You are the greatest, Laurel.
You surprise us every single day.
This is not a test.
You have nothing to prove.
The rest of the day, and your life, are on me.
The Universe
You are the greatest, Laurel.
You surprise us every single day.
This is not a test.
You have nothing to prove.
The rest of the day, and your life, are on me.
The Universe
Brilliant, civilization-changing ideas are a dime a dozen, Laurel. Physically taking action to implement them, however, beginning with baby steps that seem to accomplish very little, is what gets the crowds here screaming like raving lunatics.
The Universe
The opportunity to find happiness dances within every moment, beats within every heart, and grooves within every occurrence, situation, and event. Yet, Laurel, it's amazing how many lifetimes it usually takes for someone to "get down on it" and pump up the volume. Feel it? All day long, |
Go on. Give it to yourself without all the rules.
Your boss, The Universe
You are now the greatest, Laurel, you have ever been. Which makes me, the greatest I've ever been. Wasn't this whole thing a great idea?
The Universe
If you can understand, dear Laurel, that the 3 greatest obstacles between you and the life of your wildest dreams are actually imaginary, a product of your mind alone, I do believe we'll blow the wheels clear off this popsicle stand.
The Universe
An unmistakable trait of every true genius, Laurel, is their persistent awareness of how much more there is to know. And an unmistakable trait of every true sage is their persistent awareness of how much more there is to love. Loving you more today than yesterday, The Universe |
You only ever have to do what you're capable of doing, Laurel, because by design, no matter how things appear, you'll always have enough time to do it, you'll do even better than you would have thought, and life will get even richer than you could have imagined. Chic-a-boom, The Universe |
In the end, Laurel, all you have are memories, and usually the ones you have with friends are the ones you treasure most. I got you, babe - The Universe Not that there's really an "end," Laurel. And "usually" means there are indeed exceptions - like dancing in the dark, walking in a park, and some of those really loud sneezes. |
If you had been born knowing how beautiful, deserving, and important you truly are, Laurel, by this time in your life you'd probably be worth billions of dollars, have thousands of friends, and own businesses around the world, but then... you wouldn't be anything like the Laurel Stone we know and love today. And believe me, when I say "we," there are a lot of us. All in favor... The Universe |
It's supposed to be easy,
The Universe
Very simply, Laurel, the more that you accept responsibility for, the more power you have. Doesn't that rock? Love, The Universe |