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Friday, November 30, 2012

Be happy now

Peculiarly, Laurel, did you know that the single most effective piece of advice ever given to anyone who wanted a life partner, is the exact same single most effective piece of advice ever given to anyone who wanted to live in prosperity?!

Which also happens to be the single most effective piece of advice ever given to anyone who wished to discover their purpose, foster peace on earth, improve their health, or dance Gangnam Style?!

"Be happy now." Whoop! Whoop!
    The Universe

Assume the riding position, Laurel...

Thursday, November 29, 2012


There is no problem, conflict, challenge, grievance, symptom, twitch, spasm, ache or pain, dear Laurel - not even those you attribute to external causes - that cannot be spontaneously solved, relieved, or overcome by seeing what you have not yet allowed yourself to see.
That's why you have them, after all.
    The Universe

It really will set you free, Laurel, the truth. Dancing sometimes helps too...

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Dream really BIG

You were built to believe, designed to receive, and born to go where no one ever has.
Dream. Dream really BIG now, Laurel.
Behold, a light...
    The Universe

Your entire life is choreographed for joy, Laurel. Good thing you have my rhythm.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Tests, Laurel, are what you passed to get into time and space.
There are no tests once you arrive.
    The Universe

Yeah, sorry, Laurel, meant to tell you that eons ago.

Monday, November 26, 2012


Basically, Laurel, change comes from thinking thoughts you've never thought before and showing up to meet them down streets you've never walked before.
You ready for some firsts? Are you?
    The Universe

Didn't you know I yodeled, Laurel?

Friday, November 23, 2012

no such thing….

Laurel, there's no such thing as too much gratitude. Because the more of it you express, the more reasons you'll be given to express it.
Sure beats Twister,
    The Universe

And as the "game" progresses, Laurel, you can rest assured that I will always "win," always outdoing you with even more new reasons...

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thank you

Two of the most powerful words in the English language for bringing about change, Laurel, are "thank you." Especially when offered before the change even occurs and everything still looks pretty much like it did yesterday.
You'll have to think of something to say afterwards on your own.
Hubba, hubba -
    The Universe

Thank you, Laurel.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Do not think of red

Laurel, for 10 seconds please do not think of the color red... not even quickly. Do not think of red. Laurel!
OK, so, happily red is cool and we weren't talking about anything you don't want, don't need, or don't like.
World peace rocks and so does being rich -
    The Universe

Attention brought to a certain something, Laurel, will tend to manifest that certain something, even if you didn't want it, need it, or like it.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Of all people

So very much can happen, Laurel, in a lifetime, or even on a single day of any lifetime. Yet I can assure you that whatever has or will happen in yours, no matter what chasms you cross, heights you scale, or how many people you love and are loved by, when all is said and done and you take that final look over your shoulder, what will humble you the very most, will be that you got to be Laurel Stone.
Of all people,
    The Universe

Just think, I got to be me, Laurel, and you! And I so loved the part when I, as you, got to have more money than I need and begin saving....

Monday, November 19, 2012

Love yourself

Your mere presence has always been enough, dear Laurel, for the birds to sing, the waves to roll, and the sun to shine... so why do you ever feel you should be more?
Love yourself as we love you,
    The Universe

Do you really think they sing, roll, and shine for everyone, Laurel, the way they do for you? Really?

Sunday, November 18, 2012

10,000 workarounds

Anger is always a signal from your higher self, Laurel, that it's time for a reality check.
    The Universe

Because, Laurel, there are at least 10,000 workarounds, beginning with new perspectives or new friends... and probably ending somewhere near bowling or chess.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

No messy rope burns!

Laurel, letting go is always easier than holding on.
And it's how the new stuff will find you.
You new stuff magnet,
    The Universe

Plus, Laurel, no messy rope burns.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

To the winner's circle

Many come close, Laurel, yet few dare, so boldly, to live without judgment, to give without expecting, and to love for no reason.
We call it a spiritual trifecta.
To the winner's circle,
    The Universe

If gambling were done here, Laurel... I'd bet even more on you. Shhhhhh..

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

palms up!

Oh my goodness, Laurel, your life is so much fun to watch when you're on the verge of a really big, huge dream coming true...!
You did not hear that from me... Shhhhhh!
    The Universe

There's actually light emanating from around your head, Laurel, sparks shooting from your fingertips, and I do believe you're vibrating sufficiently to actually see the angels now dancing on the palm of your hand... palms up!

Monday, November 12, 2012

The truth shall set you free

The Top 10 things about time and space, Laurel, that most people seem to forget...

10. You chose to be here and you knew what you were doing.
9. There are no "tests" and you're not being judged.
8. Everyone's doing their best, with what they know.
7. You already have whatever you're looking for.
6. You are of the Divine, pure God, and so is everyone else.
5. Religion needs spirituality; spirituality does not need religion.
4. You're naturally inclined to succeed - at everything you do.
3. You happen to life, life does not happen to you.
2. Order, healing, and love belie every moment of chaos, pain, and fear.
1. Following your heart is the best way to help others.

The truth shall set you free,
    The Universe

And, Laurel... coffee, tea, and chocolate are proof enough that you're adored from the unseen.

Friday, November 9, 2012

7 billion people

Several upsides to having 7 billion people share the planet with you, Laurel, are that you get 7 billion more teachers, 7 billion more ways to fall in love, and 7 billion more versions of yourself.
Aren't they all amazing?
    The Universe

Yeah, at first I thought 7 billion Laurel Stones would be just too much cool at once, but you're all actually quite hot...

Thursday, November 8, 2012

hey, nice dinghy

Do you know why happy tears taste the same as sad tears, Laurel?
Because all tears come from the ocean of love.
Your nautical wheeler,
    The Universe

Ahoy, Laurel, love ahead... and hey, nice dinghy.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Live as if

Live as if, Laurel.
    The Universe

As if, Laurel, life was easy, people were awesome, and you just haven't yet decided which of your favorite charities should receive your surprise $1 million gift.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

It’s not that difficult

Laurel, it's not difficult. It's easy. Everything is easy.
Time and space aren't supposed to be your Harvard, they're your playground.
The life you long for already exists. You're supernatural. I'm your partner. Together we'll get there and you can have it all.
    The Universe

Like kindergarten, done up as paradise, at recess, Laurel, and I'll meet you on the jungle gym...

Monday, November 5, 2012

love your life

A Dream-Manifestation-Workaround for those tired of visualizing, giving thanks, and acting "as if," Laurel, is to love your life so greatly, exactly as it is, that you become a total magnet for more, more, more of all you could ever love.
You love magnet,
    The Universe

I miss Billy Idol, Laurel. You?

Friday, November 2, 2012

The odds

Laurel, you chose to be who you now are, you came here to thrive, the odds always seem steep, the game is rigged in your favor, you knew what you were doing, your demons aren't real, fear was part of the deal, love is all you need, you're never alone, thoughts become things... and you still look absolutely amazing in jeans.
    The Universe

The odds always seem steep, Laurel, but the game is rigged and you knew what you were doing.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

cluck a few times

Here are a few techniques learned from children, Laurel, that will help anyone take their game, or their life, to a whole new level:
1. Once a day playfully imagine that you're already there.
2. Frequently speak in gratitude as if you've already arrived.
3. And, every now and then, physically do something you never would have done at the old level... like praise yourself, reward yourself, or cluck a few times with thumbs under your arms.
I'll never tell a soul,
    The Universe

Cute, Laurel. I saw that.