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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A new challenge

See everyone, Laurel, as a brand new challenge to fall in love.

Sneaky of me, huh?
Kiss, kiss -
The Universe

I have to be as sneaky, Laurel, as you are brilliant. Mucho, mucho.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Selfishness can be the new selflessness

Believe it or not, Laurel, of all the types of happy, "yeehaa!" and "whoohooo!" that exist, the greatest are those derived from truly helping others.

Especially when you help yourself along the way by choosing approaches that tickle you. It most certainly won't hurt if you have fun, crank up the music, shake-shake-shake, and scarf a new new, faster, fancier, lighter laptop while you're at it. In fact, maybe we could use your new, faster, fancier, lighter laptop as we help others....

The Universe

Considered like this, Laurel, selfishness can be the new selflessness, and with far richer results.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Self Confidence

With self-confidence, Laurel, the world bows to greet you and coincidence becomes your partner.

And self-confidence comes from loving yourself.

And loving yourself comes from knowing that you are, still, exactly who I most want to be.
And so I am,
The Universe

Hey, wait, Laurel... YOU'RE hip and gorgeous! Meant to be...

Thursday, June 24, 2010

LIfe's great ironies

One of life's great ironies, Laurel, is that very often the "stuff" you're trying to avoid right now is the same "stuff" you're going to miss most once you move on.
Ha, ha... Oh, my -
The Universe

You know, Laurel, like challenges, responsibilities, and boredom. True.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

It's easier and wiser....

Actually, Laurel, it's easier to accept others, than to change them.

It's wiser to understand them, than to get angry.

And most of the time, it's more fun to love 'em, than to leave 'em.
Your call,
The Universe

Loving you, Laurel, on a WEDNESDAY... Sweet!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Just keep showing up...

Laurel, not even I know how a dream will come true, until it does.

But if you just keep showing up, they always do.
The Universe

Second Big-Love-Hug, Laurel... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

Monday, June 21, 2010

"Bad days" are optional

The one thing "bad days" have over "good days," is that they're completely optional.
Every day is a "whooohoooo" day,
The Universe

The other thing "bad days" have over "good days," Laurel, is that they usually make you think things you've never thought before. Which is probably why people choose them.

Friday, June 18, 2010

A flock of butterflies

Invariably, Laurel, a sudden disappointment, a bit of "bad" news, or a flock of butterflies gathering in your stomach, are all omens that a fabulous adventure is fast approaching.
Hit me baby,
The Universe

Flock sounded better than swarm, Laurel.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Love yourself

Can I give you some advice that you won't take the wrong way?

How did I know you'd say yes?

Buy something nice for yourself, Laurel. Show it off. Be proud. Love your taste. Love yourself. Spin some secrets, tell a few. Stay out too late every so often and sleep in too long. Play loud music. Make a few mistakes. Celebrate everything. And when no one is looking, kiss the back of each of your hands in quick succession... Mwah! Mwah!
Happy love affair, gorgeous...
The Universe

Come on, Laurel... kiss, kiss!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Illusion..... or reality?

The illusion, Laurel, is that completion lies just a new toy, friend, job, or idea away.

The reality is that no one will ever be more complete than you already are.
You were my idea,
The Universe

Actually, I didn't say toy-friend, Laurel... but same-same.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A secret to make things better....

One of the secrets to not worsening a condition or circumstance, Laurel, is to never, ever talk about it.

Of course, exceptions can be made for doctors, counselors, and, on rare occasions, ice cream store hostesses.
Double chocolate,
The Universe

To everything, Laurel, there is an exception, or two, or even more.

Monday, June 14, 2010

What you give you get back... 7x

Everything you give, Laurel, you get back, times seven.

Plus, what you give, grows, times seven.

Plus plus, there's a little known intergalactic algorithm that states whenever love is added to the giving, a new, faster, fancier, lighter laptop draws ever closer to the giver. Whoa!
I give it all to you,
The Universe

Laurel, you simply can't give too much

Friday, June 11, 2010


Think of someone very, very special to you.

Now feel yourself bursting with love for them.

Now mentally shower, drench, and soak them in that love.

Now mentally shower, drench, and soak yourself, Laurel, in my love.
The Universe

Now feel it always, Laurel

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Stay the course....

However long your dreams take to come true, Laurel; no matter how prickly, thorny, or bumpy the path; and whether or not you even remember these words, if you stay the course, I can promise you this:
1 - They will come true.
2 - You'll recall the entire journey with fondness.
3 - You're going to miss shopping in complete anonymity.

Sure as snow.

The Universe

Who adores you, Laurel?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Everyone gets to take as long as they want before waking up to the realization that life, Laurel, is a love game.
Game on,
The Universe

Love you, love you, love you like crazy, Laurel!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

We can choose our own thoughts..

Insecurity, Laurel, is the greatest social piranha in the pool of human existence. Yet discovering that no matter what anyone else thinks, you can still choose your own thoughts, manifest your own things, and live happily ever after is like wearing underwater, titanium body armor in your favorite color, with built-in rabbit ear slippers and a ghetto-like hoodie.
The Universe

Armor, amor, amour, Laurel? Curiously similar... si?

Monday, June 7, 2010

Start today.....

In the end, Laurel, not that there really is an end, it's ALL going to be about how much you smiled, how much you laughed, and how much you enjoyed your life.
Right now,
The Universe

You can do anything, Laurel. And you can start today.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Everything is FANTASTIC

Everything is FANTASTIC, Laurel!

Your life is amazing.

And money does grow on trees.
You're welcome,
The Universe

Plus, Laurel, you're a supercoolhappylovething and it's Friday

Thursday, June 3, 2010

GREAT news

GREAT news for all Earthlings!

All disappointing circumstances, Laurel - like stock prices falling, chocolate prices rising, or being disappointed by others - are temporary. You, however, are eternal.

You don't even have a say in the matter.
The Universe

You will outlast, outsmart, and outlive anything that doesn't please you, Laurel, and sooner than you think.

We planned it..

You're not in time and space to graduate into higher realms of existence, Laurel; you're here because long, long ago, you already did. And back then you could think of no celebration greater than being with good friends, falling in love, on cool adventures, facing great challenges, and possessing total amnesia... lest it all seem too easy.
Well done. Very well done.

The Universe

You were also hip to earth's music scene, Laurel, and, while you might like to deny it, you once really dug bellbottoms.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Some find it, some lose it, and some never cared.

Some find it, some lose it, and some never cared.

Which is just as well, Laurel, because religion has only ever been up to you.
Thank heaven,
The Universe

Spirituality, on the other hand, is pretty much non-negotiable. You have angels, you are one to others, and, Laurel, you're going to live forever.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The force is with you

When you say "me," "myself," or "I," Laurel, do you remember to think of yourself as an intergalactic, supernatural, indomitable, unstoppable, joy-bound, on-fire gladiator of love... matador of illusions... and supercoolhappylovething?

The force is with you,
The Universe

OMG, Laurel, you are so HUGE here.