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Monday, August 31, 2009

Think about it and it's yours!

Whatever it is you want, Laurel, think about it.

Think and think and think.

And as surely as day follows night, that which you have thought about will be drawn into your life - be it answers, friendships, health, abundance, or love.

It's the law.
The Universe

Ah, Laurel, I figure it's the least I could do for you, my shining star, on a Monday.

Friday, August 28, 2009

We have the power right now!

Last night, Laurel, I was dreaming of you, again.

You were radiant, confident, and light beamed in every direction from the core of your being. Music followed you, angels serenaded you, and everyone was elevated by your presence. Wisdom shown from your eyes. Kindness emanated from your touch. And your power was simply awesome.

You looked, well... pretty much... exactly as you do right now.
The Universe

True, Laurel, you were wearing a lot of sparkles, but I do know the difference between sparkles and angels.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Our Works and Actions Create the Future

It doesn't matter that the road's been rough, that you now have challenges, or that uncertainties loom on the horizon, Laurel.

None of these change the fact that for every thought you think today, worlds will come tumbling into existence. For every word you speak, legions will be called into action. And for every step you take, matter will be drawn from the ether.
Jeez -
The Universe

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Do all you can!

Laurel, here's some sage advice I once scrawled onto a cave wall long before the wheel, Atlantis, and Facebook:

Aim with your heart, adjust with your head, and always, always, always, do all you can.

Caves, email, same, same.
The Universe

I'm backkkkkkkkkkkkkk... Actually, Laurel, you're back. I never left.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

What to look forward to...

Want to know who you really meet in heaven, Laurel?
No, after the parade.
No, after the break dancing and hula-hooping.
No, Laurel, after you meet the good souls who invented rainy nights and "sleeping in."
Everyone. You're simply adored.

No hurry, though -
The Universe

Then we'll race you over to the hot tub, Laurel. It's really big.

Monday, August 24, 2009

....it's WHO you know...

Laurel, I know what it's like. I've seen it played out a few zillion times. You're waiting for that magical day when someone makes the connection and recognizes who you really are. Maybe they'll first catch the sparkle in your eye. Or perhaps they'll marvel at your insights and the depth of your spirit. Someone who will help you connect the dots, believe in yourself, and make sense of it all. Someone who will understand you, approve of you, and unhesitatingly give you a leg up so that life can pluck your ready, ripened self from the branch of magnificence. Ahhhhhhhhhhh...

Well, I'm here to tell you, Laurel, your wait is over. That someone, is you.
Good thing you rock,
The Universe

Just proving that age-old adage, Laurel, "It's not what you know, it's who you know."

Friday, August 21, 2009

Be the Spark!

Oh, that's easy, Laurel! You should have asked ages ago!

Let's put it this way: To perform like a "star," to steal the show, and to party with the "Gods"... take the stage, do the dance, and invite yourself.

Be the spark,
The Universe

C'mon, Laurel, we're waiting... and these shoes are killing me.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Imagine the end result...

Laurel, living the life of your dreams is a lot like sailing. You pick your destination, hoist up your sail, make minor adjustments while the journey is underway, and let the wind do all the hard work.In other words, imagine the end result, do what little you can, make minor adjustments while the journey is underway, and let me blow your mind.

The Universe

Of course, Laurel, there are also a few "don'ts." Like don't think that just because there's magic in life you won't have to hoist up your sails, or that doing so will instantly deliver you to your destination. Don't assume that just because there isn't wind one day it's a "sign" that something is wrong, or that you won't have it tomorrow. And, perhaps most importantly, don't forget to pack your Ding Dongs, Ho Hos, and cupcakes.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Baby Steps

The real reason so many have trouble with the baby steps, Laurel -- doing all they can, with what they've got, from where they are, no matter how humble or seemingly futile -- is because they haven't yet grasped that the baby steps trigger unseen forces that throw wide the floodgates of unstoppable momentum, infinite abundance, and eternal life.
Just some tiny steps,
The Universe
Just threw in the eternal life bit, Laurel. Everyone gets that anyway, but I think it makes the whole thing sound more prophetic, don't you?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

It takes time....

One of the trickiest things about life, Laurel, is that, at times, it happens so slowly.

Yet... if... it... happened... any... faster... you'd... already... have... everything... you... ever... wanted... without... learning... to... enjoy... the... ride.

Beep, beep...

The Universe

Plus, Laurel, you'd never have time to befriend young trees.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Walk in someone else's shoes.

If you could actually stand in someone else's shoes, Laurel, to hear what they hear, see what they see, and feel what they feel, you would honestly wonder what planet they live on, and be totally blown away by how different their "reality" is from yours.

You'd also never, in a million years, be quick to judge again.

Just sayin'

The Universe

Not to fret, Laurel, they'd wonder about your planet, too.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

We are all one..

Honestly, I can't say I like everyone.  No. I'm not going to tell you it's because I already love everyone.  Laurel, I am everyone.
And so are you.
Ho down!
    The Universe
After all, Laurel, we do look alike. Identical, in fact. You're just the visible one.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Rock Someones World!

It's virtually impossible to forget, Laurel, when someone suddenly, unexpectedly, in a big way, gives you a gift wanting nothing in return. Huh?

And knowing this could come in handy, Laurel, should you ever want to irrevocably rock someone's world.

Oh, go on - The Universe

I dare you, Laurel.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Imagine it's already yours..

If you just physically pretend on a regular basis, no matter how silly it may seem, that "it" is yours, that your life has already taken off, and that you've found true happiness, a tipping point will be reached, stars will be realigned, and new acquaintances will start insisting, "I don't know why, but you look really familiar..."

And, Laurel, it'll be because their inner eyes already see the legend you are to become.
The Universe

It's already started, hasn't it, Laurel?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

You have to go get it!

Yes, Laurel, you can have whatever you want. ANYTHING you can imagine. You name it. It's yours. Done deal. Zip, zap. Bing, bong. Ka-pow.

Oh, but you have to go get it. K?
I'll help,
The Universe

Laurel, we're a team. I'll do the hard parts, but you gotta get us started. Schwing, baby.

Monday, August 10, 2009

All the birds get the worm!

It's true, Laurel, the early bird gets the worm.

So does the late bird and the bird in-between. Because by design, there are always more than enough worms.

In fact, the only bird that doesn't get a worm, is the bird that doesn't go out to get one.
Oh, to be alive....
The Universe

By design, Laurel, there are also more than enough new, faster, fancier, lighter laptop.s. ;)

Friday, August 7, 2009

Old Souls

There are those scattered on every continent who are so compassionate and wise and loving, that the depth of their character completely escapes those who are still relatively new to time and space.
How do you deal with that, Laurel?

The Universe

It's just as well, Laurel. You'd bore of the paparazzi fast enough.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Enjoy life...

The things that are common to you, Laurel, like windy mornings, starry skies, and old trees; beetles, strawberries, and doorbells; coffee, blue jeans, and summertime... are not common to us.
Enjoy every flippin' moment...
The Universe
Believe me, Laurel, time and space to us is like the ultimate theme park

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

No Price too Great

If you can just remember where this is all going, Laurel, no road will be too bumpy, no night will be too lonely, and no price will seem too great.

Plus, with just a wink your confidence will bring peace to nations.
Careful now,
The Universe
You knew what you were doing, Laurel. And then like 7 billion people copied.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Good News!

How is it Laurel, that with so many brilliant beings on your planet, so few recognize that when one's life encounters turbulence, choppy waters, or setbacks, it's always a sign that things are about to get wildly better than they've ever been before?

And I'm not talking about the dolphins.
Don't fight it,
The Universe

This is really, really good news, Laurel.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Accepting Responsibility

It's truly a sight to see, Laurel, when the inhabitants of any planetary civilization cross the tipping point and begin to individually accept complete and eternal responsibility for their own happiness.

Yet, this hardly compares to the mountain quaking, body shaking, polarity-flipping, hero-making occurrences that transpire when such inhabitants graduate to accepting complete and eternal responsibility for their every twinge of unhappiness.
Brings tears to my eyes,
The Universe

Yeah, the second one is a lot trickier, Laurel. Double, gigantic.

Playing Make Believe

Playing make-believe, Laurel, is always the start of believing.
Where shall we go today, Laurel?
The Universe

Go there first in thought, Laurel. I'll let the rest of the world know you're coming....