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Monday, November 30, 2009

You're being drawn closer....

It's so cool, huh, Laurel?

I mean, no matter where you are, no matter what has ever happened, no matter how things may appear, every single moment of every single day, you're being drawn closer than you've ever been before, to getting everything you've ever wanted.

Really out did myself with time and space.
Chick-a-boom, chick-a-boom...
The Universe

Laurel... don't you just love it?

Sunday, November 29, 2009

What you put in you get back!

It works like compound interest, Laurel.

For whatever you put in, more comes back to you.
Let's make a deposit,
The Universe

Every little thing, Laurel, like smiling, baby stepping, or sauntering, is pounced upon, celebrated, and made into a sort of breakfast cereal here, for champions....

Thursday, November 26, 2009

How much do you want it?

Laurel, I love this job! You know, writing you every day. Do you know how I got it? No, besides being the Universe and getting whatever I want.

Yes! I just started doing it.   And that's all anything takes.

The Universe

Of course it'll feel funny at first, Laurel, might even look funny, but how badly do you want what you want?

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Looking Back will be Good!

One day it will all be a distant memory, Laurel, yet I can tell you now, with the supreme confidence of someone who's gone ahead in time to know, that you'll look back on this life and be so flush with love and admiration for yourself, your journey, and who it made you, that you'll wonder, as I do now, how it could possibly have escaped you then.

Maybe this will help.

Your greater-self,
The Universe

You rock, "Mini-Me-Laurel," you so rock. And it's never too early to see it.

One Awareness

Laurel, there is an almighty awareness.

One almighty awareness.

A thinking, compassionate awareness, of which you are a part.

Infinitely kind. All-knowing. All-loving. Distant as the furthest mote of dust in space, yet as near as the beating of your heart. Here and there, before and after, always and forever.

And whensoever you should call unto it, it answers you by name. Or "Dude...."

Just like that,
The Universe

Laurel, you couldn't be more important. Not even with a new, faster, fancier, lighter laptop.. Not with ten.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Miracles in the Making

You see, the thing about Miracles-in-the-Making, or M&M's as they're affectionately called here, Laurel, is that they must be disguised amongst the plain and ordinary events of each day. Until, of course, they come to pass, at which point the dreamer they had swirled around can comfortably be labeled lucky or blessed. Otherwise you'd be slammed with worshippers and devotees. Believe me, not pretty.

This isn't by divine law, it's just in keeping with the times you're in. Most folks aren't quite ready to have their belief systems blown to pieces with overtly obvious miracles, but this is changing.

Glad you're different,
The Universe

No, Laurel, they don't come in green... unless you ask.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Think Back to a Happy Time...

Think back to a happy time, Laurel. A really, really happy time in your life. Go back as far as it takes, to a time when you felt so light you thought you might float.

Do you remember it? The carefree feeling? The acceptance of the moment, of yourself, of life? Feeling unfettered by thoughts of the future and oblivious to the past?

Feel it a little longer... There. Very nice.


The Universe

Laurel, the only difference between joyful moments and others... is you.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Dream Big

Laurel, if you don't dream big, I can't scheme big.
Does that pretty much settle things?

The Universe

Laurel, dare. It's always worth it.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

On the way.....

Wow!! Your closest 10,000 angels, Laurel, have been writing up a storm on your WALL lately...
"Nice job on the baby steps toward your new, faster, fancier, lighter laptop.!!! You should have asked for two!"

"Glad you're finally visualizing! Thoughts become things!"
"Remember me? We took flying lessons together!"

Poke - The Universe

"Is that really you on Og's page, Laurel? Typically fearless!! Eyes closed, full gallop, whooohooo'ing in and out of the stars!"

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Repeated frustrations and disappointments, Laurel, are always a reflection of repeated misunderstandings and presumptions.

Oh, darn -
The Universe
Not that you'd ever need this one, Laurel, but maybe one day you'll know someone who does.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Focus on the Right Things

It's not unreturned love, from a certain someone, that hurts, Laurel. It's just that sometimes the "thing" you're focusing on, keeps you from feeling all the love that others are sending you.

Especially me, me, me -
The Universe

In other words, Laurel, the more it seems that "love" hurts, the more you can be sure it's something else.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Celebrate Everyone

Really and truly, Laurel, there is only you, and more of you.
A lot more of you.

Celebrate everyone,
The Universe

I celebrate everyone, Laurel, but then, I've always known they were you.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Think New Thoughts!

Thinking brand new thoughts that you've never thought before, Laurel, is wildly more conducive to creating big life changes than just thinking different varieties of the same old thoughts.

Think about it -
The Universe

Like, where will you be at this time next year, Laurel? Who will you be playing elephant polo with? And what will you be dreaming of after you get your new, faster, fancier, lighter laptop.?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

What's happening?

Laurel, everyone keeps asking me what's happening on earth....

Do you think they mean besides all the breathtaking, nonstop, everyday and everywhere miracles?

Probably not. Glad you see 'em,
The Universe

Besides the miracles, Laurel, what's happening... is that everything's getting better.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Victim.... no, Hero....yes

What if the word victim could be redefined into something closer to hero, Laurel, recognizing that the path some have tread will spare others from the same?
Laurel Stone saves the day, again -
The Universe

From where each goes, Laurel, others learn

Monday, November 9, 2009

Love what you do...

The greatest trick and most subtle secret to doing anything really, really well, Laurel, is loving that you get to do it at all.
And I'm pleased to say, you get to -
The Universe

Love, Laurel, is in the air.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Take the High Road

Did you know, Laurel, there have been a lot of decisions you've made and followed through on, under the most trying and difficult of circumstances, that have actually become textbook examples of taking the "high road" for wannabe rock stars here in the unseen?
And we've sold tons of "your book,"
The Universe

Our rock stars are different, Laurel.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Be Spontaneous!

The thing that's totally different between children and adults, Laurel, is that children have the ability to spontaneously use their imagination to forget what's bothering them and be inspired by every pony, feather, or bug that crosses their path.

Oh, yeah... you're like that.

It's easy,
The Universe

I'm so proud of the grown-up you turned out to be, Laurel.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Don't blame

Without "blame," Laurel, at least 50% of all grounded relationships would have continued sailing.

And I'm all for sailing.

Your first mate,
The Universe

Not that "fault" doesn't exist, Laurel, but blame throws the whole thing out of context.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

You'll just know...

Laurel, if you think on it long enough, you'll know.

You just will.
Works for me,
The Universe

In fact, Laurel, you already do.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Thank you....

Laurel, in your dealings with others, if you haven't already noticed: hoping for, expecting, or even asking for a simple "Thank You" is often way out of the question. And quite frankly, bad form.

But that's all right because, in a manner of speaking, "Thank You's" are my turf. And I never miss one.
Your faithful servant,
The Universe

Oh, and though this isn't really what I meant, thank you, Laurel, for everything.