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Thursday, May 30, 2013

It's the final moments

It's the final moments, Laurel, that define a journey and the first ones that make it possible.
Both, you have total control over.
Whop, whop!
    The Universe

The middle moments, Laurel, are for living, loving, and donut breaks.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

steer with your mind

Aim with your heart, Laurel, steer with your mind, and know that it always works.
Love you,
    The Universe

Besides, aiming, Laurel, without steering, is just daydreaming.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

It's all self-service

It's all self-service, Laurel.
The magic works through you, not for you.
Now helping 7 billion help themselves,
    The Universe

Just order and show up, Laurel. If it's not there when you show up, keep showing up until it is.

Friday, May 24, 2013


There's never been a day in your life, Laurel, when you were as close to your new, faster, fancier, lighter laptop, as you are today.
So very, very close -
    The Universe

And tomorrow, sheez-z-z, Laurel, so close that we can already feel our own butterflies swarming...

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Choose me

Very often when you just can't decide between two or more options, Laurel, it's because the answer that would most give you peace is actually, "None of the above."
But not always.
Choose me,
    The Universe

Happily, Laurel, it was really, really easy for me when I chose you...

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Behind your greatest fear

Behind your greatest fear, Laurel, lies your greatest gift.
You're welcome,
    The Universe

And your greatest gift, Laurel, will be the example you become.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

When you tough it out…

When you tough it out, hold the line, and stay the course, Laurel, I promise you there will soon come a day when you look back over your shoulder, shake your head in dismay, and seriously wonder what all the fuss was about.

Just like all the other times,
    The Universe

In fact, in not so many days from today, Laurel, it will become clear as a bell that you did have enough time, that you were never alone, and that all of us in the unseen were working double time to help make possible "the time of your life."

Friday, May 3, 2013

Thinking rich

Usually, it's not thinking about the bucks, Laurel, which makes one rich.
But thinking rich, which makes the bucks.
If you know what I mean.
    The Universe

Just a little trick for you to think about, Laurel, because I want you to have your new, faster, fancier, lighter laptop, as much as you want to have it. Maybe even more.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Thinking about what you have…

Actually, Laurel, it's not that you want stuff that you don't have, but that you want stuff that you think you don't have.
And the best way to change this is to begin thinking that you have it.
As in, "Oh, there's my electric, fully-loaded, Habitron Cloud Maker!!"
Rain, please -
    The Universe

The same goes for wanting to be the kind of person you think you aren't, Laurel, living the kind of life you think you don't have, and having the kind of friends who don't think you're really, really "out there"... unless you're cool with the latter, which I think suits you.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

the beginning….

Sometimes, Laurel, when circumstances or disappointments bump you off track, it's the beginning of an even bigger dream coming true, that could not have come true on the track you were on.
Yeah, always.
Always, always -
    The Universe

I know what I'm doing, Laurel, and I love you so much.