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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Stranger than fiction

You can usually know you're nearing the end of your incarnation cycles, Laurel, when you feel you could happily go another 10,000 rounds.
Stranger than fiction,
    The Universe

Boredom and impatience, Laurel, usually just mean you aren't busy enough.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Hi God, it's me

If you can get that there was once a "time" before "space," Laurel, when all that existed was "Divine Intelligence."

Then you can also get that there could never, later, be anything that wasn't "Divine Intelligence" - because what would it be made of; where would it have come from?
Then you'd get that you must therefore be pure "Divine Intelligence" yourself and that there's only one explanation for you being you, here and now:

From the pinnacle of your royal magnificence, the zenith of your heavenly godhood, as pure "Divine Intelligence," you, exactly as you now are, with every freckle and blemish, are exactly who you, God, most wanted to be. And you knew exactly what you were doing.
Thy kingdom come,
    The Universe

Hi God, it's me, God. Oh look, we're everywhere, Laurel. And all is supremely well.

Friday, July 27, 2012


When you dream at night, Laurel, can't anything happen next? Are you limited by what you dreamt the night before? Aren't you the creator-manifestor-genius behind every bell, whistle and sparrow?
Same for the dream of here and now.
    The Universe

"Creator-manifestor-genius" so suits you, Laurel. BTW - "manifestor" is a new word because of you.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Life rocks

Love always wins, Laurel.
Kindness always prevails.
And smiles always disarm.
    The Universe

And there can be as many winners as players, Laurel. Life rocks.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The top 10 signs

Laurel, the top 10 signs a really huge dream of yours is about to come true, are:
10. You regularly visualize the end result, the after-party, or beyond.
9. Every day you "show up," doing something about it.
8. You're not attached to how it will come true.
7. It really matters to you; you really care.
6. You know who the first 3 people are that you'll call with the news.
5. You're smiling and winking way more than normal.
4. Sometimes you speak and behave as if it already has.
3. It probably doesn't depend upon specific people.
2. You already know what your next goal is.
1. You keep whispering, "Sweet! Thank you! Yes!" with clutched fist.
Sweet! Thank you! Yes!
    The Universe

Did you just smile and wink, Laurel? Good, keep on it.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Go with it. Roll, Laurel. Swerve.
The "unexpected" is just my way of preparing you for more than you knew to ask for.
Bounce back, serpentine, 2-step -
    The Universe

It may have surprised you, Laurel, but I saw it coming and it got me all excited.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Do the math

When you move toward a dream, Laurel, it moves toward you.
When you move every day, it moves every day.
Someone pass me a calculator,
    The Universe

Do the math, Laurel, this could be your week!!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Either way

If, Laurel, when you lay your head upon your pillow tonight, you could choose to slip into a dream dimension where time would literally expand, so much so that you could live out an entire other lifetime within it as a person "designed" by you from head to toe, even choosing your name and who your parents would be. Where every single day you'd be pushed on to greatness, every single challenge would invite you to become more, and all of your dreams could come true. Where, no matter how things may ever seem, you'd be bathed in love, surrounded by friends, safe and sound in your very own bed. And where, upon waking, all that you loved and learned in that lifetime would remain with you, and all that scared and threatened you would only have prepared you for even more love and learning in the near future.
Would you choose to go there, Laurel, just for one night, on the condition that during the dream itself you mustn't have any recollection of how you got there, its purpose, or what might happen next?
Of course you would, you're a supercoolhappylovething!
Which begs the question, "How do you know, then, this isn't that dream?"
Howling at the moon,
    The Universe

Either way, you did choose to be called Laurel, Laurel. Did, did.

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Whoever said that you can't have it all, Laurel, must have been a young soul.
Among other things, time and space actually exist to teach you that you can.
Rock it,
    The Universe

A swift and expectant, "Really??" Laurel, should slow 'em down a bit.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

"Da roof, da roof..."

Blazing desire, Laurel, even when it's all you've got, is all you've ever needed.
But mind you, if your blazing desire has not effortlessly thrown you into action - preparing the way, taking baby steps, and doing all you can - then it's just a smoldering desire, and you're thinking other conflicting stuff as well.
Always hot for you,
    The Universe

"Da roof, da roof..." Okay, sorry, not quite Sugar Hill. Love you, Laurel.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


While a child attending kindergarten Laurel, cannot fully comprehend all the priceless reasons they are there - to socialize, make friends, grow, and prepare for ever higher realms of awareness - by that age they can, nevertheless, sense and grasp that their wise and doting parents have kept their very best interests in mind, and that is enough. Because with this awareness, they can at least stop trying to figure everything out and simply start enjoying their hand painting, alphabet lessons, and cat-naps. Knowing that even if they break a crayon or some lad pulls a chair out from under them, they're still exactly where they should be, everything is going to turn out just grand, and everyone back home is as proud as can be.
And oh my goodness, Laurel, we are so proud of you.
Do I "over-dote"?
    The Universe

Your "paintings," Laurel, are plastered all over our refrigerators.

Monday, July 16, 2012


You know how the wind, no matter how blustery, remains as silent as it is invisible, until it meets with leaves, and kites, and flags, and such?
Well, Laurel, it's exactly the same with the manifesting forces that make dreams come true, until they meet with expectation.
And right this second, they're whirling all around you, my little chiquita.
Happy everything -
    The Universe

NEWS FLASH 1 WEATHER ADVISORY: This week's forecast will be marked with buoyant optimism scattered throughout the land (especially over Larsen) with intermittent bursts of hope, faith, and euphoria that are expected to create numerous high pressure cells ideal for dreams coming true. So get on out there, Laurel, and soak up those manifesting rays; it's going to be gorgeous.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Prepare to be amazed

If you knew I answered whenever you spoke to me, Laurel, would you be still enough to hear me?
Prepare to be amazed,
    The Universe

And if you knew I was listening, Laurel, to everything you thought or said, might we talk again like old times?

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Learning Game

When there is ease and simplicity in your life, Laurel, it's because earlier you learned a lot.
When there is resistance and obstacles in your life, it's because there's even more to learn.
And learning even more, Laurel, is pretty much the main reason everyone is still there.
Classy dismissed,
    The Universe

You see, Laurel, the "goal" is not ease and simplicity, though they will surely follow, but learning even more.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Redefining the possible

Performing miracles, Laurel, isn't a matter of doing the impossible, it's a matter of redefining the possible.
    The Universe

People once thought double chocolate was impossible, Laurel. Yum.

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Do you know why, Laurel, it's so easy for us in the unseen to quickly pinpoint your whereabouts?
You leave behind footprints of love.
    The Universe

"The expedition's last confirmed sighting was in Larsen, the legend of BIGFOOT continues."

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Befriend, not friend

Want to move a mountain, Laurel?
Befriend it.
Call me,
    The Universe

No, don't "Friend" it, Laurel, befriend it. Same goes for altering circumstances, influencing the weather, or getting a new, faster, fancier, lighter laptop.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Do you think…

Do you think it would be cheating, Laurel, knowing all that I know, if I placed a bet on your inevitable happiness, success, and saunter?
Good. Because I have. It was called the "Big Bang," and every moment of every day I walk in your shoes.
Laurel, I knew what I was doing.
    The Universe

Wishing you a BANGING 4TH OF JULY, Laurel!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Bling, bling ….

It's not how much one gets paid, Laurel, but how much they give, that makes them rich.
Bling, bling -
    The Universe

And when I say "give," Laurel, I mean "offer," "provide," "perform," "donate," "sell," or otherwise be of service to others. And when I say "rich," I'm not just talking about the warm fuzzies, but ultimately possessing whatever you dream of... from confidence to cupcakes to bullion.