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Friday, February 26, 2010

Visualize more

Laurel, I think you're amazing. I think your approach to life is dead-on. And I can't think of anything you've ever done that I wouldn't have done had I been in your shoes.

Still, beloved, I think we could have a little chat about visualizing more often. Seeing the end result in all its glorious detail, bypassing the cursed-hows, and feeling the emotions you expect to feel.

Hey, it's my life too.
The Universe

Yeah, Laurel, nothing you've ever done....

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Time and Space

As if the most accomplished among you didn't have their own piercing doubts, fears, and worries; didn't have spells when they believed they were inadequate, lost, and dependent; hadn't at times felt downhearted, discouraged, and all alone in the world.

Yet still, Laurel, you know their names.
It's like time and space were made for you,
The Universe

Laurel, bar none.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

There is always a higher level...

Sometimes, Laurel, having more fun and being happier comes from looking for each in crazy, new places; instead of waiting for them to come from where you've found them before or where others are now finding them.

And I do mean crazy. Not just from the old standbys of travel, adventure, and romance, but from stretching, reaching, and growing. Accepting new responsibilities for your happiness, totally accepting others, and grasping even higher ideals. Philosophically taking yourself to places few have ever dared before.
Red hot smokin' love,
The Universe

There's always a higher level to go, Laurel, when it comes to happiness

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


A few words on perspective:

In all of time and space, Laurel, there is no challenge, pothole, mountain, chasm, hurdle, or foe larger than you. Not even close. Although if all you use to size them up are your physical senses... good luck!
The Universe

Objects in time and space, Laurel, appear larger, mucho, than they really are.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Find good in Another!

The more you find good in another, Laurel, the more you'll find good in yourself.

No matter who that "other" is.
Happy, happy Monday -
The Universe

Though honestly, Laurel, it's not like I hid it in the first place.

Friday, February 19, 2010

"What's the purpose of life?"

I'm often asked, Laurel, you know, being the Universe and all, "What's the purpose of life?" But truthfully, no matter who or what you are that's a pretty daunting question. So daunting, I'm invariably compelled to reply with a few questions of my own:

"Do you mean besides having fun? Besides learning that the world has always spun in the palm of your hand? Besides bicycles, long walks, and hot chocolate? Besides holding hands, giving hugs, and drying tears? Besides having a dream and making it come true? Besides February, Fridays, and Polar Bears? Besides witnessing miracles that only you are privy to? Besides sunrises, sunsets, and every rare and fleeting moment in between?"

Daunting is an understatement.
Happy Friday!!
The Universe

Oh, I forgot sauntering, Laurel!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Self Discipline

You're right, Laurel; too much self-discipline will discourage your playful, wandering imagination. It'll snuff out the flames of inspiration and creativity. And it'll weigh you down with routines and logic. It simply isn't "spiritual."

But, then, neither is too little.
The Universe

Just think what you know to think, say what you know to say, and do what you know to do, Laurel. Every day, lots and lots.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Spiritual Logistics

You might call it spiritual logistics, Laurel, but sometimes you have to move away, to get closer.

Or you might just call it weird.

Either way, it helps to remember it from time to time.
The Universe

And while we're at it, Laurel, sometimes you have to let go, to stake your claim. Be still, to move forward. Give, to receive. Cry, to feel the joy. Pretend, to make it real. Fake it, before you make it. And sometimes, oddly enough, you must first decide to feel their love, to find it was there all along.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Fearless flowers

A super-secret, double-reminder for all fearless flowers:

If you but soak up the sunlight you are given, drink each drop of water I send, and strive only to be yourself, life shall quicken in your roots, spirit shall raise you into the light, and your bloom will inspire the world.

You see, Laurel... I do all the hard stuff.
The Universe

Amazing, Laurel, how much you have in common with fearless flowers.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

We're guided

Think that it's fun, Laurel, that you're guided, and that all is well; that there's time, that life is easy, and that the best has yet to come.

Think that the reasons that elude you will one day catch up, that the lessons that have stumped you will one day bring joy, and that the sorrows that have crippled you will soon give you wings.

Think that you're important, that you cannot fail, and that happiness always returns.

And think that you're beautiful, Laurel.
I do.
The Universe

You can also think that today is Valentine's Day, Laurel, and that you are mine forever, if you don't mind the age difference.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

No such thing as bad news!

The good news, Laurel, is that really and truly there's never, ever been any such thing as bad news, and you'll see this one day, if you don't already.
Not that you weren't one heck of a rebounder when you thought there was...

The Universe

Laurel, think of the implications.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

All endings are happy endings!

All endings, Laurel, are happy endings.

If you even believe in endings.
The Universe

It's just a matter of staying with the story long enough, Laurel. And by the way, yours is about to get really, really exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

let your life be measured and thoughtful

Just as it's true of kissing, Laurel, let your life be measured and thoughtful.
The Universe

Actually, Laurel, your entire life is like one very long, very sweet kiss.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Your work has begun.

Ever have that feeling, Laurel, that your life, your true work, has not yet begun?

Ever feel like you're here for something more than you've yet identified? And that a billion eyes are upon you, just waiting for the prophecy to unfold?


And, have you also ever wanted something so badly that all your wishing, hoping, and praying kept you from seeing that you had it all along?
The Universe

Yeah, Laurel, like times three! Your work has begun. You know exactly what you're doing. And your fans think you're just delish.

Friday, February 5, 2010


When people see, for the first time, how everyone else on the planet is just another version of themselves - the same spark of God except for the pressures and desires unique to each life - some laugh, some cry, and some laugh until they cry.

May you live your life, Laurel, so that when this day dawns for you, you're among those who laugh and laugh and laugh.
Tallyho, ho, ho -
    The Universe

Now think about it, Laurel. Why would they laugh? Yeah, because they discovered that their profuse love for others turned out to be a profuse love for their own supercoolhappyselves.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Forget about who, how, and when....

First, Laurel, completely forget about who, how, and when. Then, decide only upon what you want, the end result, with as much clarity as possible. I'll shuffle the deck, the magic show will begin, and jokers won't be all that are wild.

Gosh, you're so much fun to watch when you read these things.
    The Universe

First, Laurel, completely forget about who, how, and when....

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

You've got that "it" quality

Every day, Laurel, someone new falls in love with you.

Sometimes many more.
You can't deny it,
    The Universe
You've got that "it" quality, Laurel... probably from me.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Anything worth having.....

Anything worth having, Laurel, is worth thinking about, every day, for 5 minutes, in a dark room, wearing a really huge smile.

Shamu slippers optional.
    The Universe

Anything worth having, Laurel, is worth visualizing.

Monday, February 1, 2010

All great accomplishments....

Have you noticed, Laurel, that all great accomplishments require 4 things:

A dream, action, patience, and a whole bunch of miracles?

The miracles part is on me.
1, 2, 3, Me -
    The Universe

You pretty much just need to show up, Laurel, dreaming, baby stepping, and loving the inevitability of it all.