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Friday, July 30, 2010

Can YOU sense ....

Most would never admit it, or they hide it from themselves, but everyone can sense God within, Laurel.

And once admitted, they can sense God in others.
Go for it!
The Universe

Can you feel me now, Laurel?

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Wake up....

Laurel, everything is easy when you live in a dream world.

As long as you know that you're dreaming.
You do and you can -
The Universe

Laurel, can you hear me now? You're dreaming! Right now! Wake up! Please! You're dreaming, Laurel! Seize the day, have it your way, ask for and prepare to receive... the sun, the moon, and the stars! Laurel... Laurel... Laurel, wake up....

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Let it happen...

Stop thinking that you have to make it happen, Laurel, and let it happen...

That you have to be better, and be yourself...

That I've ever judged you, and be free.
The Universe

Love you forever, Laurel.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Never just one right answer...

There's never just one right answer, Laurel.

And there's never just one right question.
All of the above,
The Universe

Same for paths, people, and dessert, Laurel.

Monday, July 26, 2010

It IS OK....

It is OK. You are alright. You needn't second guess anymore, Laurel.

Everyone is safe. Nothing "bad" is going to happen. All of the promises have been kept.

And you could not possibly be more adored.
By me,
The Universe

It is OK. You are alright. You've done so very well for yourself, Laurel.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Be still...

Be still, Laurel. Stop thinking. Feel. Take action. Visualize. Repeat.

The Universe

Did you catch the double entendre, Laurel? I've still got "it"... and so do you.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Knowing it's yours

The shortest distance between you and your new, faster, fancier, lighter laptop, Laurel, is thinking that you already have it and acting the part.

New math.
Love you like a calculator,
The Universe

Crunch, Laurel.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Action must follow dreams

Please tell anyone who wants to know, Laurel, that a dream not followed by consistent action, however humble or small the actions may be, points to either a huge contradiction or a gigantic misunderstanding.

Because when people get clear and realize just how powerful they truly are, wild horses can't stop them from taking even the humblest of baby steps, everyday.
The Universe

The same, of course, Laurel, would apply to your coolness.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

See their good

See their good, Laurel.

See nothing else.

Do it for you.
    The Universe

This is how we roll, Laurel.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Knowledge and imagination...

If knowledge is power, Laurel, imagination is kryptonite.
The Universe

A good kind of kryptonite, Laurel.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Be happy while you wait!

So what if you don't have it yet, Laurel?

It's coming. You're gonna get it. You're gonna love it. And then you're gonna forget there was ever a time when you didn't have it.

Like clockwork.
I know,
The Universe

Learning to be happy while you wait, Laurel, is worth learning. And to help learn this, just keep yourself busy.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Never before...

On the very bright side, Laurel, never in peace time history has there been such a gallant effort, by so many people, spending so many billions of dollars with no end in sight, to rapidly clean up your environment.

Never before have numerous heads of state and representatives of a corporation as large as many smaller nations, pledged to work together, sharing expertise and resources to get a job done.

Never before have so many prayer and meditation groups suddenly formed, amongst and in between every religion and those belonging to none, to foster healing of your precious planet.

Never before have finger pointers, conspiracy theorists, and blame mongers been so idle and unnecessary in the face of such a tragedy.

Never before have industry titans across every sea chosen to reexamine their own safety procedures, revisit their own environmental safeguards, and expend their own fortunes to voluntarily reflect upon and demand that they do an even better job from this day forward.

And to top it all off, Laurel, your planet has a loving, brilliant consciousness all her own, and of her countless balancing acts, healing herself is one in which she truly shines.

Of this, and so much more, you can be very, very proud.
The Universe

Little can ease the suffering or stem the pain over lives lost and careers halted, Laurel, but human nature is every bit as resilient and courageous as mother Earth, and we are simply awed by what we see unfolding from here. All hail... before humankind.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

It's the right time!

You are the right person, this is the right time, you've paid your dues, you're thinking the right thoughts, you're doing the right things, and this very moment, you are exactly where you're supposed to be... poised for the happiest time of your life.
Dang, Laurel!
The Universe

What comes right after you have more money than I need and begin saving, Laurel? Yeah, baby.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

All of the faces in all of the places...

When you consider all the faces in all the places in all the times, Laurel, do you see every one of them as students... of love?
They are,
The Universe

The Earth Love Campus, Laurel... quite famous in galaxies far, far away, for its passion, suspense, warm fireplaces, and shag carpets.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Everything is a non-issue...

Fact of the matter is, Laurel, everything is a non-issue, until someone decides otherwise.

And that means you can now chill.
The Universe

I calm troubled waters like that, Laurel

Friday, July 9, 2010

Young souls and old souls..

To young souls, Laurel, there are good folks and bad folks.

To mature souls there are only good folks, though some do bad things.

And old souls, only see themselves.
I see you,
The Universe

And they love, love, love, Laurel.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Dream it!

Yes! Laurel,

you can have more than you now want, bigger than before, faster than you can even ask!!

It's just not going to visualize itself.
The Universe

Dream it, Laurel, show-up, happy dance.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

We're all related..

When it comes to other people on planet Earth, Laurel, what you want to keep in mind, is that you're all related.

Really, really.
Brothers and sisters,
    The Universe

When it comes to other people on other planets, Laurel... actually, that's top secret, but they're very cool, and soon, very soon....

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Always happy...

Did you know, Laurel, that God prefers to go barefoot, laughs a lot, and is always happy?

Loves orange, wears blue jeans, and has read every book ever written?

Skips stones, plays in the rain, and rocks out?

Remembers birthdays, forgets arguments, and every day visualizes you smiling even more?

And at this very moment, is accepting applications from those who wish to make a whopping difference.
Approved! Approved! Approved!
    The Universe
God is always happy, Laurel. Always.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Scored again!

We love you, Laurel, with so much understanding.

We think of you, with so much pride.

And we watch you, Laurel Stone... with so much envy.
Know this,
    The Universe

The World Cup, Laurel, has nothing on you. "Zeus!!! Laurel 'scored' again!!!!"

Friday, July 2, 2010

Live forever....

Have you ever stopped to consider, Laurel, that due to your eternal nature, you, and everyone else, live forever?

Of course you have.

And therefore, have you realized that in the truest sense, everyone beats cancer, aids, and starvation?

Un-hun, un-hun...

And you totally get that between now and "infinity," you will meet, and fall deeply in love with everyone, and they with you?
Let's not wait...
    The Universe

Wear every hair style, Laurel, own every car, climb every mountain, achieve every dream, give every gift, learn every language, and, I just bet, moonwalk with the King of Pop, himself?

Thursday, July 1, 2010

We've got it made...

In case you didn't know, you couldn't tell, or you haven't heard, if you're reading this right now on a computer, Laurel, you're rich. If you have somewhere to go today, you're connected. And if there is anyone, anywhere, who for any reason knows where you are in this moment, you are loved.
Dang, you just keep acing time and space.

Big time,
The Universe

And by the way, Laurel, if you're still snug in bed, reading this on your phone with covers pulled up, or are otherwise reading this on the fly... you're about 100 years ahead of your time. Snooze, please.