If you like these notes, please visit "The Adventurers' Club".

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Nothing else matters

Laurel, if you know what you want, and you can remember that "thoughts become things" is the only absolute law at play in time and space, what else matters but what you choose to think today?
    The Universe

Nothing else matters, Laurel. Not your past, not your present, not what others think. Even karma is trumped and slam-dunked by "thoughts become things."

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Where is it?!

Let's see, Laurel, last time I checked you were still a forever being with as many second chances and new romances saved up as there are stars in the night sky; whose thoughts fly on wings, whose dreams become things, and for whom all the elements bow.
In case you were wondering.
    The Universe

Laurel, where is it? Where is it?! Have you seen your future lately...? Oh, there it is! Spinning in the palm of your hand.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

New thinking

Believe me, I know all about it. I know the stress. I know the frustration. I know the temptations of time and space. Laurel, we worked this out ahead of time. They're part of the plan. We knew this stuff might happen. Actually, you insisted they be triggered whenever you were ready to begin thinking thoughts you've never thought before.
Good on you,
    The Universe

Laurel, new thinking is always the answer.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Don’t you think?

Whether it's the simplest things that life has to offer, Laurel, like diamonds, pearls, and fabulous wealth, or friendship, truth, and happiness, please realize...
... actually, diamonds are rocks. Pearls are nature's plastic. Money grows on trees.
Laurel, it's all thought. You live in a dream world. Therefore, it's all simple. You want something, anything? Just think it. Material or ethereal - they're both me.
Which is the point I was about to make.
I adore you,
    The Universe

Laurel, don't you think "fabulous" and "wealth" are two words that should always be used together? I do.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Even cooler boggles the mind

Believe it or not, Laurel, if it weren't for your so-called issues, problems, and challenges, there'd be no other way you could become even happier, cooler, and more enlightened than you have ever been before.
    The Universe

Granted, Laurel, you being even cooler boggles the mind.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Come as you are

Sometimes the people who know, Laurel, don't know they know. And sometimes the people who don't know, think they do know.
But you can always tell who is who, because, of course, with knowing comes tolerance, and patience, and love.
Come as you are,
    The Universe

You know I get these things from watching you, Laurel?

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Your finest hour

It was perhaps one of your greatest acts of love, Laurel. Choosing to be alive at a time when so many live so deeply in the dark.
And already things are looking brighter.
All bow,
    The Universe

Your finest hour, Laurel. Mine, too.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

a billionaire

With regard to the things that really matter, Laurel - insight, understanding, and sense of adventure - rest assured, you're already a billionaire. And we're talking about the kind of currency you can take with you.
As for the bucks, dinars, and rupees: while certainly worthy ambitions, there will come a time when you'll wonder what all the fuss was about.
Nice going, Laurel, nice going -
    The Universe

One day, Laurel, people will be able to buy Bentley's with how much they've loved. Yeah, actually, many already do, thanks.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Who loves you?

Oh! I've been meaning to tell you for the longest time, Laurel, that... well... concerning the illusions: time and space, the stars at night, the earth under your feet, the oceans, the rivers, the prairies, and everything under the sun...
They're a-l-l-l-l yours.
Guess I thought you'd have noticed by now.
Oh, yes they are -
    The Universe

Who loves you, Laurel?

Friday, January 11, 2013

No matter how small the effort

Life rewards effort, Laurel, exponentially. No matter how small the effort, nor how daunting the odds.
That's a lot,
    The Universe

Of course it also rewards thought exponentially, Laurel. Especially those in motion.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

When a tree falls

When giving careful and calculated thought on how else you might see certain situations differently than you now see them - including your entire life, for that matter - please keep in mind, Laurel, that occasionally being on "the fringe," is good.
Real good.
Come in Tokyo,
    The Universe

Because when a tree falls in the woods, Laurel, and nobody is there to hear it, it never really fell. Nor were there any woods.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Keep it up

Do you know why I'm so fond of the time-space continuum, Laurel?
Besides that I thought it up...
Besides you being in it...
Besides puppies and kittens...
It's because it can all seem so logical... so predictable... so real, when you want it to. Or, in the twinkling of an eye, you can choose to remember it's not.
Keep it up, love -
    The Universe

Laurel, it's this simple: Understand what's real in a sea of illusion, and all things will be added unto you.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

In case anyone should ask

In case anyone should ask, Laurel, your heart isn't so large because of your wings; it's your wings that are so large because of your heart.
Sometimes "loving so much" can be pretty heavy.
Thanks for all you've shared,
    The Universe

It's just another one of those nutty body algorithm things, Laurel.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Hark... a tremor I do detect...

Considering your grandest and most glorious dreams, Laurel:

When your thoughts and visualizations pertain to the "hows" (how they will come true), or when they include an insistence upon unimportant details (virtually all details are unimportant; think of them, yes, but just don't attach to them), or when they require specific people to behave in specific ways... at the very best, your efforts will only increase the likelihood of your desired dream coming to pass.
Whereas, when your grandest and most glorious dreams are BIG-picture items, like rocking abundance, total fulfillment, amazing health, vivacious happiness, and the like, the floodgates of success begin to powerfully tremble and your manifestation becomes inevitable.
Hark... a tremor I do detect...
    The Universe

You so deserve even more "powerful trembling," Laurel.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Sometimes one can learn

In all things, Laurel, always and forever... just kidding!! You've read that line enough in the past two weeks. ;)

For today's all new, never before seen Note...
Sometimes one can learn much more about life, love, and happiness, when they're single than when they're in a relationship, when they're looking for work than when they're working, when they're confused than when they're clear, and so on...
And if they allow themselves to learn what there is to learn, rather than resist, Laurel, their life will be transformed, and that which was, will be no longer.
So happy for you,
    The Universe

You see, Laurel, being where and who you now are, with what you now have and lack, is exactly where you need to be in order for your kingdom to come.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Know that it was

In all things, Laurel, always and forever, simply wish the best for all involved, without stating what you think that is.

And then, whatever does happen, no matter what happens, know that it was.
All the best,
    The Universe

Because you're always heard, Laurel, and because the best for everyone is my only speed.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Can you believe

Laurel, can you believe it's already January?
That it's Wednesday, again?
That as you read these very words, somewhere in the world there are waves crashing, eagles soaring, lilacs blooming, and friends laughing so hard tears are streaming down their faces?
That your life has been changing so swiftly?
That you're absolutely gorgeous, inside and out?
That your new new, faster, fancier, lighter laptop came so quickly?
That others who now want to have more money than I need and begin saving, emulate how you did it?
That peace, love, and happiness are flourishing around the world?
Yeah, Laurel, I thought you would.
    The Universe

Haven't things always changed fast for you, Laurel?

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year

Dearest Laurel, I was about to wish that your every dream come true. That you find yourself surrounded by friends, laughter, and good times. I almost wished that your every cup runneth over financially, romantically, spiritually, and creatively. That good health be your faithful companion, peace your guarded ally, and love your perpetual guide. When suddenly, it dawned on me that as an infinite, powerful, fun-loving gladiator of the Universe, with eternity before you and the power of your thoughts to help shape it... it's you Laurel Stone, who will be granting wishes this year.
10... 9... 8... 7... 6...
    The Universe

Oh, Laurel, HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY NEW YEAR anyway!