If you like these notes, please visit "The Adventurers' Club".

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


True, you can't see what you can't see, Laurel, you can't hear what you can't hear, and you can't feel what you can't feel. But still, you can know that you're not alone, that you're adored, and that absolutely everything will continue to work out for your very best, as it always has.

It's built into your DNA - The Universe

Along with a little Angel ID code, Laurel... so I never get you mixed up with anyone else.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Nothing can stop me!

No matter how things appear, Laurel; no matter what you've overheard; and no matter how many people think otherwise... nothing can stop you, no one can hurt you, and you and I still have forever and ever.
The Universe

Oh what a scheme, Laurel, I done did dream.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Be proud of your magnificence.

If they hide their power, feign their innocence, and generally fret that their confidence will rub some folks the wrong way, it's no wonder misguided young souls will try to walk all over them. Huh, Laurel?

Be proud of your magnificence.
Loving you till the cows come home -
The Universe

At which point, I suppose, Laurel, the cows will come first

Friday, September 25, 2009

We Are Born Deserving....

I can assure you, Laurel, that the time will come when you, too, will ask, "In what fields did I sow seeds to deserve so very, very much?"

Then I'll remind you that the whole sowing-seeds-cause-and-effect concept was just a myth, because you were born deserving.

Hosanna in the Highest,
    The Universe

Yeah, should've told you a long time ago, Laurel. My bad.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Time and Space

You know, I never could have parted with you, Laurel, if time and space were real. Or even, for me, if they seemed real.  Sometimes I don't know how you do it.

Guess I just wanted you to know how I feel, and to remind you that they're not real.

    The Universe

Happily for me, Laurel, you are still here, and it's as if you're still gently swinging in that big, tree swing you're so fond of. Barefoot toes reaching for the sky through dappled shade one moment, then tucked beneath you the next, as I stand ever-ready to give you the occasional push, whenever you holler out, "higher."

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Moving Mountains

When you don't know what to do next, Laurel, sometimes it's because you've already done more than you give yourself credit for.

Hey, you don't want to make that mistake again, huh?

You rock -

The Universe

Every single day of your life, Laurel, you've moved mountains. And somehow I don't see this ever changing.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Love Yourself

I do believe that the single most important thing I could ever, ever share with you, Laurel, with regard to maximizing the health, harmony, and happiness in your life, not to mention expediting the manifestation of your heart's fondest desires, can be summed up in just one word:

Love yourself.

Okay, two words. Love yourself, Laurel.
I do -
    The Universe

Think of how easy you have it, Laurel.

Monday, September 21, 2009

We have the Whole World in our Hands

I dreamed of us again last night, Laurel. You were wearing your rabbit PJ's again.

And we were wondering about the consequences of a role reversal. You know, me as you and you as me, for a day or so. But you were right. I keep forgetting to hop... and you keep forgetting that the entire world is spinning in the palm of your hand.

Hop, hop - The Universe

Laurel, you could've told me you left chocolate in the pockets.

It's in the Eyes

Ever wondered why so many people, sometimes virtual strangers, tell you their deepest secrets, Laurel?

It's because when they look into your eyes, they see me.

And sharing their secrets with me, as you, reminds them that no matter what they have to say, my love is so much bigger.

We're quite the team -

The Universe

Go ahead, Laurel, ask me "H-o-w-w much bigger?"

Friday, September 18, 2009

Adventure Brings Challenges

Without challenge, Laurel, adventure is impossible.
The Universe

And you weren't having any of that, Laurel.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Masters Among Us

Indeed, Laurel, there are Masters among you. Scattered amongst the continents to shine their lights as brightly as possible, simply by being themselves, living mostly "ordinary" lives. Until, with enough of them walking the earth, at the deepest psychological levels, a tipping point will be reached so that all others will be raised ever higher into the light, simply for being in their midst, as if through osmosis.
Of course... there's always been the risk that these Masters, once immersed into a sea of limited thinkers, might mistaken their "ordinary" lives as simply ordinary lives, think they're simply one of the herd, and therefore not appreciate their unique perspectives, grasp their mission, or love themselves as they are no matter what others think, and the whole osmosis thing won't work.
Laurel, how you holding up? Loving yourself?
Just checking,
    The Universe
Laurel, I'm counting on you, to be you.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Old Souls Know....

The difference between an old soul and a young soul, Laurel, is known only by the old soul.
Whatever the heck that means,
    The Universe
Just kidding. I know. You do, too, right, Laurel? Whew....

Monday, September 14, 2009

A Super Star

From really far out in space, Laurel, do you know what you look like?
A star. A super star.
Love you like crazy glue,
The Universe
Sometimes you make these things so easy to write, Laurel.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Things are about to get Good!

It's exactly at times like these, Laurel, when the going gets tough, rumors are rampant, and people begin resisting change, that you know things are about to get really, really good.
You always could pick the right time, the right place, and the best jeans.
All eyes are upon you,
    The Universe
Better than even you have ever imagined, Laurel.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Step by Step

You don't take "baby steps" for the distance they cover, Laurel, but to put yourself within reach of life's magic.

Just like you don't hoist your sails to move the boat, but to put yourself within reach of the wind.
Hoist, baby, hoist, baby, 1, 2, 3, 4 -
The Universe

Just like you don't sing in the car to be heard, Laurel... Why do you do that?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Would you mind if we filmed you for our latest documentary, Laurel, called "Life Rocks"? It's a piece we're doing for the Angel Network here.

You are by far the most logical choice. Not just because your life already rocks, but because you came from behind to be who you are today, and because everyone here has long been whispering about the hotly anticipated arrival of your new new, faster, fancier, lighter laptop.....
The Universe

Last time you were so discussed in the unseen, Laurel, was when you landed your spaceship on top of Stonehenge, thinking it was a crop circle.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

It always works out!

Did you know, Laurel, that in your gorgeous little planet's entire history, there's never been a drought that didn't end? A storm that didn't clear? Lightning that didn't retreat? An earthquake that didn't still? A flood that didn't recede? Or a plague that wasn't, eventually, overwhelmed by the healthy?
Now, as a rule, I'm not into odds, statistics, or gambling, Laurel, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that something's going on down there; that the deck is clearly stacked; and that you've got friends in some very, very, very high places.
    The Universe
And, Laurel, that there's never been a dream bigger than its dreamer.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Move On

Young souls get angry at others. Old souls get angry at themselves.
But really wise souls, Laurel, have already turned the page.
Got forever and ever?
The Universe
No trifling of the past, Laurel, no matter how great, can tarnish the brilliance of eternity.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Life's Gifts

Resentment, anger, and impatience, Laurel, all have their place. Actually, they're absolutely priceless, revealing to those who feel them that there are still a few pieces of life's puzzle they've overlooked.


The Universe

Laurel, they're gifts, like everything else.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

We DO make a difference!

Laurel, do you know why dogs are so quick to wag their tails and cats are so quick to purr? Even the ones that have been lonely, abused, and betrayed?

Because, as is true of all animals, they were instilled with the distant awareness that no matter what the world shows them, they're still deeply loved and needed, that their presence alone has made a difference, and that in just the shake of a leg, seemingly without reason or rhyme, everything can FANTASTICALLY change for the better.

As is true of all people, except sometimes they tend to forget.


The Universe

Oh yeah, Laurel, they also instinctively believe in miracles.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

You get what you speak!

Sometimes, Laurel, even for me, predictions are tricky business. Really tricky.

But I have discovered that one of the very best ways of forecasting the future comes from listening to what people tell themselves, and their closest friends, in casual, conversational tones.

Shhhhhh.... Not that I eavesdrop,

The Universe

Laurel, you'd be amazed by how many incredibly accurate fortune tellers there are out there. At last count, almost 7 billion.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Only Good Things Happen to People!

When "bad" things happen to "good" people, Laurel, it's often because they want to become even better teachers, guides, and helpers to those precious souls who will one day need them to be their rock.

Plus, today's bad is always tomorrow's boon, no matter who you are, no matter what has happened, and no matter how weak the coffee was.


The Universe

Which kind of means, Laurel, that only good things happen to people....