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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Life is a Dream....

Have you ever noticed how folks instinctively know that creating wealth is much more fun than spending it, yet they dream more about spending it than they do about creating it?
Could it be, Laurel, they've momentarily forgotten that they're supernatural, that they can have whatever they want, and that life is but a dream?

2010 is all yours, baby -
The Universe

...that they have wings, that they can fly, Laurel, and that they have me?

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Bring on 2010!

I've got a feeling, Laurel, that 2010 is going to be your kind of year. That you'll be happier than you've ever been, laughing harder, smiling wider, standing taller, walking lighter, dancing crazier, hugging longer, living grander, loving louder, and if you want, selling the pictures to a tabloid to raise money for your new charity.
Can you feel it, too?
The Universe

And, Laurel, you're going to remember this email when Ellen's interviewing you, right after you both dance like spring chickens, sitting on her couch, in front of 14 million viewers, and you're going to tell her, "First, I got this Note from the Universe about hugging longer and loving louder... That's RIGHT!!!! T U T dot C O M! You got the same one?"

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Welcome the Unexpected!

When suddenly the unexpected happens, Laurel, it's always me... just getting everything ready for the time of your life.
Love you, mean it -
The Universe

Either that, Laurel, or I lost my balance doing cartwheels behind the curtains of time and space.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Truth or not??

Sometimes, Laurel, when there's absolutely no other evidence, you can still know whether someone's telling the truth or not, from all else they've said.
That's what I say,
The Universe
Also, Laurel, it doesn't hurt to consider your own motivations for wanting to hear what they say, which are not always what they appear to be. Yeah, different subject, same donut.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Real Reason

If it's not yet obvious to you, the real reason for this, and all seasons, is you, Laurel. A more perfect child of the Universe has never lived. Until now, only celebrations cloaked in myth and mystery could hint at your divine heritage and sacred destiny. You are life's prayer of becoming and its answer. The first light at the dawn of eternity, drawn from the ether, so that I might know my own depth, discover new heights, and revel in seas of blessed emotion.
A pioneer into illusion, an adventurer into the unknown, and a lifter of veils. Courageous, heroic, and exalted by legions in the unseen.

To give beyond reason, to care beyond hope, to love without limit; to reach, stretch, and dream, in spite of your fears. These are the hallmarks of divinity - traits of the immortal - your badges of honor. May you wear them with a pride as great as the immeasurable pride we feel for you.

Your light has illuminated darkened paths, your gaze has lifted broken spirits, and already your life has changed the course of history.

This is the time of year we celebrate Laurel Stone.

Bowing before Greatness,
The Universe

Supercoolhappylovething, you are, Laurel

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Each person is for a reason..

Each person in your life is there for a reason, Laurel, and that reason always has something to do with love.
Like me,
The Universe

Which is pretty much all you ever need to know, huh, Laurel?

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Giving continues giving..

What people rarely give themselves credit for, Laurel, is that their giving continues giving, even after they've forgotten giving, and even when they didn't know they were giving, forever and ever and ever.
At least I'm keeping score,
The Universe

"With Laurel": 7 QUANTUM GIGATRILLIONS Versus "Without Laurel": 0... You're ahead!

Friday, December 18, 2009


In case they look at you funny, Laurel, when you tell them of your loftiest dreams, goals, and new, faster, fancier, lighter laptop., all you have to do is turn your head sideways, raise an eyebrow, and slowly say, "I... have... connections...."

Because you do.
The Universe

And I got you, Laurel.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Nothing worth being unhappy about!

Most people will find the following very hard to believe, Laurel, but, there is nothing, ever, worth being unhappy about.

Because no matter what happens, it will add to you, you'll still live forever, and our love affair will remain tabloid fodder in realms far, far away.

Thank you.
Earth rocks,
The Universe

But then, Laurel, "most people" don't believe in a Universe that conspires, dotes, and sends emails.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

How to measure success..

Just wanted to remind you, Laurel, that sometimes success is better measured in smiles received, giggles heard, and hands held, than in dollars earned, deadlines met, and kilos shed.

And I must say, you've done well for yourself.
Yeah us!
The Universe

By the way, Laurel, you're on my vision board this very moment, with your new new, faster, fancier, lighter laptop.... giggling.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

...the ones you love the most....

Sometimes, Laurel, it's the ones you love the most who are the best at pushing your buttons.

The Universe

You love-thing, Laurel.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Ask, yet expect....

Surrender to the magic, Laurel. That's why it's there. That's why you're there -- to learn that there really are miracles and that they abound, as if on command, once you understand the truth about your reality and heritage.

Surrender, yet prepare.

Ask, yet expect.
You can do this. You've been doing it your entire life. Be swift and awaken to the truth, because for the new souls now watching, your successes will also be theirs.

It's good to be you,
The Universe

It's also good to be the Universe, huh, Laurel?

Friday, December 11, 2009

Smile and be Happy

Did you know, Laurel, that every time you cry there, harps go quiet here, angels stop dancing, and the stars look down in stunned silence?

Which is why we often say, "If Laurel ain't happy, ain't no one happy."
You are loved,
The Universe

And did you know, Laurel, that every time you smile there, it's like sunshine here?

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Take risks!

You see, Laurel, life isn't supposed to be all "cakewalk" and no "baking."

Especially not for those who like to experiment, take risks, and be surprised.
Please pass the sparklers,
The Universe

Sound like anyone you know, Laurel?

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Road to Paradise

What one little thing could you do today, Laurel, within your means and your comfort zone, that would make you feel like a supercoolhappylovething?
Get down on it,
The Universe

The road to paradise, Laurel, is made up of little steps, on a mostly dirt path, with earwigs and moss scattered about, guarded by a few armadillos and the occasional lonely pine, beautified mostly with wild dandelion flowers and dusty moths, within earshot of crickets that have no concept of when they should actually be singing. But hey, we're talking about the road to paradise.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Be happy!

Truth be told, Laurel, it takes so very, very little to be happy.

But you knew that.
Whew -
The Universe

Laurel, just ask the caged bird, the tethered dog, or the solitary oak.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Accept FULL Responsibility

Accepting full responsibility for every little thing in your life, Laurel, is what opens the floodgates to joy and power.

Or to what we here call "joypower."
Every little thing,
The Universe

We 'r' words, Laurel... 'cause words create worlds.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Was it destiny?

Should you choose to go, do, and be, Laurel, at the end of your life, shocked and dismayed, you'll likely exclaim that because of all the uncanny events, wild timing, weird coincidences, and sheer chance encounters, all of your life's good fortune must have been your destiny.

Or, should you choose to wait, wish, and hope, at the end of your life, shocked and dismayed, you'll likely exclaim that because of all the uncanny events, wild timing, weird coincidences, and sheer chance encounters, all of your life's bad luck must have been your destiny.

Laurel, do you see what the difference is?
It ain't me,
The Universe

Laurel, destinies are a dime a dozen.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


The peachy thing about uncertainty, Laurel, is that when everything else is equal, the cards are still heavily stacked in your favor.

In other words, when all things are considered, including uncertainty, they are not equal, and vigilantly remembering this can make all the difference.
Got it?
The Universe

Laurel, that one's worth getting: All things are not equal.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Happy is more than just a dance..

Usually, Laurel, the wiser you are, the easier life gets.

But then, the happier you are, the less you need easy, the faster you can run, and the higher you can jump.
Go for happy,
The Universe

Happy, Laurel, it's more than just a dance. It's like a whole other country. It's even where new, faster, fancier, lighter laptops come from.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Actually, Laurel, it's not just that you have countless angels, inner guides, conspiring elements, and a radiant soul.

But, that everything in time and space is make-believe!
I see you -
The Universe

Oh, Laurel Stone... You're gonna have so much fun. You're gonna have more money than I need and begin saving., and we're all gonna say, "Remember when Laurel thought it was all so real? What a cutie-pie."