesdrop,

The Universe

Laurel, you'd be amazed by how many incredibly accurate fortune tellers there are out there. At last count, almost 7 billion.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Only Good Things Happen to People!

When "bad" things happen to "good" people, Laurel, it's often because they want to become even better teachers, guides, and helpers to those precious souls who will one day need them to be their rock.

Plus, today's bad is always tomorrow's boon, no matter who you are, no matter what has happened, and no matter how weak the coffee was.


The Universe

Which kind of means, Laurel, that only good things happen to people....

Monday, August 31, 2009

Think about it and it's yours!

Whatever it is you want, Laurel, think about it.

Think and think and think.

And as surely as day follows night, that which you have thought about will be drawn into your life - be it answers, friendships, health, abundance, or love.

It's the law.
The Universe

Ah, Laurel, I figure it's the least I could do for you, my shining star, on a Monday.

Friday, August 28, 2009

We have the power right now!

Last night, Laurel, I was dreaming of you, again.

You were radiant, confident, and light beamed in every direction from the core of your being. Music followed you, angels serenaded you, and everyone was elevated by your presence. Wisdom shown from your eyes. Kindness emanated from your touch. And your power was simply awesome.

You looked, well... pretty much... exactly as you do right now.
The Universe

True, Laurel, you were wearing a lot of sparkles, but I do know the difference between sparkles and angels.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Our Works and Actions Create the Future

It doesn't matter that the road's been rough, that you now have challenges, or that uncertainties loom on the horizon, Laurel.

None of these change the fact that for every thought you think today, worlds will come tumbling into existence. For every word you speak, legions will be called into action. And for every step you take, matter will be drawn from the ether.
Jeez -
The Universe

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Do all you can!

Laurel, here's some sage advice I once scrawled onto a cave wall long before the wheel, Atlantis, and Facebook:

Aim with your heart, adjust with your head, and always, always, always, do all you can.

Caves, email, same, same.
The Universe

I'm backkkkkkkkkkkkkk... Actually, Laurel, you're back. I never left.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

What to look forward to...

Want to know who you really meet in heaven, Laurel?
No, after the parade.
No, after the break dancing and hula-hooping.
No, Laurel, after you meet the good souls who invented rainy nights and "sleeping in."
Everyone. You're simply adored.

No hurry, though -
The Universe

Then we'll race you over to the hot tub, Laurel. It's really big.

Monday, August 24, 2009

....it's WHO you know...

Laurel, I know what it's like. I've seen it played out a few zillion times. You're waiting for that magical day when someone makes the connection and recognizes who you really are. Maybe they'll first catch the sparkle in your eye. Or perhaps they'll marvel at your insights and the depth of your spirit. Someone who will help you connect the dots, believe in yourself, and make sense of it all. Someone who will understand you, approve of you, and unhesitatingly give you a leg up so that life can pluck your ready, ripened self from the branch of magnificence. Ahhhhhhhhhhh...

Well, I'm here to tell you, Laurel, your wait is over. That someone, is you.
Good thing you rock,
The Universe

Just proving that age-old adage, Laurel, "It's not what you know, it's who you know."

Friday, August 21, 2009

Be the Spark!

Oh, that's easy, Laurel! You should have asked ages ago!

Let's put it this way: To perform like a "star," to steal the show, and to party with the "Gods"... take the stage, do the dance, and invite yourself.

Be the spark,
The Universe

C'mon, Laurel, we're waiting... and these shoes are killing me.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Imagine the end result...

Laurel, living the life of your dreams is a lot like sailing. You pick your destination, hoist up your sail, make minor adjustments while the journey is underway, and let the wind do all the hard work.In other words, imagine the end result, do what little you can, make minor adjustments while the journey is underway, and let me blow your mind.

The Universe

Of course, Laurel, there are also a few "don'ts." Like don't think that just because there's magic in life you won't have to hoist up your sails, or that doing so will instantly deliver you to your destination. Don't assume that just because there isn't wind one day it's a "sign" that something is wrong, or that you won't have it tomorrow. And, perhaps most importantly, don't forget to pack your Ding Dongs, Ho Hos, and cupcakes.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Baby Steps

The real reason so many have trouble with the baby steps, Laurel -- doing all they can, with what they've got, from where they are, no matter how humble or seemingly futile -- is because they haven't yet grasped that the baby steps trigger unseen forces that throw wide the floodgates of unstoppable momentum, infinite abundance, and eternal life.
Just some tiny steps,
The Universe
Just threw in the eternal life bit, Laurel. Everyone gets that anyway, but I think it makes the whole thing sound more prophetic, don't you?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

It takes time....

One of the trickiest things about life, Laurel, is that, at times, it happens so slowly.

Yet... if... it... happened... any... faster... you'd... already... have... everything... you... ever... wanted... without... learning... to... enjoy... the... ride.

Beep, beep...

The Universe

Plus, Laurel, you'd never have time to befriend young trees.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Walk in someone else's shoes.

If you could actually stand in someone else's shoes, Laurel, to hear what they hear, see what they see, and feel what they feel, you would honestly wonder what planet they live on, and be totally blown away by how different their "reality" is from yours.

You'd also never, in a million years, be quick to judge again.

Just sayin'

The Universe

Not to fret, Laurel, they'd wonder about your planet, too.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

We are all one..

Honestly, I can't say I like everyone.  No. I'm not going to tell you it's because I already love everyone.  Laurel, I am everyone.
And so are you.
Ho down!
    The Universe
After all, Laurel, we do look alike. Identical, in fact. You're just the visible one.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Rock Someones World!

It's virtually impossible to forget, Laurel, when someone suddenly, unexpectedly, in a big way, gives you a gift wanting nothing in return. Huh?

And knowing this could come in handy, Laurel, should you ever want to irrevocably rock someone's world.

Oh, go on - The Universe

I dare you, Laurel.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Imagine it's already yours..

If you just physically pretend on a regular basis, no matter how silly it may seem, that "it" is yours, that your life has already taken off, and that you've found true happiness, a tipping point will be reached, stars will be realigned, and new acquaintances will start insisting, "I don't know why, but you look really familiar..."

And, Laurel, it'll be because their inner eyes already see the legend you are to become.
The Universe

It's already started, hasn't it, Laurel?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

You have to go get it!

Yes, Laurel, you can have whatever you want. ANYTHING you can imagine. You name it. It's yours. Done deal. Zip, zap. Bing, bong. Ka-pow.

Oh, but you have to go get it. K?
I'll help,
The Universe

Laurel, we're a team. I'll do the hard parts, but you gotta get us started. Schwing, baby.

Monday, August 10, 2009

All the birds get the worm!

It's true, Laurel, the early bird gets the worm.

So does the late bird and the bird in-between. Because by design, there are always more than enough worms.

In fact, the only bird that doesn't get a worm, is the bird that doesn't go out to get one.
Oh, to be alive....
The Universe

By design, Laurel, there are also more than enough new, faster, fancier, lighter laptop.s. ;)

Friday, August 7, 2009

Old Souls

There are those scattered on every continent who are so compassionate and wise and loving, that the depth of their character completely escapes those who are still relatively new to time and space.
How do you deal with that, Laurel?

The Universe

It's just as well, Laurel. You'd bore of the paparazzi fast enough.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Enjoy life...

The things that are common to you, Laurel, like windy mornings, starry skies, and old trees; beetles, strawberries, and doorbells; coffee, blue jeans, and summertime... are not common to us.
Enjoy every flippin' moment...
The Universe
Believe me, Laurel, time and space to us is like the ultimate theme park

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

No Price too Great

If you can just remember where this is all going, Laurel, no road will be too bumpy, no night will be too lonely, and no price will seem too great.

Plus, with just a wink your confidence will bring peace to nations.
Careful now,
The Universe
You knew what you were doing, Laurel. And then like 7 billion people copied.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Good News!

How is it Laurel, that with so many brilliant beings on your planet, so few recognize that when one's life encounters turbulence, choppy waters, or setbacks, it's always a sign that things are about to get wildly better than they've ever been before?

And I'm not talking about the dolphins.
Don't fight it,
The Universe

This is really, really good news, Laurel.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Accepting Responsibility

It's truly a sight to see, Laurel, when the inhabitants of any planetary civilization cross the tipping point and begin to individually accept complete and eternal responsibility for their own happiness.

Yet, this hardly compares to the mountain quaking, body shaking, polarity-flipping, hero-making occurrences that transpire when such inhabitants graduate to accepting complete and eternal responsibility for their every twinge of unhappiness.
Brings tears to my eyes,
The Universe

Yeah, the second one is a lot trickier, Laurel. Double, gigantic.

Playing Make Believe

Playing make-believe, Laurel, is always the start of believing.
Where shall we go today, Laurel?
The Universe

Go there first in thought, Laurel. I'll let the rest of the world know you're coming....

Thursday, July 30, 2009


I don't think you get it, Laurel... We celebrate your courage every single day.

To the conga line... "Hey!"
The Universe

Just yesterday a new arrival was asking for directions, Laurel, so we told her, "Continue going down Laurel Stone Street until you get to Laurel Stone Boulevard. Make a left and proceed to Laurel Stone Avenue. Turn right and walk just past the Laurel Stone statue, and then on your right again, next to the Laurel Stone Stadium and in front of the Laurel Stone Library, is the store where you can buy Laurel Stone figurines." And would you believe she had to ask, "Which Laurel Stone Stadium?"

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Life's Challenges

Look at it like this, Laurel, the more challenging your life story has been so far, the bigger the goose bumps for future generations who retell it to their kids. Who will no doubt add, "And if Laurel Stone was able to do all that, so can you!"
We've barely just begun -
The Universe

Peter Pan, eat your heart out. Huh, Laurel...?

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Love at First Sight...

Who needs a RESET button, Laurel, when someone's already pressed your FOREVER AND EVER button?
Who, me?
The Universe

I couldn't help myself, Laurel, it was love at first sight....

Monday, July 27, 2009

To Dare....

Before this odyssey ever began, Laurel, there was you, your best friends, and wide-eyed curiosity among you about who would be the first to leap, the first to forget, the first to kiss, the first to tell, the first to fall, the first to get back up, and the first to remember that it all began with a dare: to love in spite of it all.
Is that you, Mergatroid?
The Universe

I remember the glint in your eyes, Laurel... all three of them.

Friday, July 24, 2009


I don't recommend asking for what you can have, or even for what you can give, nearly as much as I recommend asking for what else you can know.

Because there is always more you can know, Laurel, and knowing it will radically increase all you can have and give. Did you just ask something?

The Universe

But then, I'm not usually in the "recommending business," Laurel, considering how well you're doing.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Happy? Are you? Are you now? Are you now happy, Laurel? Now. You are.

You are happy. Laurel, you are happy now.

And I'm happy for you,
The Universe

Now, what was it that was bugging you, Laurel?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Relax. Breathe in deep. Hold it. Let it out. Loosen your shoulders. Smile. Close your eyes. And Laurel, you'll be surprised at how many voices you'll hear, whispering sweet encouragement into your ear.
Kissey, kissey, you can do it -
The Universe

Be still, Laurel, be calm, and listen. You'll find there's nowhere you can't go, no challenge you can't master, and no reason whatsoever that you can't have it all.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Life changes...

It's quite a small thing, Laurel, to begin wondering which beliefs of yours are limiting, which thoughts shut out others, and which philosophies need updating, but OMG, it makes for the BIGGEST life changes!
"And the people of Winchester began to gossip..." -
The Universe

Monday, July 20, 2009

Everything is Better than We Think

The time will come when you'll see that pretty much everything was better than you thought. That life was more beautiful, people were kinder, greens were greener, and the water was cleaner. But most of all, Laurel, you'll see... that you were simply stunning, every day of your life.
Happily, I've always known the truth -
The Universe

Friday, July 17, 2009


It's always better to give too much, pay too much, and love too much, than not enough.
But then, Laurel, since everything comes back to you anyway, can there ever be too much?
I love you too much anyway,
    The Universe
And not just for the karma, Laurel.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

10,000 Reasons to be Happy

Every single minute of every single day, they're there, Laurel.

They may be hidden behind circumstances, people, or light poles. Challenges, closed doors, or lost keys. Camouflaged, dovetailed, or whispering. Purring, kissing, or hissing. But more often than not they're laying about in the open, under a clear blue sky, in plain view. Absolutely. Guaranteed. You'd throttle me otherwise.

10,000 reasons to be happy.
Jumanji, baby -
The Universe

Laurel, how many do you see now??

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

One Step at a Time

You only have to do a little each day, Laurel, to get a ton done.

Ton done,

The Universe

That was a little one, huh, Laurel? See.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Do you know what it's like, Laurel, to stand on the heavenly diving board of time, looking down at the 10,000 lifetimes you're about to begin? Seeing everything for the first time through prisms of color and light? Feeling totally overcome with such a surge of joy for ALL that lies ahead, that it takes all of your angels just to keep you from leaping before it's your turn? Knowing that no matter what happens you will emerge wiser, richer, and deeply in love with every form of consciousness that will soon touch and expand your own?

Oh yeah... Nice cannonball.

In love,

The Universe

Monday, July 13, 2009


Yesterday I watched a small bird, flying very fast, disappear into the canopy of an oak tree. So dense were its leaves that it was impossible to see what happened next, though I can tell you it remained inside.

I wondered how the little bird found its opening through the leaves at such a speed, and then managed to gently align its fragile body on the branch it chose to land upon, all within a fraction of a second. Not to mention the impossible to imagine flying maneuvers required: the banking, the curling, the vertical and horizontal stabilizations, the deceleration and landing.

Memory? Calculation? Not in that tiny brain. Instinct? Maybe, but how does instinct know which way the branches of a tree have grown when no two are the same?

Laurel, that little bird just knew. It had faith, in spite of not being able to see how things would work out, that if (and only if) it stayed the course the details would be taken care of; that an opening would appear and a twig would be found. In fact, had she slowed down enough to carefully and logically inspect the tree first, the prudent thing to do, she would have lost her lift and fallen to the ground.

Kind of like reaching for your dreams. Neither memory, nor calculating, nor instincts are the deciding factors, but faith coupled with action.

The Universe

WARNING: Laurel, staying the course is NOT the same as clinging to a HOW.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Everything is on Track

You know how every once in a while you get that feeling when you feel light as a feather, and YOU KNOW with every fiber of your body that everything is exactly as it should be?

Laurel, that's exactly how you make me feel.
    The Universe

Laurel, you are on track, you know exactly what to do, and everything is going to be "A OK."

Thursday, July 9, 2009

I will prevail!

Laurel, when it comes to pursuing the life of your dreams, you can look at it like this. Best case scenario: the sun, the moon, and the stars. Worst case scenario: the sun, the moon, and the stars.
The Universe

Laurel, it is written. You will prevail, thrive, and arrive.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

On the right track...

Hold your ponies, Laurel! Everything you've ever dreamed of, lies on the path you're now on.
Hi Ho Silver,
    The Universe
What a coincidence, huh, Laurel?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

We DO make a difference!

And they shall say, there once lived someone, who had little idea of how they changed everything.
They will, Laurel. And, you have.

Tallyho, The Universe

Laurel, I never could keep a secret.

Monday, July 6, 2009


But Laurel, what if you did have the power, the reach, and the glory?
What if you were given dominion over all things?
And what if eternity lay before you, brimming with love, friends, and laughter?
Yet still, one day, in all your radiance, bubbling over with giddy excitement, you tripped, fell, and got hurt - really hurt.
Would you give up on all of your dreams? Would you hate yourself? Would you forget life's magic and promise?
Or would you shrug it off, look ahead, and exclaim that it's "just a flesh wound"?
    The Universe
Laurel, you're a forever being. FOREVER!!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Just Ask..

Ask, Laurel. Ask for whatever you want.
Ask for help. Ask for clarity. Ask for insight.
We're always there. You're always answered. 10,000 Strong to do your will.

OK? The Universe

....and then give thanks...

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Actually, Laurel, everyone is reasonable.  They just have their own reasons.
And usually it's worth trying to learn what they are to maximize chances of a full-blown, 60's style, psychedelic lovefest. Which is always a good thing.  Groovy you,
    The Universe
My reasons today are fun, laughter, and the 5th dimension, Laurel. Y tu?

Thursday, July 2, 2009


What if, Laurel, all that you had to look forward to were the things that are free, like sunrises, wagging tails, holding hands, and your imagination. Would it all be worth it?
What if you could trade-in some of your free stuff for fabulous wealth, fulfilling work, gorgeous looks, or anything else that your heart desired? Would it all be worth it?
Does a bear sleep in the woods? Is the Pope Catholic? Would you like syrup with your French Toast?
Visualize, Laurel. Before the price goes up.
    The Universe
Laurel, not only are the best things in life free, but you can cash them in for stuff and still have lots left over!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Great big, ear-to-ear, open mouth smiles, Laurel, are responsible for far more sizzling romances, salary increases, life extensions, and calorie burning than your dentists, doctors, and financial planners will ever comprehend.

Show us your tonsils,

The Universe

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The greatest, the best and the coolest!

You are the greatest, Laurel.

You are the best and the coolest.

You surprise us every single day.

This is not a test.

Do not adjust your settings.

You have nothing to prove.

There's no one to thank but yourself.

The rest of the day, and your life, are on me.


The Universe

Monday, June 29, 2009

Baby Steps

Brilliant, civilization-changing ideas are a dime a dozen, Laurel. Physically taking action to implement them, however, beginning with baby steps that seem to accomplish very little, is what gets the crowds here screaming like raving lunatics.

In the good way... that lunatics scream... you know? Peanuts! Popcorn! Cotton candy! It's the show of a lifetime!

The Universe

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Pump up the volume

The opportunity to find happiness dances within every moment, beats within every heart, and grooves within every occurrence, situation, and event. Yet, Laurel, it's amazing how many lifetimes it usually takes for someone to "get down on it" and pump up the volume.

Feel it?

All day long,
The Universe

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Feel Accomplishment NOW!

You know that feeling, Laurel, of accomplishment, triumph, and sublime joy that immediately follows a job well done, a victory, or a fresh, hot pizza delivery to your door? I say feel it now.

Go on. Give it to yourself without all the rules.

Your boss, The Universe

Feel it later today, too, Laurel. And from now on, let's choose to feel these things often. Just because....

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Me, the greatest?

You are now the greatest, Laurel, you have ever been. Which makes me, the greatest I've ever been. Wasn't this whole thing a great idea?

Tickled pink,

The Universe

Monday, June 22, 2009

Overcoming Obstacles

If you can understand, dear Laurel, that the 3 greatest obstacles between you and the life of your wildest dreams are actually imaginary, a product of your mind alone, I do believe we'll blow the wheels clear off this popsicle stand.

"Push-Ups" for everyone,

The Universe

Friday, June 19, 2009


An unmistakable trait of every true genius, Laurel, is their persistent awareness of how much more there is to know. And an unmistakable trait of every true sage is their persistent awareness of how much more there is to love.

Loving you more today than yesterday,
The Universe

If you let me count the ways, Laurel, we'll be here forever....

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Let go...

One must let go, Laurel, in order to be free.

You know,
The Universe

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

That's all you have to do....

You only ever have to do what you're capable of doing, Laurel, because by design, no matter how things appear, you'll always have enough time to do it, you'll do even better than you would have thought, and life will get even richer than you could have imagined.

Chic-a-boom, The Universe

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


In the end, Laurel, all you have are memories, and usually the ones you have with friends are the ones you treasure most.
I got you, babe -
The Universe

Not that there's really an "end," Laurel. And "usually" means there are indeed exceptions - like dancing in the dark, walking in a park, and some of those really loud sneezes.

Monday, June 15, 2009

We are who we are.. and that's good!

If you had been born knowing how beautiful, deserving, and important you truly are, Laurel, by this time in your life you'd probably be worth billions of dollars, have thousands of friends, and own businesses around the world, but then... you wouldn't be anything like the Laurel Stone we know and love today.

And believe me, when I say "we," there are a lot of us.

All in favor... The Universe

Thursday, June 11, 2009

It's supposed to be easy!

Laurel, it's supposed to be easy. Everything is supposed to be easy. Everything is easy. You live in a dream world. You're surrounded by illusions. And the illusions change when you change your thinking!

Tell yourself it's easy. Tell yourself often. Make it a mantra. Eat, sleep, and breathe it. And your life shall be transformed.

It's supposed to be easy,
The Universe

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Happiness First

Happiness comes first, Laurel. Partners, abundance, and cool shoes come later.

Or at least this is how I'd line up my duckies.
Ungawa -
The Universe

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

It is what it is...

There will always be people in your life, Laurel, who hold you back, who cost you too much, and who fail to see all you've done for them. But, of course, they're just there to teach you that you do have time, that you'll always be rich, and that your own high standards are all that matter.
You knew that,
The Universe

Monday, June 8, 2009


As you always have, Laurel, you're going to find, yet again and forevermore, that the hard and difficult stuff only ever seemed hard and difficult, before you began it.

Bet you feel better now, huh?
Begin it,
The Universe

Friday, June 5, 2009

Baby Steps

The baby steps in the beginning of a journey, Laurel, always seem inadequate compared to the brilliance of the dream that inspired them. This is natural. If the dream wasn't so far "out there" and dazzling, it wouldn't be worth dreaming! Just don't be led to think that the physical ground you cover with your baby steps is all that they accomplish. Because for every mortal step you take, another cog in a giant wheel behind the curtains of time and space advances, and with it, 10,000 new possibilities.
Better than Star Trek,
The Universe

Thursday, June 4, 2009


I should think one would look fondly back over their shoulder, Laurel, at all the times in their life when they were overcharged, tricked, or taken advantage of, because for every single one of these transgressions, they'll be paid back like a Rock Star on an international stadium tour, hanging out with the coolest cats, flying on private jets, eating Ho Hos, and being waited on hand and foot by their former transgressors. If that's their thing, you know.

And that's in addition to all of the other incredibly wonderful things that will be happening to them forever and ever, as they do for all people.
See you in the 'VIP,'
The Universe

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Misunderstanding = Blame = Forgiveness

There can only be a need for forgiveness, Laurel, when first there is blame.

And there can only be blame, when first there is misunderstanding.
Kung fu,
The Universe

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Accept Responsibility

Very simply, Laurel, the more that you accept responsibility for, the more power you have.

Doesn't that rock?
    The Universe

The Universe is on MY side!

How could I ever hope that you might love as I love, give as I give, fly as I fly, and feel as I feel, Laurel, without ALL that I have that makes these things so easy for me?

I want you to feel complete. I want your heart to overflow with joy. I want you to soar, far and wide, to wherever your dreams may lead you. And, Laurel, I want you to be rich.
I am,
The Universe

Monday, June 1, 2009


Pretty much everyone you know, Laurel, just wants you to love them.

Good thing it's free, huh?
The Universe

Saturday, May 30, 2009

What's more FUN?

Which sounds like more fun, Laurel: Being showered with miracles just because I love you, or being showered with miracles because you dared, stretched, went out on a limb, raised the bar, threw down the gauntlet, faced your fears, and grew into more than you ever knew you could be?

Dare ya,
    The Universe

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Start Something....

Starting something, Laurel, is the best way to finish something.

And just doing a teeny, tiny something, today, anything, from wherever you are, is the best way to start something.
I'm not just a client,
The Universe

How to stop Anger

It sure is hard to get really angry at someone, Laurel, when you can think of all the reasons you love them.
And you can -
The Universe

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Dreams create their own pathways, if you don't try to force things. Taking action summons miracles, whether you recognize them or not.

And, Laurel, it's never too late in the day for breakfast.

Dream on, wild thing -

    The Universe

Monday, May 25, 2009

Each Day is Better than Yesterday

If you're really honest, Laurel, you have to admit that things today, in your most amazing life, at this most amazing time in history, are far better than they've ever, ever been.
Well done,
    The Universe

Friday, May 22, 2009

Look Within...

When the external begins to define the internal, Laurel, instead of the internal defining the external, one begins living as a mortal rather than as a god.

Trust me, "god" is better.

The Universe

Thursday, May 21, 2009

We DO create miracles!

Laurel, you've literally been performing miracles your entire life.  Consciously, deliberately, and with calculated precision.

You get that from me,    

The Universe

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

It's Impossible to Fail

Let's see... It's impossible to fail. Everything works out in your favor. The elements conspire on your behalf. There are always reasons to be happy. Millions of lives are touched by yours. Thousands of people think of you fondly. Hundreds call you their friend. You can have anything you dream of. Things just keep getting better. And you live forever.

Wildly unbelievable for a Hollywood script, but Laurel, this is your life.

Stranger than fiction,
    The Universe

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Be Careful What You Do...

If you do something unpredictable today, Laurel, so will I, times 10,000.
Careful now,
    The Universe

Monday, May 18, 2009

Be Happy!

My wish for you, Laurel, is that you succeed beyond your wildest imagination. That you find love in places that astound you. And that you have friends who call you "just because." I dream that you go barefoot more than you wear shoes. That you play as hard as you work. And that you laugh more than you cry. I want you to set the bar high, but not too high. To reach for the stars, but with your toes on the ground. And to never, ever stop dreaming. But most of all, Laurel, I wish for your happiness.

And these dreams of mine are what started it all.

    The Universe

Friday, May 15, 2009


Sometimes, the only thing you know for certain is what you don't want. Yet often, Laurel, that's enough to go on.

10-4 Good buddy,
    The Universe

Thursday, May 14, 2009

You can’t do it alone!

The more you lean on me, Laurel, the stronger we become. The stronger we become, the bigger we dream, the higher we fly, the bluer the sky, and the happier we dance.

Lean on me,
    The Universe

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

You gotta have fun!

Some things should just be done for the fun of it, Laurel.
Not because they're inexpensive, practical, organic, logical, fashionable, modest, brilliant, green, expected, proper, spiritual, thinning, fattening, prudent, or allergen-smoke-chemical free.

Please supersize me,
    The Universe

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Expect Success!

Act with faith, Laurel. Prepare the way for your inevitable success. To the degree you can, behave as if your dreams have already come true, as if you already owned a new, faster, fancier, lighter laptop., as if later today you were going to have more money than I need and begin saving.. And you shall see the power you wield as the floodgates begin to tremble, the elements begin to conspire, people in your life begin to change, insights are summoned, comprehensions soar, and clarity is born.

Not to mention fierce, wild animals laying down when you pass by -
    The Universe

Monday, May 11, 2009

It’s our Reaction that counts!

It's not what's happening around you, Laurel, that determines your health, finances, or hotness, but what's happening inside of you - exclusively.

You hottie,
    The Universe

Friday, May 8, 2009

Be Positive!

Do you know the number one way to reverse a global recession, Laurel?
Right!!! "What recession?"
To the mall,
    The Universe

Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Next Step..

Here's a hint on figuring out the next step to take on the path of your wildest dreams...
Laurel, it almost never lies behind the doors marked, "WOW," "SEXY," or "GLAMOROUS."

    The Universe

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


You know what makes the darkest of times bearable, Laurel?
Remembering that it's all illusions, in a dreamed-up world, where angels earn their wings, thoughts dress up as things, and that "somewhere back home," you lie safely in bed, in the palm of my hand, snuggled up tight with some big, fluffy stuffed animal.

Nice wings,
    The Universe

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Your thoughts are reality

I know, I know, Laurel! Send them a thought form! You know, a bundle of clearly formed ideas that will communicate, disarm, inform, instruct, guide, heal, or whatever else you choose.
Just be sure you're clear with yourself about the outcome you're really after before you send it, because, boy, it really works, especially when sent with love. It's almost creepy.
Yeah, you'll wonder why you haven't done it all of your life, until you realize, in one way or another, that you have.
Whoops, I did it again -
    The Universe

Monday, May 4, 2009

Think abundance..

Did you know, Laurel, that for the person who thinks abundance, speaks abundance, and acts abundantly, no matter how much they lack while performing such demonstrations, they are "given" an outpouring of the "stuff," far in excess of what they could ever spend.
That's what I call fair.

    The Universe

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Laurel, have you been leaning on me lately?
A lot?
For absolutely EVERYTHING?
Day and night, rain or shine, Gummi Bears or Gucci?

Just checkin' -
    The Universe

Friday, May 1, 2009

Because I can..

When your peeps ask you what you do all day, every day, Laurel, you do tell them, "Whatever I want." Right?
Because you do.

Peeps beware,
    The Universe

Thursday, April 30, 2009


Do you think the main reason people don't visualize is because it's too hard or because it's too easy?
I sense an opportunity here, Laurel.

Got 2 minutes?
    The Universe

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Visualize and Believe

Laurel, it's so ridiculously, yet painfully simple, that you're going to have a knock-down, hair-pulling, tongue-twisting, feet-stomping, baby-pouting, screaming fit (this happens all the time here), when you see that all you truly ever had to do to get heaven and earth to shake, rattle, and roll, was hold in your mind what you wanted, feel its emotional reality, and behave as if you already had it.
Just thought I'd warn you.

    The Universe

Monday, April 27, 2009

Dreams HAVE come true!

Laurel, in life there will always be challenges that have manifested, and dreams that haven't. But they'll always pale in comparison to the number of dreams that have manifested, and challenges that haven't.
Just look around you.

You are my dream come true,
    The Universe