If you like these notes, please visit "The Adventurers' Club".

Saturday, April 30, 2011

When the going gets tough

When the going gets tough, Laurel, isn't it enough to remember that calm, peace, and happiness always return - for you and all those you love?

That you will breathe freely again? That you will stand tall again?

And that, if you really insist, you will sing that "Let's get ready to R-U-M-B-L-E..." song again - windows down, wind in your hair, double latte, riding shotgun - at the top of your lungs?

"Y'all ready for this...?"
The Universe

OMG, Laurel, I can hear you now!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

You'll find what you're looking for...

In time and space, Laurel, if you just look for what's right - in others, in relationships, in yourself and your journey - you'll always find it.

Same when looking for what's wrong.

The Universe

Now that's perfection, huh, Laurel?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

So easy...

In life, Laurel, you can only ever be scared, when you believe in limits.

You can only ever feel lonely, when you stop doing things.

You can only ever become bored, when you no longer follow your heart.

And you can only ever get overwhelmed, when you think the illusions are real.

Whew! Who knew it could be so easy to get back on track?

The Universe

And usually, Laurel, it only ever seems hard, when you rush yourself.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Afraid of heights?

The day will come, I assure you, Laurel, when you will sit so high upon your throne - beaming and loving, known and adored - that absolutely no slight or violation you will have ever endured, will matter to you in the slightest.

That is, if that day hasn't already come.

All bow,
The Universe

I just hope you're not afraid of heights, Laurel.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Every day you get closer.

Even though you can't physically see a tree growing, Laurel, doesn't mean it's not. Right?

Same with the world spinning?

Gravity clinging?

So next time the masses are huddled at your feet, pining about dreams they claim are not coming true, you might remind them of this.

Every day you get closer.

Yo! Ho! Ho!
The Universe

You are so helpful, Laurel! I.O.U.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Truly Happy

There is always something, Laurel, to be happy about. Truly happy.

And if you have the audacity to find it and the courage to make it your focus, in spite of the countless temptations to do otherwise, you will have learned well, your life will be transformed, and all things will be added unto you.

"End" game,
The Universe

Trust me, Laurel, I have connections.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Around the bend....

Psss-s-s-s-t-t, Laurel! S-h-h-h-h-h-h!

Around the bend, in the unseen, arising from the very uncertainties that may now seem to taunt you, there are some amazing surprises, awesome twists, and spellbinding coincidences about to emerge that you can't even now imagine.

The Universe

For us, Laurel, here, because of you, watching is so-o-o-o much fun! (Someone pass the Twizzlers!)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

"Don't forget the chocolate syrup"

Laurel, about your new, faster, fancier, lighter laptop, and that one day soon you will have more money than I need and begin saving... have you considered that once these dreams come to pass, you may become too popular to even grocery shop for yourself?

Yeah, your peeps can do it for you.

"Don't forget the chocolate syrup" -
The Universe

Laurel, consider it... often.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

That's your purpose

Laurel, it's the way you think. That's your purpose. It's never been about what work you choose, what gifts you develop, or what niche you fill - let these be for your pleasure.

Think as only you can think, which will lead to feelings that only you can feel, from which connections will be made, lives will be changed, and worlds will come tumbling into existence.

The Universe

Laurel, this is why you're here.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Enjoy what you have...

When you don't know what you want, Laurel, it's probably time to begin enjoying what you have.

You've done so well for yourself,
The Universe

And you've done so well for the rest of us, too, Laurel. I'm loving my new new, faster, fancier, lighter laptop... just getting it ready for you!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Baby steps and acting small...

The difference between taking baby steps and acting small, Laurel, is that one prepares you for success, the other for a fall.

Cha, cha, cha -
The Universe

Laurel, of course the baby steps feel silly, this is how we test to see how badly you want what you want.

Friday, April 15, 2011

A few wispy thoughts away

Though folks never suspect this in their times of crises, Laurel, no one is ever more than a few wispy thoughts away from a rebound, breakthrough, or blazing new trails with friends, in love.

Burn rubber on me,
The Universe

Errrrrrkkkkkk!! Laurel, remember The Gap Band?

Thursday, April 14, 2011

A reality-check....

In all of time and space, Laurel, can you think of anything more valuable than just another day?

Well if you can, I'll give that to you as well.

Feeling groovy,
The Universe

How's that for a reality-check, Laurel?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Another mystery

Ever notice, Laurel, how those who give their all to just "getting by," usually do? Yeah.

Then you must wonder, too, why they don't just give their all to rocking the flippin' world? Costs the same.

Just another one of life's mysteries,
The Universe

Laurel, this is still so your year!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


It's like everyone's given seeds that are capable of growing into the garden of their dreams, but no one's been told they even have them. Then, when they see their neighbor's garden growing, whether it's because their neighbor actually found their seeds or accidentally spilled them, there's a rush to see what's happening. In fact, whole industries are built around the buying, selling, and trading of other people's gardens. Agents are hired, sales teams assembled, and sometimes stocks and bonds are issued. Vendors compete, lawyers are hired, and accountants are sued. There are mergers and acquisitions, buyouts and takeovers, and of course 401k's, company picnics, and vacation days.

There are seeds that grow into private gardens. Seeds that grow into best sellers. And seeds that grow into happy families.

It's quite a riot, and often good fun, but Laurel, would you believe that one of the biggest impediments one has to discovering their own seeds, these days, is their fascination with the gardens of others?

The Universe

Laurel... we're already selling stocks and bonds on your garden!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Whenever feeling bamboozled

Whenever feeling utterly bamboozled or bored by life, Laurel, seek a higher perspective.

Because being bamboozled or bored, means there is one.

The Universe

And whenever bamboozled or bored by one of these NOTES, Laurel, tap the tip of your nose 3 times... and grin.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Remember when...

Laurel, remember when, as a child, just the sight of a swing set, or a pony, or a hula-hoop, would get your heart racing and your imagination somersaulting?

And without even thinking in words you felt that surely the world revolved around you, that you were the most blessed creature ever to live, and that having fun was all that really mattered?

Well, I still wonder how you knew so much, at such a tender age.

The Universe

Laurel, to me, at times, it's as if there is only you. Actually, all the time.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Your secret blessing

Your secret blessing, Laurel, is that no matter where you go in time and space, you only ever have to be yourself - as courageous, vulnerable, bold, or afraid as you may feel - to find yourself amongst friends.

So loved,
The Universe

You're actually kind of like chocolate to other people, Laurel, when you're just being yourself.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

You've come a long way

You've come a long way, Laurel, from the timid, shy soul you once were. Hiding out on distant planets, befriending alien tree forms, splashing in snow fed streams, and secretly planning your time on earth with a new, faster, fancier, lighter laptop and all.

So what do you say we drop all the practical logic, rational reasonableness, and cautious optimism, and give those tree forms something to talk about - before they start making stuff up.

You know trees.

I'm totally with you on this -
The Universe

Sometimes I feel like I've waited forever, Laurel, just to be you....

Monday, April 4, 2011

Can you feel it?

Today, dear Laurel, I thought I'd tell you how powerful you are, but would you believe... I couldn't find the words?

They do not exist.

Can you feel it?
The Universe

Neither is it possible for me to tell you, Laurel, how courageous you've been, how beautiful you are, and how adored you will always be.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Be the first to smile!

At all times and in all places, Laurel, always be the first to smile.

Beat you,
The Universe

And at some times in some places, Laurel, be the last to ask "how much?"