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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Enquiring minds want to know...

 Let's slide forward in time a bit, Laurel. Far enough to where we find your greatest dreams of the present have come true long ago. Seems like you've had a new, faster, fancier, lighter laptop forever, and that ages ago it was common knowledge among the angels that you would inevitably have more money than I need and begin saving. And oh, yes, there were countless happy surprises along the way, that, well, I'm not at liberty to write about here, but use your imagination!

OK, now that you've achieved so much, moved on, and your life is rocking, pray tell: How much did being on "Piers Morgan Tonight" change things for you? What are your new life priorities these days? Any regrets over refurbishing that castle in Scotland? Are most of your friends famous, or do you shun the "in" crowd? What advice would you give yourself if you could go back in time to, say, the end of 2011? Does Angelina really care about the underprivileged, or is she just co-chairing the Laurel Stone Greener Planet event to curry favor with the rich and powerful? What is it that you now dream of with all your heart and soul? And finally, do you think it was your powers of persuasion, or your progressive rap lyrics, that convinced the North Koreans to go non-nuclear?

Enquiring minds want to know...
    The Universe

Eek, Laurel! I meant to warn you in advance not to drive or operate heavy machinery while reading this one. You OK?