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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Granting Wishes

Dearest Laurel, I was about to wish that your every dream for 2009 come true. That you find yourself surrounded by friends, laughter, and good times. I almost wished that your every cup runneth over financially, romantically, spiritually, and creatively. That good health be your faithful companion, peace your guarded ally, and love your perpetual guide. When suddenly, it dawned on me that as an infinite, powerful, fun-loving gladiator of the Universe, with eternity before you and the power of your thoughts to help shape it... it's you Laurel Stone, who will be granting wishes this year.

    The Universe

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Thoughts become Things

Laurel, it's easy. Your thoughts become things. Don't fight it. Don't think there's anything else. Don't entertain the false premises of fate, luck, or a God who judges, withholds, or decides. You decide. You manifest. You rule. This is why you are here. This is what you came to discover. You were born to experience your absolute dominion over every flimsy, malleable illusion of time and space; to have, do, and be anything.

Truthfully, it couldn't be any easier. All you have to do is think of what you want and refuse to deviate from that thought. This will, invariably, set you into motion, stir up the magic, and unleash the full force, power, and majesty of a Universe conspiring on your behalf.

It's worth everything you've got, Laurel. Be strong, be vigilant, take action, and the Kingdom of Heaven shall appear at your very feet.

I've got your back,
    The Universe

Monday, December 29, 2008

2009 – Not just another year!

2009, Laurel, will not be just another year.

It's the absolute richest I've ever imagined, with the most possibilities I've ever created, for the coolest people I've ever known, to do the greatest things that have ever been done.
Don't feel any pressure.

Let's do this,
    The Universe

Friday, December 26, 2008

Magic in the Air

Oh yes, Laurel, yes indeed. Today you are going to be enveloped by the magic. It will be in the air you breathe, the sounds you hear, and the sights you see. Play off the moments in-between the moments, look to the unseen, and give thanks.
Feel it, enjoy it, but most important, use it!

It's already begun,
    The Universe

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Reason for the Season

If it's not yet obvious to you, the real reason for this season is you, Laurel. A more perfect child of the Universe has never lived. Until now, only a celebration cloaked in myth and mystery could hint at your sublime heritage and divine destiny. You are life's prayer of becoming and its answer. The first light at the dawn of eternity, drawn from the ether, so that the Universe might know its depths, discover its heights, and frolic in endless seas of blessed emotion.

A pioneer into illusion, an adventurer into the unknown, and a lifter of veils. Courageous, heroic and exalted by billions in the unseen.

To give beyond reason. To care beyond hope. To love without limit. To reach, stretch, and dream, in spite of your fears. These are the hallmarks of divinity - traits of the immortal - your badges of honor. Wear them with a pride as great as the unspeakable pride we feel for you.

Your light has illuminated darkened paths, your gaze has lifted broken spirits, and already your life has changed the destiny of all who will ever follow.

This is the time of year we celebrate Laurel Stone.

Bowing before Greatness,
    The Universe

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Enjoy Receiving

Hubba, hubba, hubba, Laurel! Isn't this a fun time of year? Lights everywhere, mistletoe, eggnog... and all the receiving!
Indeed, because when you receive, not only do you affirm your own worthiness and open the way for more, but you make possible even greater joys for the giver.

Tallyho, ho, ho,
    The Universe

Monday, December 22, 2008

The Fun in Achieving

Jambo Laurel, this is the Universe! The all-powerful, all-knowing, do whatever the heck I want, how I want, when I want, Universe. Yes, the very same Universe that can give you all that your heart desires... but won't.

Because that would take ALL the FUN out of it for you.

Trust me,
    The Universe

Friday, December 19, 2008

Lean on the Universe

Oh, yes indeed, Laurel, another holiday season is upon you, and so it is here, so I bet you're wondering what I'd like as a present. Right?!

Well, since there's already peace on earth (for those who look), since there's already goodwill toward all (mine and yours for starters), and because Laurel Stone's already in the world (took long enough), how about, if I may ask, we talk a little more often? You lean on me a bit more? You expect a few more miracles? And we never stop to look back?

Is that asking too much?

I'm there anyway,
    The Universe

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Nothing is Ever Lost

Laurel, nothing is ever lost. Not time; for what seems to have passed, lives on in the wisdom of future decisions. Not money; for what seems to have been spent, was only invested. And not love; for what seems to have vanished, has only moved so close you must look within your heart to see it.

Here and now, Laurel, whether or not it's obvious, you are the best you've ever been.

So proud,
    The Universe

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The World of Illusions

I can imagine that from your perspective, it must seem like some truly awful things happen in time and space. So if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to weigh in.

Laurel, you live in a world of illusions. A world that springs from a much deeper and far greater reality. And while at times the illusions are indeed ugly, with your physical senses you only see the tip of the iceberg. If you could see the whole, you'd discover that the unpleasantness was only the tiniest piece of a most spectacular puzzle that was created with order, intelligence, and absolute love. You'd see that contrary to appearances, in the grandest scheme of things, nothing is ever lost, no one becomes less, and setbacks are always temporary. And you'd understand that no matter what has happened, everyone lives again, everyone laughs again, and everyone loves again, even more richly than before.

Hubba, hubba -
    The Universe

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


For those who don't yet understand themselves, Laurel, it's impossible that they might understand you.  Impossible.

I understand you,
    The Universe

Monday, December 15, 2008

Lighten Up

You don't have to take everything so seriously, Laurel. Reality isn't black and white, answers don't have to be yes or no, and absolutely nothing has to happen today. Act when you're ready. Be led by your feelings. And the next time someone wants to fit you into a mold, just tell 'em that your jeans are in the wash, your angel's at the mall, and Oprah's on the other line.

Fuzzy as dice -
The Universe

Reality isn't Black and White

You don't have to take everything so seriously, Laurel. Reality isn't black and white, answers don't have to be yes or no, and absolutely nothing has to happen today. Act when you're ready. Be led by your feelings. And the next time someone wants to fit you into a mold, just tell 'em that your jeans are in the wash, your angel's at the mall, and Oprah's on the other line.

Fuzzy as dice -
    The Universe

Friday, December 12, 2008

Let's Help

While I would actually LOVE to help every living soul on the planet remember who they were in the 4th century, why the pyramids were really built, and how their past beliefs shaped their present manifestations, I'd infinitely prefer to help them bust a move here and now, learn some new tricks, get a new, faster, fancier, lighter laptop., and live their dreams. Which, incidentally, is the only reason anyone ever chooses to come back.

Let's do this,
    The Universe

Listen to your Heart

Lots of things don't make sense at first, Laurel, when only the physical senses are used.

What does your heart say?

    The Universe

Living your Dreams

While I would actually LOVE to help every living soul on the planet remember who they were in the 4th century, why the pyramids were really built, and how their past beliefs shaped their present manifestations, I'd infinitely prefer to help them bust a move here and now, learn some new tricks, get a new, faster, fancier, lighter laptop., and live their dreams. Which, incidentally, is the only reason anyone ever chooses to come back.

Let's do this,
    The Universe

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Life is Good

Right now, Laurel, imagine the mansion of your wildest dreams. Happy, shiny, and filled with laughing friends who are carrying you through the giant double doors, across themarble entry hall, marching you up and down the circular stairway on their shoulders. A live band blasting out back by the dock, a water polo match in the pool that was recently spiked with bubble bath, the paparazzi flying in low on helicopters to catch just a glimpse of you. Speed boats, sailboats, and so many jet skis whizzing around that your neighbors think James Bond, Kanye West, or Beyoncé, must have been invited...

And then suddenly, when you think it just couldn't get any better, the doorbell GONGS, and everyone falls silent.

Yes!! Pizza guy!!

You really know how to live -
The Universe

In your Wildest Dreams

Right now, Laurel, imagine the mansion of your wildest dreams. Happy, shiny, and filled with laughing friends who are carrying you through the giant double doors, across the marble entry hall, marching you up and down the circular stairway on their shoulders. A live band blasting out back by the dock, a water polo match in the pool that was recently spiked with bubble bath, the paparazzi flying in low on helicopters to catch just a glimpse of you. Speed boats, sailboats, and so many jet skis whizzing around that your neighbors think James Bond, Kanye West, or Beyoncé, must have been invited...

And then suddenly, when you think it just couldn't get any better, the doorbell GONGS, and everyone falls silent.

Yes!! Pizza guy!!

You really know how to live -
    The Universe

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Angels are around you

Should you ever hear your name being called, Laurel, only to spin around and see absolutely no one... it's most likely one of us, in the unseen, who misses you so much we've begun following you around, talking as if you can hear us, waving our arms around excitedly as we speak, and getting so carried away that we've ended up volunteering you for "Dancing with the Angels" by blurting your name out so loud, it broke the time-space barrier. Oh my!

The Universe

Dancing with the Angels

Should you ever hear your name being called, Laurel, only to spin around and see absolutely no one... it's most likely one of us, in the unseen, who misses you so much we've begun following you around, talking as if you can hear us, waving our arms around excitedly as we speak, and getting so carried away that we've ended up volunteering you for "Dancing with the Angels" by blurting your name out so loud, it broke the time-space barrier. Oh my!

    The Universe

Monday, December 8, 2008


Know how to tell which of your new friends, old friends, and former friends actually understand you?

Easy, Laurel, the ones who still love you.

I still love you,
    The Universe

Friday, December 5, 2008

Change for the Better

If, once upon a time, Laurel, earlier in your life, suddenly and without warning, an event, a person, or some unexpected good news suddenly changed everything for the better, it can only mean one thing...

Chances are astronomically high that it will happen again.

Especially since you're even cooler now.

I'm just sayin' -
    The Universe

Thursday, December 4, 2008


It's like, the more you give yourself to do, Laurel, the more time you're given to do it.

    The Universe

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

There is always a bright side…

Sometimes, when you're feeling your lowest, Laurel, the real you is summoned.

And you understand, maybe for the first time ever, how grand you are, because you discover that vulnerable doesn't mean powerless, scared doesn't mean lacking in beauty, and uncertainty doesn't mean that you're lost.

These realizations alone will set you on a journey that will take you far beyond what you used to think of as extraordinary.

There is always a bright side.

    The Universe

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Imaginary Me

Let's find a new adjective for you, Laurel...

How about, supercoolhappylovething?

Yeah, a bit clumsy.
How about, immaculate?
Yeah, ahh, tricky.
So, how about just, adored!?
Yeah, not new.
Last idea, Laurel... imaginary.
Oh, that's really good.

    The Universe

Monday, December 1, 2008

We Touch Lives

It was late. The trail was growing cold, and someone down the alley was whistling "My Way," when suddenly, I just knew...

Everything you've ever done, Laurel, has increased the love.

Even when you didn't know it.

Just look at all the lives you've touched -
    The Universe